MicroStrategy ONE


Arguments are the input data used in the calculation of a function. Arguments can be numbers, text, or logical values (such as TRUE or FALSE) as well as constants (such as 1, 2, 3, or NULL). They can be lists of values or variables referencing lists of values.

Arguments in MicroStrategy are most often references to lists of values. In function syntax, the arguments are enclosed in parentheses (). If the argument is a reference to a MicroStrategy object, and the object name is alphanumeric or contains multiple words, it is also contained in brackets [ ]. Depending on the function selected and the object being created, in a MicroStrategy environment the input could comprise one or more of the following objects:

  • Attributes: Attributes are most often used to group fact data. They are included in reports to define the level of detail. Typically non-numeric, some common examples of attributes are Year, Category, and Region.

  • Facts: Facts are the most commonly used input for metrics. They are numerical lists obtained from specific columns in a fact table. Examples of facts include Units Sold, Units Received, and Discount.

  • Metrics: Metrics represent calculations performed on data and can themselves be used as input for further calculation by a function. Examples of metrics include Percent Growth, Profit Margin, and Sell-through Percentage.

  • Columns: Column data is used when creating attribute form expressions and fact expressions. The expressions for these objects define how column data is retrieved from the warehouse. Examples of columns include TOT_DOLLAR_SALES, TOT_COST, and CUST_CITY_ID.