MicroStrategy ONE
Custom Group Editor: Custom Group Definition pane
The Custom Group Definition pane of the Custom Group Editor allows you to define custom group elements, which are sets of filtering and banding qualifications. Qualifications are the actual conditions that must be met for data to be included in the custom group element. Examples include "Region = Northeast" or "Revenue > $1 million".
The Custom Group Definition pane displays the custom group elements for the custom group. This area allows you to:
Add custom group elements.
See custom group element headers and their associated qualifications.
Access the Custom Group Options pane by double-clicking [Add Qualification].
[Add Qualification] is available after you create a custom group element.
Drag objects directly from the Object Browser to begin creating a qualification. The appropriate qualification pane for the qualification type opens. For example, if you drag and drop an attribute, the Attribute Qualification pane opens.
Each custom group element is identified by a header, or name. By default, they are labeled Custom Group Element1, Custom Group Element2, and so on, although you can rename them since the names can be displayed on reports.
Once you create qualifications, you can edit them. If you create multiple qualifications, you can move them, indent them, rename them, and change the operators that join them. You can use the Custom Group Editor menu or toolbar, or right-click a qualification or operator, to do these.