MicroStrategy ONE

Examples of link URLs created manually

The following examples show the different types of prompt answers, starting with a simple sample that does not include any prompts. The examples include step-by-step instructions to create the links, but assume a familiarity with report and document creation. For information on creating documents, see Creating documents. For details on creating reports, refer to Designing a report.

These examples use data from the MicroStrategy Tutorial. The report used throughout these examples is Revenue vs. Forecast, located in the Public Objects\Reports\Subject Areas\Sales and Profitability Analysis folder. It is a prompted report, asking for Region, Category, and Quarter. It shows revenues versus forecasted revenues. You will create copies of this report and modify them for use in different types of document drilling. All the documents created in these examples should be saved in the Public Objects\Reports folder or a subdirectory so that the documents are available when you run MicroStrategy Web.

The examples use the .NET URL syntax, that is, MicroStrategy/asp/Main.aspx. If you work in a J2EE environment instead, replace it with the correct syntax, as indicated in Base URL syntax. Also, replace localhost in the URL syntax with the name of your Web server; localhost is used when the MicroStrategy Web Server is located on your own machine.

Before starting the examples, create a copy of the Revenue vs. Forecast report and modify it as described below.

Prerequisite: To set up the Revenue vs. Forecast (subtotals) report

  1. Copy the report Revenue vs. Forecast report. Rename the copy Revenue vs. Forecast (subtotals).

  2. Open Revenue vs. Forecast (subtotals) in the Report Editor.

  3. Drag and drop Subcategory from the report template to the Report Objects.

  4. Add subtotals by region, which will allow you to easily compare the document and the report:

    1. Select Subtotals from the Data menu.

    2. Click Advanced.

    3. In the Subtotals list, select Total.

    4. Select Group by.

    5. Click Add.

    6. Select Region, then click OK.

    7. Click OK, then OK again to return to the report.

  5. Execute the report, keeping the default prompt answers.

  6. Save and close the report. The Save Options dialog box opens.

  7. Select Prompted to be reprompted when the report is rerun.

  8. Select Only filter will be prompted.

  9. Clear the Set the current prompt answers to be the default prompt answers check box.

  10. Click OK.

  11. Note the report ID for this report:

    1. Right-click the report in MicroStrategy Developer and select Properties.

    2. Note the ID, then click OK.

Now that you have created the report, choose from the examples listed below:

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