MicroStrategy ONE

Base URL syntax

Before you begin

The variable described below is a part of a manual link URL. For an overview of creating link URLs manually and a complete procedure, see Creating link URLs manually.

The base URL syntax, represented by MSTRWebURL in the link URL, is the URL path to the Web application's main controller. Depending on the environment in which MicroStrategy Web is deployed, replace this part of the URL syntax with one of the following:

  • for .NET


  • for J2EE


If you need to use both environments currently, or may need to use both in the future, it is generally better to use the .NET version of the URL path when designing links. You can modify a configuration file shipped with Web Universal to allow the J2EE implementation to accept the .NET URL syntax. For more information on performing the file modification, see the Web Software Development Kit, available in the MicroStrategy Developer Library, which is part of the MicroStrategy SDK.

Replace Webserver with the name of your MicroStrategy Web Server.

If a MicroStrategy Web session does not exist when a user executes the document, session information is required. This can occur when a user executes a document through the URL API or accesses it from an external website. To provide session information, add the server name and project name to the MicroStrategy Web URL syntax, as shown below:


You can replace servername with the auto text code {&SERVERNAME}, which supplies the name of the server at run time. Similarly, you can replace projectname with the auto text code {&PROJECT}. Replace username and password with the user name/login and password for that login, respectively, for the session. This syntax creates a new session using the parameters provided.

Session parameters are used in the following examples:



For more information on session parameters, see the Web Software Development Kit, available in the MicroStrategy Developer Library, which is part of the MicroStrategy SDK. In the Web SDK, information on the URL API is located in the Customizing MicroStrategy Web section, in Part I: Fundamentals of Customization.

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