MicroStrategy ONE

Configure Localization in Android

We provide a more generic SDK solution to override a specific locale to another specific locale or override any locale to another specific locale.

In order to confgure localization, perform the following steps:

  1. Set up a MicroStrategy Android SDK environment.
  2. Download the SDK zip file and import it to Android Studio.
  3. Go to appres > values folder, and create a new file named with bool.xml.
  4. In the text editor, add following values:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <bool name="override_locale_for_data_format">true</bool>
  5. Go to appres > values > string.xml, add the following values:

    <string name="source_format_locale">[source language code]</string>
    <string name="target_format_locale">[target language code]</string>
  6. Save the changes and compile new apk.
  • You can refer to Lingoes.net for a list of language codes.
  • The [source language code] MUST match your device’s system language, otherwise it will not be effective.
  • If you leave empty for [source language code], then any locale user set on device would be override by target locale.
  • If you have not defined [source language code], the target local will only take effect when device locale is en_US.
  • Date and number formatting will be overridden by target locale.
  • All interface strings still reflect language set on device, would not be overridden by target locale.