MicroStrategy ONE
Upgrade MicroStrategy Mobile for Android
Instructions for upgrading MicroStrategy Mobile depend on which version of MicroStrategy Mobile for Android you are currently using.
Detailed instructions for each upgrade are provided below:
Upgrade from 10.11
- Update to the latest stable version of Android Studio.
- Download the MicroStrategyMobile.zip project for the latest version and unzip it.
Copy the folders listed below from the previous project and use them to entirely replace the corresponding folders in the newly downloaded MicroStrategy project.
- assets/fonts
- assets/pins
- res-raw, res-raw-large
- res/xml
- res/drawable*
Merge strings in the files listed below into the corresponding files in the newly downloaded project.
- values/colors.xml
- values/dimens.xml
- values/strings.xml
Review the documentation for the customizations listed below and make the required changes.
- Optionally, check What's New for new features for the current release, to see how they may impact existing customizations.
Upgrade from 11.0
- Update to the latest stable version of Android Studio.
- Download the MicroStrategyMobile.zip project for the latest version and unzip it.
Copy the folders listed below from the previous project and use them to entirely replace the corresponding folders in the newly downloaded project.
- assets/fonts
- assets/pins
- res-raw, res-raw-large
- res/xml
- res/drawable*
- res/values*
- res/layout, res/layout-port
- Optionally, check What's New for new features for the current release, to see how they may impact existing customizations.