MicroStrategy ONE

Remote Repository for Windows and Linux

MicroStrategy recommends you leverage the embedded repository. However, if you prefer to use a previously installed MicroStrategy repository or your own PostgreSQL database, you have the option to utilize a remote repository. To help reduce deployment complexity, MicroStrategy includes a remote repository that can support the following products:

This remote repository allows users to centralize all their information in one database server without having multiple instances running. Users can leverage their own PostgreSQL database or an existing MicroStrategy repository during installation.

For a Fresh Install

By default, MicroStrategy Repository is checked as a component when installing Platform Analytics and/or Collaboration server. To use an existing MicroStrategy repository or your own PostgreSQL database:

  1. Deselect MicroStrategy Repository as a component you want to install, to prevent another instance being installed by MicroStrategy. Click Next.
  2. To use a remote repository, provide the connectivity information to be used. Click Next.
  3. If you are connecting to your own PostgreSQL database, the connection and permissions to create the database are validated by the installer.
  4. If you prefer to use an existing MicroStrategy repository for Platform Analytics and/or Collaboration server, a pop-up message appears. Click Use Existing.

    If there is a connection issue, the installer prompts you to provide the correct host, port, username, and password.

For an Upgrade Install

By default, MicroStrategy Repository is checked as a component when upgrading Platform Analytics and/or Collaboration server.

Upgrading from MicroStrategy 10 to MicroStrategy 2019

To use an existing MicroStrategy repository or your own PostgreSQL database:

  1. Ensure MicroStrategy Repository is unselected and click Next.
  2. To use a remote repository, provide the connectivity information to be used and click Next.

    If you have a MongoDB Repository and want to keep the existing data, you must migrate the data to the PostgreSQL database. Use the Database Administration Tool to create any necessary backup before proceeding. See Repository Administration to learn more about the Database Administration Tool.

  3. Once the backup is complete, provide the connectivity information to be used and click Next.

Upgrading from MicroStrategy 2020

To use an existing MicroStrategy repository or your own PostgreSQL database, Collaboration server and/or Platform Analytics must be uninstalled before you install MicroStrategy 2021 or MicroStrategy ONE.