MicroStrategy ONE

Linux Install Wizard - Missing Requirements

If there are system requirements that are not met to install the MicroStrategy products you selected, a 'Missing Requirements' list appears. Review the list of requirements to determine if you can proceed with the installation.

If you are missing installation requirements, the uninstalled dependency is marked as 'Missing' and the Next button is disabled. Without exiting the installer, go back to change the selected components or install the missing components. Click the Recheck button to determine if all the installation requirements have been met and click Next to proceed.

Starting in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 4, the installer allows system administrators to enable core file generation. In the event of a crash, core files are automatically generated for easier troubleshooting. See KB13610 to learn more about configuring the correct system settings to ensure core files for the MicroStrategy Intelligence server are created by the Linux operating system.

If you are installing MicroStrategy Intelligence Server on Linux, you may see a warning about the value for the Linux kernel setting vm.max_map_count. For information about this setting and the recommendation for its value, see Software Requirements and Recommendations.