MicroStrategy ONE

How to Configure the SurveyMonkey Connector

  1. Log into your SurveyMonkey account.
  2. Click Add a New App.
  3. Create the app and record the Client ID and Client Secret listed on the Overview page.
  4. On the Settings page, enter the OAuth Redirect URL.

    For example, https://\[HOST_NAME\]:\[PORT_NUMBER\] /CommunityConnectors/redirect.

    The HOST_NAME is the name of the machine you have the Community Connectors application installed on.

    The PORT_NUMBER is the port number of your Web server.

  5. In the Scopes section, enable at least one of the following scopes:
    • View Users
    • View Collectors

    • View Surveys
    • View Responses
    • View Response Details
  6. Open the Connect to Your Data dialog in Workstation and hover over SurveyMonkey.

  7. Click Edit Connector.
  8. Enter the Client ID and Client Secret.
  9. In Callback URL, enter the redirect URI you used to register the app.
  10. Click Save.