MicroStrategy ONE

VLDB Settings

These settings can be changed in the VLDB Properties dialog box for either reports or the database instance. For information about accessing these properties, see the page reference for each property in the table below. For complete details about all VLDB properties, see SQL Generation and Data Processing: VLDB Properties.



See page

Intermediate row limit

The maximum number of rows that can be in an intermediate table used by Intelligence Server. This setting overrides the project's default Number of intermediate result rows setting

Results Processing

Results Set Row Limit

The maximum number of rows that can be in a report result set. This setting overrides the project's default Number of report result rows set.

Results Processing

SQL time out (per pass)

The amount of time, in seconds, that any SQL pass can execute on the data warehouse. This can be set at the database instance and report levels.

Limit a Report's SQL Per Pass

Maximum SQL size

The maximum size (in bytes) that the SQL statement can be. This can be set at the database instance level.

Limit a Report's SQL Per Pass