MicroStrategy ONE

Project Configuration Editor

These governors can be set per project. To access them, right-click the project, select Project Configuration, then select the category as noted below.

Project definition: Advanced category



See page

Maximum number of elements to display

The maximum number of attribute elements that can be being retrieved from the data warehouse at one time.

Limiting the Number of Elements Displayed and Cached at a Time

Governing Rules: Default: Result sets category in Project Configuration



See page

Intelligence Server Elapsed Time - Interactive reports (sec) The amount of time that an ad-hoc report request can take before it is canceled. This includes time spent resolving prompts, waiting for autoprompts, waiting in the job queue, executing SQL, analytical calculation, and preparing report results. Limit the Maximum Report Execution Time
Intelligence Server Elapsed Time - Scheduled reports (sec) The amount of time that a scheduled report request can take before it is canceled. This includes time spent resolving prompts, waiting for autoprompts, waiting in the job queue, executing SQL, analytical calculation, and preparing report results. Limit the Maximum Report Execution Time
Wait time for prompt answers (sec) Specify the maximum time to wait for a prompt to be answered by the user in seconds. If the user fails to answer the prompt in the specified time limit, the job is cancelled. By default, this is set to -1. Limit the Maximum Report Execution Time
Warehouse execution time (sec) Specify the maximum time for warehouse jobs to be executed by Intelligence Server. Jobs lasting longer than this setting are cancelled. A value of 0 or -1 indicates infinite time. By default, this is set to -1. Limit the Maximum Report Execution Time
Final Result Rows - Intelligent Cubes The maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for an Intelligent Cube request. This setting is applied by the Query Engine when retrieving the results from the database. This is the default for all reports in a project and can be overridden for individual reports by using the VLDB settings. Results Processing
Final Result Rows - Data marts The maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a data mart report request. This setting is applied by the Query Engine when retrieving the results from the database. This is the default for all reports in a project and can be overridden for individual reports by using the VLDB settings. Results Processing
Final Result Rows - Document/Dashboard views Specify the maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a document or dashboard request. When retrieving the results from the database, the Query Engine applies this setting. If the number of rows in a document or dashboard exceeds the specified limit, an error is displayed and no results are shown for the document or dashboard. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. By default, this is set to 50000000. Results Processing
Final Result Rows - All other reports The maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a standard report request. This setting is applied by the Query Engine when retrieving the results from the database. This is the default for all reports in a project and can be overridden for individual reports by using the VLDB settings. Results Processing
All intermediate result rows The maximum number of rows that can be in an intermediate result set used for analytical processing in Intelligence Server. This is the default for all reports in a project and can be overridden by using the VLDB settings for individual reports. Results Processing

All intermediate rows - Document/Dashboard views

The maximum number of rows for intermediate results. The default value is 32,000.

Results Processing

All element browsing result rows The maximum number of rows that can be retrieved from the data warehouse for an element request. Results Processing
Memory consumption during SQL generation (MB) The maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) that Intelligence Server can use for SQL generation. The default is -1, which indicates no limit. Limit a Report's SQL Per Pass
Memory consumption during data fetching (MB) The maximum amount of memory (in megabytes) that Intelligence Server can use for importing data. The default is 2048 MB (2 GB). Results Processing
MicroStrategy (.mstr) file size (MB) Limits the file size, in megabytes, when downloading a dashboard from MicroStrategy Web. If a dashboard is larger than the specified file size, an error is displayed that provides the current limit, and the dashboard is not downloaded. Additionally, this setting applies to dashboards sent through Distribution Services. If a dashboard is larger than the specified size, the dashboard is not sent. A value of 0 prevents the ability to download a dashboard from Web and to distribute a dashboard through Distribution Services. By default, this is set to 25. The maximum .mstr file size is 2047 MB. Best Practices for Using Distribution Services

Governing Rules: Default: Jobs category in Project Configuration



See page

Jobs per user account

The maximum number of concurrent jobs per user account and project.

Limit the Number of Jobs Per User Session and Per User Account

Jobs per user session

The maximum number of concurrent jobs a user can have during a session.

Limit the Number of Jobs Per User Session and Per User Account

Executing jobs per user

The maximum number of concurrent jobs a single user account can have executing in the project. If this condition is met, additional jobs are placed in the queue until executing jobs finish.

Limit the Number of Executing Jobs Per User and Project

Jobs per project - interactive

The maximum number of concurrent ad-hoc jobs that the project can process at a time.

Limit the Number of Jobs Per Project

Jobs per project - scheduled

The maximum number of concurrent scheduled jobs that the project can process at a time.

Limit the Number of Jobs Per Project

Jobs per project

The maximum number of concurrent jobs that the project can process at a time.

Limit the Number of Jobs Per Project

Governing Rules: Default: User sessions category in Project Configuration



See page

User sessions per project

The maximum number of user sessions that are allowed in the project. When the limit is reached, users other than the Administrator cannot log in.

Governing Concurrent Users

Concurrent interactive project sessions per user

The maximum number of concurrent sessions per user.

Governing Concurrent Users

Governing Rules: Default: Subscriptions category in Project Configuration



See page

Maximum History List subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for delivery to the History List.

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum Cache Update subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for updating caches.

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum email subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for delivery to an email address (Distribution Services only).

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum file subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for delivery to a file location (Distribution Services only).

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum print subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for delivery to a printer (Distribution Services only).

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum Mobile subscriptions per user

The maximum number of reports or documents to which a user can be subscribed for delivery to a Mobile device (MicroStrategy Mobile only).

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum FTP subscriptions per user The maximum number of reports/documents that the user can subscribe to, to be delivered to an FTP location, at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. By default, this is set to -1.

Managing Subscriptions

Maximum Personal View subscriptions per user The maximum number of personal views that can be created by URL sharing. A value of -1 indicates no limit. By default, this is set to -1.

Managing Subscriptions

Governing Rules: Default: Import Data category in Project Configuration



See page

Maximum file size (MB)

The maximum size for a file to be imported for use as a data source. Files larger that this value cannot be opened during data import.

Defining Limits for Intelligent Cubes Created using the Import Data Feature

Maximum quota per user (MB)

The maximum size of all data import cubes for each individual user.

Defining Limits for Intelligent Cubes Created using the Import Data Feature

Caching: Result Caches: Storage category in Project Configuration



See page

Datasets - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The maximum amount of memory reserved for the creation and storage of report and dataset caches. This setting should be configured to at least the size of the largest cache file, or that report will not be cached.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Datasets - Maximum number of caches

The maximum number of report and dataset caches that the project can have at a time.

Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020 Update 1, this governing setting is being retired. It will remain available, but the setting will not be enforced if set below the default value of 10000.

Managing Result Caches

Formatted Documents - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The maximum amount of memory reserved for the creation and storage of document caches. This setting should be configured to be at least the size of the largest cache file, or that report will not be cached.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Formatted Documents - Maximum number of caches

The maximum number of document caches that the project can have at a time.

Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020 Update 1, this governing setting is being retired. It will remain available, but the setting will not be enforced if set below the default value of 100000.

Managing Result Caches

RAM swap multiplier

The amount of memory that is swapped to disk, relative to the size of the cache being swapped into memory. For example, if the RAM swap multiplier setting is 2 and the requested cache is 80 Kbytes, 160 Kbytes are swapped from memory to disk.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Maximum RAM for report cache index (%)

This setting determines what percentage of the amount of memory specified in the Maximum RAM usage limits can be used for result cache lookup tables.


Caching: Result caches: Maintenance category in Project Configuration



See page

Never expire caches

Determines whether caches automatically expire.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Cache duration (Hours)

The amount of time that a result cache remains valid. The default value is 24 hours.

Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020 Update 1, this governing setting is being retired. This setting will no longer affect the Document cache's lifetime, but will still apply to the Report cache lifetime.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Do not Apply Automatic Expiration Logic for reports containing dynamic dates

Select this check box for report caches with dynamic dates to expire in the same way as other report caches.

Configuring Result Cache Settings

Caching: Auxiliary Caches: Objects category in Project Configuration



See page

Server - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The amount of memory that Intelligence Server allocates for object caching.

Summary Table of Object Caching Settings

Client - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The amount of memory that Developer allocates for object caching.

Summary Table of Object Caching Settings

Caching: Auxiliary Caches: Elements category in Project Configuration



See page

Server - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The amount of memory that Intelligence Server allocates for element caching.

Summary Table of Element Cache Settings

Client - Maximum RAM usage (MBytes)

The amount of memory that Developer allocates for object caching.

Summary Table of Element Cache Settings

Caching: Subscription Execution category in Project Configuration



See page

Re-run history list and mobile subscriptions against the warehouse

Causes new subscriptions to create caches or update existing caches by default when a report or document is executed and that report/document is subscribed to the History List or a Mobile device.

Managing Scheduled Administration Tasks

Re-run file, email, print, or FTP subscriptions against the warehouse

Causes new subscriptions to create caches or update existing caches by default when a report or document is executed and that report/document is subscribed to a file, email, or print device.

Managing Scheduled Administration Tasks

Do not create or update matching caches

Prevents subscriptions from creating or updating caches by default.

Managing Scheduled Administration Tasks

Keep document available for manipulation for History List subscriptions only

Retains a document or report for later manipulation that was delivered to the History List.

Managing Scheduled Administration Tasks

Intelligent Cubes: General category in Project Configuration



See page

Maximum RAM Usage (MBytes)

The maximum amount of memory used on Intelligence Server by Intelligent Cubes for this project.

Defining Memory Limits for Intelligent Cubes

Maximum number of cubes

The maximum number of Intelligent Cubes that can be loaded onto Intelligence Server for this project.

Beginning with MicroStrategy 2020 Update 1, this governing setting is being retired. It will remain available, but the setting will not be enforced if set below the default value of 100000.

Defining Memory Limits for Intelligent Cubes

Maximum cube size allowed for download (MB) Defines the maximum cube size, in megabytes, that can be downloaded from Intelligent Server. Additionally, this value is used by Distribution Services when sending a .MSTR file by email.  

Maximum % growth of an Intelligent Cube due to indexes

Defines the maximum that indexes are allowed to add to the Intelligent Cube’s size, as a percentage of the original size.


Cube growth check frequency (in mins)

Defines, in minutes, how often the Intelligent Cube’s size is checked and, if necessary, how often the least-used indexes are dropped.