MicroStrategy ONE

Control defaults for document sections

A control default is a set of formats that is applied to a specific type of control (text fields, HTML containers, and so on). When you create a new object, the object is automatically formatted by the control default for its control type. There is one control default for each control type. For general information about control defaults, see Defining default formatting for control types: control defaults.

Document sections, although not a control type, have a control default. The control default includes all the properties of the document section, such as background color, height, and page breaks.

You can format a document section, set it as the control default for sections, and apply the control default to any existing section. The control default is automatically applied to new group sections, but not when you insert additional sections, as described below:

  • When you create a new group, a Group Header section and a Group Footer section are created. These sections are formatted according to the control default for document sections.

  • When you insert a new document section, the new section is formatted the same as the section to which it is added. For example, if you add a section below the Detail Header, the new section is formatted like the Detail Header.

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