mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy package


mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy module

class mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.ElementDisplayOption(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ALL_ELEMENTS = 'all_elements'
LIMITED_ELEMENTS = 'limited_elements'
NO_ELEMENTS = 'no_elements'
class mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyAttribute(object_id: str, entry_point: bool, name: str, element_display_option: mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.ElementDisplayOption | str, filters: list[mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference] | list[dict] = None, limit: int | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the hierarchy attribute.


hierarchy attribute ID


name of the attribute


whether this hierarchy attribute is an entry point


used to control element display for each hierarchy attribute, ElementDisplayOption enum


the list of filters defined on this hierarchy attribute


the element display limit when element_display_option is limited_elements

class mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyRelationship(parent: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | dict, child: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | dict)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the hierarchy relationship between hierarchy attributes.


an information about an object representing a parent in a current hierarchy relationship, SchemaObjectReference object


an information about an object representing a child in a current hierarchy relationship, SchemaObjectReference object

class mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.UserHierarchy(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None)

Bases: Entity, CopyMixin, MoveMixin, DeleteMixin, TranslationMixin

A unique abstraction of hierarchies above the System Hierarchy, which can contain an arbitrary number of attributes and paths between them. These User Hierarchies allow users to browse through the data and drill as required by business needs, as opposed to how the data is physically stored in the data source.


name of the user hierarchy


user hierarchy ID


description of the user hierarchy


string literal used to identify the type of a metadata object, UserHierarchySubType enum


object version ID


list of ancestor folders


object type, ObjectTypes enum


object extended type, ExtendedType enum


creation time, DateTime object


last modification time, DateTime object


User object that is the owner


access rights (See EnumDSSXMLAccessRightFlags for possible values)


object access control list


the version number this object is currently carrying


whether this user hierarchy is used as drill hierarchy, default True


if true indicates that the target object of this reference is embedded within this object, if this field is omitted (as is usual) then the target is not embedded.


the path of the object, read only


the primary locale of the object, in the IETF BCP 47 language tag format, such as “en-US”, read only


the list of user hierarchy attributes


the list of attribute relationships stored in the user hierarchy


a globally unique identifier used to distinguish between metadata objects within the same project


Specifies whether the object is hidden

add_attribute(attribute: mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyAttribute | dict)

Add an attribute to an existing hierarchy.


attribute – (HierarchyAttribute, dict): an attribute to be added to the hierarchy

add_relationship(relationship: mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyRelationship | dict)

Add a relationship to an existing hierarchy.


relationship – (HierarchyRelationship, dict): a relationship to be added to the hierarchy

alter(name: str = None, sub_type: str | mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.UserHierarchySubType = None, attributes: list[mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyAttribute] | list[dict] | None = None, use_as_drill_hierarchy: bool | None = None, description: str | None = None, is_embedded: bool = False, destination_folder_id: str | None = None, relationships: list[mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyRelationship] | list[dict] | None = None, hidden: bool | None = None, comments: str | None = None)

Alter the user hierarchies properties.

  • name (str, optional) – name of a user hierarchy

  • sub_type (str, enum, optional) – string literal used to identify the type of a metadata object, UserHierarchySubType enum

  • description (str, optional) – description of a user hierarchy

  • use_as_drill_hierarchy (bool, optional) – whether this user hierarchy is used as drill hierarchy

  • attributes (list, optional) – the list of attributes that do have any relationships currently

  • is_embedded (bool, optional) – if true indicates that the target object of this reference is embedded within this object

  • destination_folder_id (str, optional) – a globally unique identifier used to distinguish between objects within the same project

  • relationships (list, optional) – the list of attribute relationships stored in the system hierarchy

  • hidden (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the object is hidden. Default value: False.

  • comments (str, optional) – long description of the user hierarchy

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, sub_type: str | mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.UserHierarchySubType, destination_folder_id: str, attributes: list[mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyAttribute] | list[dict], use_as_drill_hierarchy: bool = True, description: str = None, is_embedded: bool = False, primary_locale: str = None, relationships: list[mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyRelationship] | list[dict] = None)

Create a new user hierarchy in a specific project.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection().

  • name (str) – name of a new user hierarchy.

  • sub_type (str, enum) – string literal used to identify the type of a metadata object, UserHierarchySubType enum

  • attributes (list) – the list of attributes that do have any relationships currently

  • destination_folder_id (str) – a globally unique identifier used to distinguish between metadata objects within the same project

  • use_as_drill_hierarchy (bool, optional) – whether this user hierarchy is used as drill hierarchy

  • description (str, optional) – optional description of a new user hierarchy

  • is_embedded (bool, optional) – if true indicates that the target object of this reference is embedded within this object

  • primary_locale (str, optional) – the primary locale of the object, in the IETF BCP 47 language tag format, such as “en-US”

  • relationships (list, optional) – the list of attribute relationships stored in the system hierarchy


UserHierarchy object

remove_attribute(attribute: mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyAttribute | dict)

Remove attribute from an existing user hierarchy.


attribute – (HierarchyAttribute, dict): an attribute to be removed from the hierarchy

remove_relationship(relationship: mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.HierarchyRelationship | dict)

Remove relationship from an existing user hierarchy.


relationship – (HierarchyRelationship, dict): a relationship to be removed from the hierarchy

class mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.UserHierarchySubType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

DIMENSION_USER = 'dimension_user'
DIMENSION_USER_HIERARCHY = 'dimension_user_hierarchy'
mstrio.modeling.schema.user_hierarchy.user_hierarchy.list_user_hierarchies(connection: Connection, to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int = None, **filters) list['UserHierarchy'] | list[dict]

Get list of UserHierarchy objects or dicts. Optionally filter the user hierarchies by specifying filters.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection()

  • to_dictionary – If True returns dict, by default (False) returns User Hierarchy objects.

  • limit – limit the number of elements returned. If None (default), all objects are returned.

  • **filters – Available filter parameters: [‘id’, ‘name’, ‘sub_type’]


>>> list_user_hierarchies(connection, name='hierarchy_name')

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