mstrio.modeling.metric package


mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality module

class mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.Dimensionality(dimensionality_units: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit] | None = None, exclude_attribute: bool | None = None, allow_adding_unit: bool | None = None, prompt: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the dimensionality.

This class can only be used for simple metrics. For creation and altering of compound metrics, dimensionality needs to be defined through the use of the Expression class.


The list of dimty unit


boolean whether to exclude attribute absent in report or level(dimensionality)


boolean whether to allow other users to add extra units


reference to a prompt


mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None

allow_adding_unit: bool | None = None
dimensionality_units: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit] | None = None
exclude_attribute: bool | None = None
classmethod from_dict(source: dict, connection: Optional[Connection] = None, to_snake_case: bool = True)

Creates an object from a dictionary. The dictionary’s keys in camel case are changed to object’s attribute names (by default in snake case) and dict values are composed to their proper data types such as Enums, list of Enums etc. as specified in _FROM_DICT_MAP.

  • cls (T) – Class (type) of an object that should be created.

  • source (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary from which an object will be constructed.

  • connection (Connection, optional) – A MSTR Connection object. Defaults to None.

  • to_snake_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from camel case to snake case. Defaults to True.

  • with_missing_value – (bool, optional): If True, class attributes possible to fetch and missing in source will be set as MissingValue objects.


An object of type T.

Return type:


prompt: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None
to_dict(camel_case: bool = True) dict

Converts an object to a dictionary excluding object’s private properties. When converting the object to a dictionary, the object’s attributes become the dictionary’s keys and are in camel case by default Attribute values stored as objects are automatically converted to non-/ primitive data structures.


camel_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from snake case to camel case. Defaults to True.


A dictionary representation of object’s attributes and values.

By default, the dictionary keys are in camel case.

Return type:


class mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit(dimensionality_unit_type: DimensionalityUnitType, aggregation: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Aggregation | None = None, filtering: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Filtering | None = None, group_by: bool | None = None, relative_position: int | None = None, target: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None, axis_collection: dict | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the dimensionality unit.


Type of unit in dimensionality


target of dimensionality


mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None


type of aggregation in dimensionality


mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Aggregation | None


Type of filtering applied in this dimensionality


mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Filtering | None


number showing relative position of dimensionality

in metric reports

Object reference to attribute or report, on which the


mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None

dimensionality will be grouped at

dict of numbers showing, at which axis

metric will be shown
class Aggregation(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

FIRST_IN_FACT = 'first_in_fact'
FIRST_IN_RELATIONSHIP = 'first_in_relationship'
LAST_IN_FACT = 'last_in_fact'
LAST_IN_RELATIONSHIP = 'last_in_relationship'
NORMAL = 'normal'
class DimensionalityUnitType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'
DEFAULT = 'default'
DIMENSION = 'dimension'
REPORT_BASE_LEVEL = 'report_base_level'
REPORT_LEVEL = 'report_level'
ROLE = 'role'
class Filtering(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ABSOLUTE = 'absolute'
APPLY = 'apply'
IGNORE = 'ignore'
NONE = 'none'
aggregation: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Aggregation | None = None
axis_collection: dict | None = None
dimensionality_unit_type: DimensionalityUnitType
filtering: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.DimensionalityUnit.Filtering | None = None
classmethod from_dict(source: dict)

Creates an object from a dictionary. The dictionary’s keys in camel case are changed to object’s attribute names (by default in snake case) and dict values are composed to their proper data types such as Enums, list of Enums etc. as specified in _FROM_DICT_MAP.

  • cls (T) – Class (type) of an object that should be created.

  • source (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary from which an object will be constructed.

  • connection (Connection, optional) – A MSTR Connection object. Defaults to None.

  • to_snake_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from camel case to snake case. Defaults to True.

  • with_missing_value – (bool, optional): If True, class attributes possible to fetch and missing in source will be set as MissingValue objects.


An object of type T.

Return type:


group_by: bool | None = None
relative_position: int | None = None
target: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None
to_dict(camel_case: bool = True) dict

Converts an object to a dictionary excluding object’s private properties. When converting the object to a dictionary, the object’s attributes become the dictionary’s keys and are in camel case by default Attribute values stored as objects are automatically converted to non-/ primitive data structures.


camel_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from snake case to camel case. Defaults to True.


A dictionary representation of object’s attributes and values.

By default, the dictionary keys are in camel case.

Return type:


mstrio.modeling.metric.metric module

class mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.DefaultSubtotals(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

AGGREGATION = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='F225147A4CA0BB97368A5689D9675E73', name=None, is_embedded=None)
AVERAGE = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='B328C60462634223B2387D4ADABEEB53', name=None, is_embedded=None)
COUNT = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='078C50834B484EE29948FA9DD5300ADF', name=None, is_embedded=None)
GEOMETRIC_MEAN = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='E1853D5A36C74F59A9F8DEFB3F9527A1', name=None, is_embedded=None)
MAXIMUM = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='B1F4AA7DE683441BA559AA6453C5113E', name=None, is_embedded=None)
MEDIAN = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='83A663067F7E43B2ABF67FD38ECDC7FE', name=None, is_embedded=None)
MINIMUM = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='00B7BFFF967F42C4B71A4B53D90FB095', name=None, is_embedded=None)
MODE = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='36226A4048A546139BE0AF5F24737BA8', name=None, is_embedded=None)
PRODUCT = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='54E7BFD129514717A92BC44CF1FE5A32', name=None, is_embedded=None)
RESERVED = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='F341109B11D5D528C00084916B98494F', name=None, is_embedded=None)
STANDARD_DEVIATION = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='7FBA414995194BBAB2CF1BB599209824', name=None, is_embedded=None)
SUM_OF_WYA = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='F7AE84A511D78008B00092BE4E571AD0', name=None, is_embedded=None)
TOTAL = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='96C487AF4D12472A910C1ACACFB56EFB', name=None, is_embedded=None)
VARIANCE = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='1769DBFCCF2D4392938E40418C6E065E', name=None, is_embedded=None)
WEIGHTED_YEARLY_AVERAGE = SchemaObjectReference(sub_type=ObjectSubType.SYSTEM_SUBTOTAL, object_id='F7AE852A11D78008B00092BE4E571AD0', name=None, is_embedded=None)
class mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, show_expression_as: mstrio.modeling.expression.enums.ExpressionFormat | str = ExpressionFormat.TOKENS)

Bases: Entity, CopyMixin, MoveMixin, DeleteMixin, ModelVldbMixin, TranslationMixin

Python representation of MicroStrategy Metric object.


metric’s ID


metric’s name


string literal used to identify the type of a metadata object


metric’s description


object type, ObjectTypes enum


object subtype, ObjectSubTypes enum


object extended type, ExtendedType enum


list of ancestor folders


creation time, DateTime object


last modification time, DateTime object


a globally unique identifier used to distinguish between metadata objects within the same project


If true indicates that the target object of this reference is embedded within this object. Alternatively if this object is itself embedded, then it means that the target object is embedded in the same container as this object.


User object that is the owner


access rights (See EnumDSSXMLAccessRightFlags for possible values)


object access control list


the version number this object is currently carrying


the Expression representing the metric’s formula


the object that specifies the dimensionality


the object that specifies the conditionality


a list of the enabled subtotals for the metric


bool used to specify whether the metric aggregates from base


join type of the metric’s formula, FormulaJoinType enumerator


whether the metric is decomposable or not, SmartTotal enumerator


DataType object for metric values


MetricFormat object that stores the formatting of the metric


bool used to specify whether the metric is a subtotal from base type


name for the column representing the metric in SQL


specifies whether the metric has HTML content, MetricFormatType enumerator


list of Threshold for the metric


Specifies whether the object is hidden

class Conditionality(filter: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None, embed_method: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.Conditionality.EmbedMethod | None = None, prompt: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None, remove_elements: bool = False)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the conditionality

This class can only be used for simple metrics. For creation and altering of compound metrics, conditionality needs to be defined through the use of the Expression class.


reference to the filter to be used for the conditionality


SchemaObjectReference, optional


value of the enumerator that specifies the type of filter interaction between the metric and report filters


EmbedMethod, optional


reference to the prompt to be used for the conditionality, only prompts of the type Prompt Object may be used


SchemaObjectReference, optional


whether to remove related filter elements



class EmbedMethod(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

BOTH_FILTERS_TOGETHER = 'both_filters_together'
METRIC_INTO_REPORT_FILTER = 'metric_into_report_filter'
REPORT_INTO_METRIC_FILTER = 'report_into_metric_filter'
embed_method: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.Conditionality.EmbedMethod | None = None
filter: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None
prompt: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | None = None
remove_elements: bool = False
class FormulaJoinType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

DEFAULT = 'default'
INNER = 'inner'
OUTER = 'outer'
class MetricFormatType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

HTML_TAG = 'html_tag'
LAST_ONE = 'last_one'
RESERVED = 'reserved'
class MetricSubtotal(definition: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.DefaultSubtotals | None = None, implementation: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.SchemaObjectReference | mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.DefaultSubtotals | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the subtotal. User can use predefined subtotals

using DefaultSubtotals enum, or specify custom made subtotals using SchemaObjectReference.


Reference to the definition object


SchemaObjectReference or DefaultSubtotals


Reference to the implementation object. Only used when the definition Subtotal is ‘Total’ to specify what the default subtotal type for the Total should be


SchemaObjectReference or DefaultSubtotals

class SmartTotal(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

DECOMPOSABLE_FALSE = 'decomposable_false'
DECOMPOSABLE_TRUE = 'decomposable_true'
alter(name: str | None = None, destination_folder_id: str | None = None, expression: mstrio.modeling.expression.expression.Expression | None = None, description: str | None = None, dimensionality: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.Dimensionality | None = None, conditionality: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.Conditionality | None = None, metric_subtotals: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.MetricSubtotal] | None = None, aggregate_from_base: bool = False, formula_join_type: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.FormulaJoinType | None = FormulaJoinType.DEFAULT, smart_total: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.SmartTotal | None = None, data_type: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.DataType | None = None, format: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.MetricFormat | None = None, subtotal_from_base: bool = False, column_name_alias: str | None = None, metric_format_type: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.MetricFormatType | None = None, thresholds: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold] | None = None, show_expression_as: mstrio.modeling.expression.enums.ExpressionFormat | str = ExpressionFormat.TOKENS, hidden: bool | None = None, comments: str | None = None)

Alter a metric’s specified properties

  • name – metric’s name

  • destination_folder_id – A globally unique identifier used to distinguish between metadata objects within the same project. It is possible for two metadata objects in different projects to have the same Object Id.

  • expression – the Expression representing the metric’s formula

  • description – metric’s description

  • dimensionality – the object that specifies the dimensionality

  • conditionality – the object that specifies the conditionality

  • metric_subtotals – a list of the enabled subtotals for the metric

  • aggregate_from_base – bool used to specify whether the metric aggregates from base

  • formula_join_type – join type of the metric’s formula, FormulaJoinType enumerator

  • smart_total – whether the metric is decomposable or not, SmartTotal enumerator

  • data_type – DataType object for metric values

  • format – MetricFormat object that stores the formatting of the metric

  • subtotal_from_base – bool used to specify whether the metric is a subtotal from base type

  • column_name_alias – name of the column representing the metric in SQL

  • metric_format_type – specifies whether the metric has HTML content, MetricFormatType enumerator

  • thresholds – list of Threshold for the metric

  • show_expression_as (ExpressionFormat, str) – specify how expressions should be presented Available values: - ExpressionFormat.TREE or tree - ExpressionFormat.TOKENS or `tokens (default)

  • hidden – Specifies whether the metric is hidden

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, sub_type: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.ObjectSubType | str, destination_folder: mstrio.object_management.folder.Folder | str, expression: Expression, description: str | None = None, is_embedded: bool = False, dimensionality: mstrio.modeling.metric.dimensionality.Dimensionality | None = None, conditionality: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.Conditionality | None = None, metric_subtotals: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.MetricSubtotal] | None = None, aggregate_from_base: bool = False, formula_join_type: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.FormulaJoinType | None = FormulaJoinType.DEFAULT, smart_total: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.SmartTotal | None = None, data_type: mstrio.modeling.schema.helpers.DataType | None = None, format: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.MetricFormat | None = None, subtotal_from_base: bool = False, column_name_alias: str | None = None, metric_format_type: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric.MetricFormatType | None = None, thresholds: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold] | None = None, show_expression_as: mstrio.modeling.expression.enums.ExpressionFormat | str = ExpressionFormat.TOKENS, hidden: bool | None = None) Metric

Create a new metric with specified properties.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection()

  • name – metric’s name

  • sub_type – metric’s sub_type

  • destination_folder – A globally unique identifier used to distinguish between metadata objects within the same project. It is possible for two metadata objects in different projects to have the same Object Id

  • description – metric’s description

  • is_embedded – If true indicates that the target object of this reference is embedded within this object. Alternatively if this object is itself embedded, then it means that the target object is embedded in the same container as this object.

  • expression – the Expression representing the metric’s formula

  • dimensionality – the object that specifies the dimensionality

  • conditionality – the object that specifies the conditionality

  • metric_subtotals – a list of the enabled subtotals for the metric

  • aggregate_from_base – bool used to specify whether the metric aggregates from base

  • formula_join_type – join type of the metric’s formula, FormulaJoinType enumerator

  • smart_total – whether the metric is decomposable or not, SmartTotal enumerator

  • data_type – DataType object for metric values

  • format – MetricFormat object that stores the formatting of the metric

  • subtotal_from_base – bool used to specify whether the metric is a subtotal from base type

  • column_name_alias – name of the column representing the metric in SQL

  • metric_format_type – specifies whether the metric has HTML content, MetricFormatType enumerator

  • thresholds – list of Threshold for the metric

  • show_expression_as (ExpressionFormat, str) – specify how expressions should be presented Available values: - ExpressionFormat.TREE or tree - ExpressionFormat.TOKENS or `tokens (default)

  • hidden (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the object is hidden. Default value: False.


Metric class object.

classmethod from_dict(source: dict, connection: Optional[Connection] = None, with_missing_value: bool = False)
Overrides Dictable.from_dict() to instantiate an object from

a dictionary without calling any additional getters.

  • cls (T) – Class (type) of an object that should be created.

  • source (dict[str, Any]) – a dictionary from which an object will be constructed.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy Connection object.

  • to_snake_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from camel case to snake case, default True.

  • with_missing_value – (bool, optional): If True, class attributes possible to fetch and missing in source will be set as MissingValue objects.


An object of type T.

Return type:


to_dict(camel_case: bool = True) dict

Converts an object to a dictionary excluding object’s private properties. When converting the object to a dictionary, the object’s attributes become the dictionary’s keys and are in camel case by default Attribute values stored as objects are automatically converted to non-/ primitive data structures.


camel_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from snake case to camel case. Defaults to True.


A dictionary representation of object’s attributes and values.

By default, the dictionary keys are in camel case.

Return type:


class mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold(format: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty], condition: mstrio.modeling.expression.expression.Expression | None = None, name: str | None = None, replace_text: str | None = None, semantics: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold.Semantics | None = None, scope: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold.Scope | None = None, enable: bool = True)

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies a threshold


list of format properties for the threshold




expression that specifies the condition on which the threshold is going to be applied


Expression, optional


name of the threshold


string, optional


text that will replace the metric’s value if the threshold is met


string, optional


value of an enumerator that specifies the type of replacement in the replace_text string


Semantics, optional


value of an enumerator that specifies what the threshold applies to, the metric values, the subtotal value or both


Scope, optional


whether the threshold is enabled or not, True by default



class Scope(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

METRIC_AND_SUBTOTAL = 'metric_and_subtotal'
METRIC_ONLY = 'metric_only'
SUBTOTAL_ONLY = 'subtotal_only'
class Semantics(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

NUMBER = 'number'
PICTURE = 'picture'
SYMBOL = 'symbol'
TEXT = 'text'
condition: mstrio.modeling.expression.expression.Expression | None = None
enable: bool = True
format: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty]
name: str | None = None
replace_text: str | None = None
scope: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold.Scope | None = None
semantics: mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Threshold.Semantics | None = None
mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.list_metrics(connection: Connection, name: str | None = None, metric_type: ObjectTypes = ObjectTypes.METRIC, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, search_pattern: mstrio.object_management.search_enums.SearchPattern | int = SearchPattern.CONTAINS, show_expression_as: mstrio.modeling.expression.enums.ExpressionFormat | str = ExpressionFormat.TOKENS, **filters) list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric.Metric] | list[dict]

Get list of Metric objects or dicts with them.

Optionally use to_dictionary to choose output format.

Wildcards available for ‘name’:

? - any character * - 0 or more of any characters e.g. name_begins = ?onny will return Sonny and Tonny

Specify either project_id or project_name. When project_id is provided (not None), project_name is omitted.


When project_id is None and project_name is None, then its value is overwritten by project_id from connection object.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection()

  • name (str, optional) – characters that the metric name must begin with

  • metric_type (ObjectTypes) – one of metric subtypes: Metric or AggMetric

  • project_id (str, optional) – ID of the project to list the metrics from

  • project_name (str, optional) – Project name

  • to_dictionary (bool, optional) – If True returns dict, by default (False) returns Metric objects

  • limit (integer, optional) – limit the number of elements returned. If None all object are returned.

  • search_pattern (SearchPattern enum or int, optional) – pattern to search for, such as Begin With or Exactly. Possible values are available in ENUM mstrio.object_management.SearchPattern. Default value is CONTAINS (4).

  • show_expression_as (ExpressionFormat, str) –

    specify how expressions should be presented Available values:

    • ExpressionFormat.TREE or tree

    • ExpressionFormat.TOKENS or `tokens (default)

  • **filters

    Available filter parameters: id (str): Metric’s ID name (str): Metric’s name date_created (str): format: 2001-01-02T20:48:05.000+0000 date_modified (str): format: 2001-01-02T20:48:05.000+0000 version (str): Metric’s version owner dict: e.g. {‘id’: <user’s id>, ‘name’: <user’s name>},

    with one or both of the keys: id, name

    acg (str | int): access control group


list with Metric objects or list of dictionaries

mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format module

class mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty(type: FormatType, value: Union[str, Color])

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies a single format type and it’s value


specify what format type is to be set




specify what value to set the specified format type to



FormatType Values:
Number Category - integer between 0 and 9, default is 9:

0 - Fixed 1 - Currency 2 - Date 3 - Time 4 - Percent 5 - Fraction 6 - Scientific 7 - Custom 8 - Special 9 - General

Number Decimal Places - integer between 0 and 30, default is 0 Number Thousand Separator - boolean (true or false), default is true Number Currency Symbol - string of 1-4 characters, default is $ Number Currency Position - integer between 0 and 3, default is 0:

0 - at the beginning, for example $10 1 - at the end, for example 10$ 2 - at the beginning with extra space, for example $ 10 3 - at the end with extra space, for example 10 $

Number Format - string of maximum of 255 characters, default value is

General, example value: ###0.00;[RED]-###0.00

Number Negative Numbers - integer between 1 and 5, default is 3:

1 - normal negative format, for example -10 2 - red color represents negative, -10 would be 10 in red color 3 - parentheses represent negative, -10 would be (10) 4 - both red color and parentheses represent negative, -10 would be

  1. in red color

5 - minus sign and red color represent negative, -10 would be -10

in red color

Alignment Horizontal - integer between 1 and 5, default value is 1:

1 - General 2 - Left 3 - Center 4 - Right 5 - Fill

Alignment Vertical - integer between 1 and 3, default value is 1:

1 - Top 2 - Center 3 - Bottom

Alignment Text Wrap - boolean (true or false), default is false Alignment Text Direction - allowed values are -90, 0 and 90 Padding Left - double between 0.0 and 100.0, default value is 1.0 Padding Right - double between 0.0 and 100.0, default value is 1.0 Padding Top - double between 0.0 and 100.0, default value is 1.0 Padding Bottom - double between 0.0 and 100.0, default value is 1.0 Font Name - string representing font, default is Arial, if provided

font name does not exist or is not supported, default is used

Font Bold - boolean (true or false), default is false Font Italic - boolean (true or false), default is false Font Size - integer between 1 and 2147483647, recommended usable range

is between 8 and 72, other font sizes might render format unreadable

Font Strikeout - boolean (true or false), default is false Font Underline - boolean (true or false), default is false Font Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing font color in hex,

RGB and server readable formats

Font Script - integer between 1 and 2147483647, default value is 0,

value represents corresponding font script, if the value has no corresponding script, the default will be used

Border Top Style - integer between 0 and 6, default value is 1:

0 - empty border 1 - thin border 2 - hair border 3 - dashed border 4 - dotted border 5 - thick border 6 - double border

Border Right Style - the same rules as Top Style Border Left Style - the same rules as Top Style Border Bottom Style - the same rules as Top Style Border Top Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing border top

color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Border Right Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing border

right color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Border Left Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing border

left color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Border Bottom Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing border

bottom color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Background Fill Style - integer between 0 and 3, default value is 0:

0 - solid, only has fill color 1 - transparent 2 - gradient, has fill color and gradient color 3 - pattern, has fill color and gradient color

Background Fill Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing

background fill color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Background Pattern Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing

background fill color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Background Pattern Style - integer between 1 and 18, default value is 1 Background Gradient Color - FormatProperty.Color object representing

background gradient color in hex, RGB and server readable formats

Background Gradient Angle - allowed values are -90, 0 and 90 Gradient X Offset - allowed values are 0, 50 and 100 Gradient Y Offset - allowed values are 0, 50 and 100

class Color(hex_value: str | None = None, red: int | None = None, green: int | None = None, blue: int | None = None, server_value: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

A class containing information about the color in different formats.

It is used as a value for FormatProperties that type related with colors.


color expressed in hex format (e.g. ‘#ff02ef’)




color translated for server readable format




red component of a RGB format, expressed as decimal




green component of a RGB format, expressed as decimal




blue component of a RGB format, expressed as decimal



blue: str
green: str
hex_value: str
red: str
server_value: str
class FormatType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL = 'alignment_horizontal'
ALIGNMENT_TEXT_DIRECTION = 'alignment_text_direction'
ALIGNMENT_TEXT_WRAP = 'alignment_text_wrap'
ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL = 'alignment_vertical'
BACKGROUND_FILL_COLOR = 'background_fill_color'
BACKGROUND_FILL_STYLE = 'background_fill_style'
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_ANGLE = 'background_gradient_angle'
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_COLOR = 'background_gradient_color'
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_X_OFFSET = 'background_gradient_x_offset'
BACKGROUND_GRADIENT_Y_OFFSET = 'background_gradient_y_offset'
BACKGROUND_PATTERN_COLOR = 'background_pattern_color'
BACKGROUND_PATTERN_STYLE = 'background_pattern_style'
BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR = 'border_bottom_color'
BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE = 'border_bottom_style'
BORDER_LEFT_COLOR = 'border_left_color'
BORDER_LEFT_STYLE = 'border_left_style'
BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR = 'border_right_color'
BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE = 'border_right_style'
BORDER_TOP_COLOR = 'border_top_color'
BORDER_TOP_STYLE = 'border_top_style'
FONT_BOLD = 'font_bold'
FONT_COLOR = 'font_color'
FONT_ITALIC = 'font_italic'
FONT_NAME = 'font_name'
FONT_SCRIPT = 'font_script'
FONT_SIZE = 'font_size'
FONT_STRIKEOUT = 'font_strikeout'
FONT_UNDERLINE = 'font_underline'
NUMBER_CATEGORY = 'number_category'
NUMBER_CURRENCY_POSITION = 'number_currency_position'
NUMBER_CURRENCY_SYMBOL = 'number_currency_symbol'
NUMBER_DECIMAL_PLACES = 'number_decimal_places'
NUMBER_FORMAT = 'number_format'
NUMBER_NEGATIVE_NUMBERS = 'number_negative_numbers'
NUMBER_THOUSAND_SEPARATOR = 'number_thousand_separator'
PADDING_BOTTOM = 'padding_bottom'
PADDING_LEFT = 'padding_left'
PADDING_RIGHT = 'padding_right'
PADDING_TOP = 'padding_top'
classmethod from_dict(source: dict[str, Any], connection: Optional[Connection] = None, to_snake_case: bool = True) FormatProperty

Creates an object from a dictionary. The dictionary’s keys in camel case are changed to object’s attribute names (by default in snake case) and dict values are composed to their proper data types such as Enums, list of Enums etc. as specified in _FROM_DICT_MAP.

  • cls (T) – Class (type) of an object that should be created.

  • source (Dict[str, Any]) – A dictionary from which an object will be constructed.

  • connection (Connection, optional) – A MSTR Connection object. Defaults to None.

  • to_snake_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from camel case to snake case. Defaults to True.

  • with_missing_value – (bool, optional): If True, class attributes possible to fetch and missing in source will be set as MissingValue objects.


An object of type T.

Return type:


to_dict(camel_case: bool = True) dict

Converts an object to a dictionary excluding object’s private properties. When converting the object to a dictionary, the object’s attributes become the dictionary’s keys and are in camel case by default Attribute values stored as objects are automatically converted to non-/ primitive data structures.


camel_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from snake case to camel case. Defaults to True.


A dictionary representation of object’s attributes and values.

By default, the dictionary keys are in camel case.

Return type:


type: FormatType
value: Union[str, FormatProperty.Color]
class mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.MetricFormat(values: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty], header: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty])

Bases: Dictable

Object that specifies the formatting of the metric’s values and headers


list of format properties for the values of the metric




list of format properties for the header of the metric



header: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty]
values: list[mstrio.modeling.metric.metric_format.FormatProperty]

Module contents