mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter package


mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter module

class mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.EmailTransmitterProperties(sender_display_name: str, sender_email_address: str, reply_to_display_name: str, reply_to_email_address: str, recipient_field_type: RecipientFieldType = RecipientFieldType.TO, save_message_to_file: bool = False, send_message_to_file: bool = False, send_message_via_smtp: bool = False, save_file_path: str | None = None, notify_on_success: bool = False, notify_on_failure: bool = False, notification_email_address: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Representation of email transmitter properties object. Those properties are specific for Email Transmitters.


name used in the email headers to indicate message sender


address used in the email headers to indicate message sender


name used in the email headers to indicate destination for replies


address used in the email headers to indicate destination for replies


default field in which recipient address appear (eg. to/cc/bcc). Default value is RecipientFieldType.TO.


specifies whether to save message output to file, default value is False


specifies whether to send messages to recipients via SMTP, default value is False


the folder path to save the email output, default is None


specifies whether to request notification on success, default is False


specifies whether to request notification on failure, default is False


email address for notification, default is None

class mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.RecipientFieldType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

BCC = 'bcc'
CC = 'cc'
TO = 'to'
class mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.Transmitter(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None)

Bases: Entity, DeleteMixin, TranslationMixin

Object representation of MicroStrategy Transmitter object


transmitter’s name


transmitter’s id


transmitter’s description


type of the transmitter


properties specific to email transmitters (available only when delivery_type equals TransmitterDeliveryType.EMAIL)

alter(name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, email_transmitter_properties: dict | mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.EmailTransmitterProperties | None = None, comments: str | None = None)

Alter transmitter properties.

  • name (str) – transmitter’s name

  • description (str) – transmitter’s description

  • email_transmitter_properties (dict or object) – properties specific to email transmitter. Only in transmitter with type email altering those properties is possible

  • comments – long description of the transmitter

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, delivery_type: str | mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.TransmitterDeliveryType, description: str | None = None, email_transmitter_properties: dict | mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.EmailTransmitterProperties | None = None) Transmitter

Create transmitter.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection().

  • delivery_type – type of the transmitter

  • name (str) – transmitter’s name

  • description (str) – transmitter’s description

  • email_transmitter_properties (dict or object) – properties specific to email transmitter. In transmitter with type email those properties must be provided. Otherwise they cannot be provided.


Transmitter object

class mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.TransmitterDeliveryType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ANDROID = 'android'
EMAIL = 'email'
FILE = 'file'
FTP = 'ftp'
IPAD = 'ipad'
IPHONE = 'iphone'
PRINT = 'print'
UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported'
mstrio.distribution_services.transmitter.transmitter.list_transmitters(connection: Connection, to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, **filters) list['Transmitter'] | list[dict]

Get all transmitters as list of Transmitter objects or dictionaries.

Optionally filter the transmitters by specifying filters.

  • connection (object) – MicroStrategy connection object

  • to_dictionary – If True returns a list of transmitter dicts, otherwise returns a list of transmitter objects

  • limit – limit the number of elements returned. If None (default), all objects are returned.

  • **filters

    Available filter parameters: [‘id’, ‘name’, ‘date_created’, ‘date_modified’, ‘description’, ‘delivery_type’,


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