mstrio.distribution_services.subscription package


mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription.RecipientsTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription.Subscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: EntityBase

Class representation of MicroStrategy Subscription object.


The ID of the Subscription


The MicroStrategy connection object


The ID of the project the Subscription belongs to

add_recipient(recipients: list[dict] | dict | list[str] | str = None, recipient_id: str | None = None, recipient_type: str | None = None, recipient_include_type: str = 'TO')

Adds recipient to subscription. You can either specify id, type and include_type of single recipient, or just pass recipients list as a list of dictionaries.

  • recipients

    list of ids or dicts containing recipients, dict format: {“id”: recipient_id,

    ”type”: “CONTACT_GROUP” / “USER_GROUP” / “CONTACT” /


    ”includeType”: “TO” / “CC” / “BCC”}

  • recipient_id – id of the recipient

  • recipient_type – type of the recipient

  • recipient_include_type – include type of the recipient one of the following: “TO” / “CC” / “BCC”, by default “TO”

alter(name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool = False, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[str] | list[dict] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_mode: str | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool | None = None, filename: str | None = None, compress: bool | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, email_subject: str | None = None, email_message: str | None = None, email_send_content_as: str | None = None, overwrite_older_version: bool | None = None, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None, file_burst_sub_folder: str | None = None, printer_copies: int | None = None, printer_range_start: int | None = None, printer_range_end: int | None = None, printer_collated: bool | None = None, printer_orientation: str | None = None, printer_use_print_range: bool | None = None, cache_cache_type: str | None = None, cache_shortcut_cache_format: str | None = None, mobile_client_type: str | None = None, device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool | None = None, re_run_hl: bool | None = None, cache_library_cache_types: list[ | str] = None, cache_reuse_dataset_cache: bool = False, cache_is_all_library_users: bool = False, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Alter subscription.

  • name (str) – name of the subscription,

  • multiple_contents (bool, optional) – whether multiple contents are allowed

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription,

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription,

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription,

  • send_now (bool) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately,

  • owner_id (str) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID,

  • schedules (str | list[str] | Schedule | list[Schedule]) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects,

  • contents (Content) – The content of the subscription.

  • recipients (list[str] | list[dict]) – list of recipients IDs or dicts,

  • delivery (Delivery, dict, optional) – delivery settings

  • delivery_mode (str, enum) – the subscription delivery mode [EMAIL, FILE, PRINTER, HISTORY_LIST, CACHE, MOBILE, FTP, SNAPSHOT, PERSONAL_VIEW, SHARED_LINK, UNSUPPORTED],

  • custom_msg (str, optional) – customized message displayed when Subscription has been successfully altered

  • delivery_expiration_date (str) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy-MM-dd,

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member,

  • filename (str) – the filename that will be delivered when the subscription is executed,

  • compress (bool) – whether to compress the file

  • space_delimiter (str) – space delimiter,

  • email_subject (str) – email subject associated with the subscription,

  • email_message (str) – email body of subscription,

  • email_send_content_as (str,enum) – [data, data_and_history_list, data_and_link_and_history_list, link_and_history_list],

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list,

  • zip_filename (str) – filename of the compressed content,

  • zip_password_protect (bool) – whether to password protect zip file,

  • zip_password (str) – optional password for the compressed file

  • file_burst_sub_folder (str) – burst sub folder,

  • printer_copies (int) – the number of copies that should be printed,

  • printer_range_start (int) – the number indicating the first report page that should be printed,

  • printer_range_end (int) – the number indicating the last report page that should be printed,

  • printer_collated (bool) – whether the printing should be collated,

  • printer_orientation (str,enum) – [ PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE ]

  • printer_use_print_range (bool) – whether print range should be used,

  • cache_cache_type (str,enum) – [RESERVED, SHORTCUT, SHORTCUTWITHBOOKMARK]

  • cache_shortcut_cache_format (str,enum) – [RESERVED, JSON, BINARY, BOTH]

  • mobile_client_type (str,enum) – [PHONE, TABLET]

  • device_id (str) – the mobile target project,

  • do_not_create_update_caches (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list,

  • re_run_hl (bool) – whether subscription will re-run against warehouse

  • cache_library_cache_types (list[LibraryCacheTypes | str], optional) – Set of library cache types, available types can be web, android, ios

  • cache_reuse_dataset_cache (bool) – Whether to reuse dataset cache

  • cache_is_all_library_users (bool) – Whether for all library users

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

available_bursting_attributes() dict

Get a list of available attributes for bursting feature.

available_recipients() list[dict]

List available recipients for subscription content.

delete(force: bool = False) bool

Delete a subscription. Returns True if deletion was successful.


force – If True, no additional prompt will be shown before deleting


Executes a subscription with given name or GUID for given project.

fetch(attr: str | None = None) None

Fetch the latest object’s state from the I-Server.


This method can overwrite local changes made to the object.

  • attr (Optional[str]) – Attribute name to be fetched. If not specified

  • dictionary. (it will use all getters specified in _API_GETTERS) –

  • None. (Defaults to) –


ValueError – If attr cannot be fetched.

classmethod from_dict(source: dict[str, Any], connection: Connection = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None) Subscription

Initialize Subscription object from dictionary. Specify either project_id or project_name. When project_id is provided (not None), project_name is omitted

remove_recipient(recipients: list[str] | list[dict])

Removes recipient from given subscription in given project.



list of ids or dicts containing recipients, dict format: {“id”: recipient_id,



”includeType”: “TO” / “CC” / “BCC”}

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.cache_update_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.cache_update_subscription.CacheUpdateSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy Cache Update Subscription object.

alter(name: str | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, cache_cache_type: | str | None = None, cache_shortcut_cache_format: | str | None = None, cache_library_cache_types: list[ | str] | None = None, cache_reuse_dataset_cache: bool = False, cache_is_all_library_users: bool = False, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Alter the subscription.

  • name (str) – name of the subscription,

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription,

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription,

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription,

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately,

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID,

  • schedules (str | list[str] | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects,

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings.

  • recipients (list[str] | list[dict], optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts,

  • delivery (Delivery | dict, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd,

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • cache_cache_type (CacheType | str, optional) – [RESERVED, SHORTCUT, SHORTCUTWITHBOOKMARK]

  • cache_shortcut_cache_format (ShortcutCacheFormat | str, optional) – [RESERVED, JSON, BINARY, BOTH]

  • cache_library_cache_types (list[LibraryCacheTypes | str], optional) – Set of library cache types, available types can be web, android, ios

  • cache_reuse_dataset_cache (bool) – Whether to reuse dataset cache

  • cache_is_all_library_users (bool) – Whether for all library users

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, cache_cache_type: | str | None = None, cache_shortcut_cache_format: | str | None = None, cache_library_cache_types: list[ | str] | None = None, cache_reuse_dataset_cache: bool = False, cache_is_all_library_users: bool = False, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None) CacheUpdateSubscription

Creates a new cache update subscription.

  • connection (Connection) – a MicroStrategy connection object

  • name (str) – name of the subscription,

  • project_id (str, optional) – project ID,

  • project_name (str, optional) – project name,

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription,

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription,

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription,

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately,

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID,

  • schedules (str | list[str] | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects,

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings.

  • recipients (list[str] | list[dict], optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts,

  • delivery (Delivery | dict, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd,

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • cache_cache_type (CacheType | str, optional) – [RESERVED, SHORTCUT, SHORTCUTWITHBOOKMARK]

  • cache_shortcut_cache_format (ShortcutCacheFormat | str, optional) – [RESERVED, JSON, BINARY, BOTH]

  • cache_library_cache_types (list[LibraryCacheTypes | str], optional) – Set of library cache types, available types can be web, android, ios

  • cache_reuse_dataset_cache (bool) – Whether to reuse dataset cache

  • cache_is_all_library_users (bool) – Whether for all library users

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.common module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.common.RefreshPolicy(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ADD = 'add'
DELETE = 'delete'
REPLACE = 'replace'
UPDATE = 'update'
UPSERT = 'upsert'

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content(id: str, type: Type, name: str | None = None, personalization: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.Properties | None = None, refresh_condition: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.RefreshCondition | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Class representation of subscription content object.


Content identifier


Type of content


Name of content


Properties object which personalize content


RefreshCondition object which sets refresh condition of the content

class Properties(format_mode: FormatMode = FormatMode.DEFAULT, view_mode: ViewMode = ViewMode.DEFAULT, format_type: FormatType = FormatType.PDF, export_to_pdf_settings: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.Properties.ExportToPdfSettings | None = None, delimiter: str | None = None, bursting: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.Properties.Bursting | None = None, prompt: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.Properties.Prompt | None = None, file_name: str | None = None, content_modes: list[str] | None = None, bookmark_ids: list[str] | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Class representation of personalization properties


Type that defines how much of the Report Services document, which has group by units, should be delivered


Indicates the view mode that is supported by this format


Content format mode


ExportToPdfSettings object which specifies pdf settings if format_type is set to PDF


Format delimiter


Bursting settings object


Promp settings object


file name of content

class Bursting(slicing_attributes: list[str] | None = None, address_attribute_id: str | None = None, device_id: str | None = None, form_id: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Bursting settings


The list of attributes to slice on


Attribute ID in the email burst feature


Device ID in the email burst feature


Form ID in the email burst feature

class ExportToPdfSettings(page_option: PageOption = PageOption.PAGE, page_size: PageSize = PageSize.LETTER, orientation: Orientation = Orientation.AUTOMATIC, page_detail_level=PageDetailLevel.OVERVIEW, include_header: bool = True, include_footer: bool = True, include_toc: bool = False, filter_summary: FilterSummary = FilterSummary.BAR, fit_to_page: bool = False, repeat_column_header: bool = False, grid_paging_mode: GridPagingMode = GridPagingMode.NONE)

Bases: Dictable

Export to PDF Settings


Specifies whether to export current page or all pages


Page size of the PDF file


Page orientation. If ‘auto’ is being used, the exporting engine might swap the width and the height of the page to optimize the export


Specifies the detail level of page to be displayed


Specifies whether to include header

Specifies whether to include footer


Specifies whether to include table of contents


Specifies the options of including filter summary in the exported PDF. If ‘NONE’ is being used, no filter summary will be displayed. If ‘BAR’ is being used, filter summary bar will be displayed on each page. If ‘PAGE’ is being used, filter summary page will be displayed at the end of each chapter. If ‘ALL’ is being used, both filter summary bar and page will be displayed.


Specifies whether to fit grid to page


Specifies whether to repeat grid column header


Specifies how grids should be paginated

class FilterSummary(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class GridPagingMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ENLARGE = 'enlarge'
NONE = 'none'
class Orientation(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

AUTOMATIC = 'automatic'
LANDSCAPE = 'landscape'
PORTRAIT = 'portrait'
class PageDetailLevel(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

DETAILED_PAGES = 'detailed_pages'
OVERVIEW = 'overview'
OVERVIEW_AND_DETAILED_PAGES = 'overview_and_detailed_pages'
class PageOption(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class PageSize(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

A0 = 'a0'
A1 = 'a1'
A2 = 'a2'
A3 = 'a3'
A4 = 'a4'
A5 = 'a5'
B4 = 'b4'
B5 = 'b5'
EXECUTIVE = 'executive'
FOLIO = 'folio'
LEDGER = 'ledger'
LEGAL = 'legal'
LETTER = 'letter'
STATEMENT = 'statement'
UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported'
class FormatMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class FormatType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class Prompt(enabled: bool, instance_id: str = None)

Bases: Dictable

class ViewMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class RefreshCondition(tables: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.RefreshCondition.TableRefreshInfo], dataset_refresh_policy: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.common.RefreshPolicy | None = None, filters: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.RefreshCondition.SubscriptionFilter] | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Dataset refresh condition settings


List of TableRefreshInfo objects


Default refresh policy for all the tables in the dataset. The setting value must be provided if the tables setting value is not provided or empty.


list of SubscriptionFilter objects

class SubscriptionFilter(type: str, expression)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription filter. The format of the subscription filters are

exactly the same as the view filters. Please refer to /analytics/filter-data/filter-report-and-cube-instances /filter-report-and-cube-instances-using-view-filters /code-sample#multiple-filters-on-attribute-forms for detailed information. But it should be noted that subscription filters only support Filter on attribute forms and Multiple filters on attribute forms.


Filter type


Metric limits

class TableRefreshInfo(id: str, refresh_policy: RefreshPolicy, alternate_source: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content.RefreshCondition.TableRefreshInfo.AlternateSource | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Table refresh settings. When the setting is absent in the

response or the array is empty, the datasetRefreshPolicy setting value must be provided and will be used as the refresh policy for all the tables, including the new added table after the scheduler is set up.


Table ID


Table refresh policy


AlternateSource object

class AlternateSource(db_role_id: str | None = None, namespace: str | None = None, table_name: str | None = None, url: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Alternate source


Database instance ID of alternate source


Database namespace of alternate source


Table name of alternate source


URL of alternate source

class Type(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

CUBE = 'cube'
DASHBOARD = 'dossier'
DOCUMENT = 'document'
DOSSIER = 'dossier'
REPORT = 'report'
UNSUPPORTED = 'unsupported' module

class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

RESERVED = 'reserved'
SHORTCUT = 'shortcut'
SHORTCUTWITHBOOKMARK = 'shortcut_and_bookmark'
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class'EMAIL', expiration: str = None, contact_security: bool | None = None, subject: str | None = None, message: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, compress: bool = False, zip: | None = None, password: str | None = None, password_protect: bool = False, space_delimiter: str | None = None, send_content_as: SendContentAs = SendContentAs.DATA, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, burst_sub_folder: str | None = None, copies: int | None = None, range_start: int | None = None, range_end: int | None = None, collated: bool = False, orientation: Orientation = 'PORTRAIT', use_print_range: bool = False, mobile_client_type: ClientType = 'PHONE', device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = False, expiration_time_zone: str | None = None, email: | None = None, file: | None = None, cache_type: | str = CacheType.RESERVED, shortcut_cache_format: | str = ShortcutCacheFormat.RESERVED, library_cache_types: list[ | str] = None, reuse_dataset_cache: bool = False, is_all_library_users: bool = False, notification_enabled: bool = False, personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery settings object


The subscription delivery mode (i.e. email, file, printer, etc.)


Expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy-MM-dd


Whether to use contact security for each contact group member


Email delivery properties object


File delivery properties object


File delivery properties object


FTP delivery properties object


Cache delivery properties


Mobile delivery properties object


HistoryList delivery properties

class Cache(cache_type: CacheType = CacheType.RESERVED, shortcut_cache_format: ShortcutCacheFormat = ShortcutCacheFormat.RESERVED, library_cache_types: list[] | None = None, reuse_dataset_cache: bool = False, is_all_library_users: bool = False)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for Cache subscriptions


The cache type to use


The shortcut cache format to use


Set of library cache types, available types can be web, android, ios


Whether to reuse dataset cache


Whether for all library users

VALIDATION_DICT = {'is_all_library_users': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'library_cache_types': [<class 'list'>, False], 'reuse_dataset_cache': [<class 'bool'>, False]}
class DeliveryMode(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class Email(subject: str | None = None, message: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, send_content_as: | None = None, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, zip: | None = None)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for Email subscriptions


The email subject associated with the subscription


The email body of subscription


The filename that will be delivered when the subscription is executed


The space delimiter


Send subscribed content as one of [data, data_and_history_list, data_and_link_and_history_list, link_and_history_list]


Whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list


Optional compression settings object

VALIDATION_DICT = {'filename': [<class 'str'>, False], 'message': [<class 'str'>, False], 'overwrite_older_version': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'send_content_as': [<class 'str'>, False], 'space_delimiter': [<class 'str'>, False], 'subject': [<class 'str'>, True], 'zip': [<class ''>, False]}

Validate whether all obligatory properties of the Delivery object are present, whether all the properties present are of correct types and whether the message and subject do not exceed the character limits.

class File(filename: str | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, burst_sub_folder: str | None = None, zip: | None = None)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for File subscriptions


The filename that will be delivered when the subscription is executed


The space delimiter


The burst sub folder


Optional compression settings object

VALIDATION_DICT = {'burst_sub_folder': [<class 'str'>, False], 'filename': [<class 'str'>, False], 'space_delimiter': [<class 'str'>, False], 'zip': [<class ''>, False]}
class Ftp(space_delimiter: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, zip: | None = None)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for FTP subscriptions


The filename that will be delivered when the subscription is executed


The space delimiter


Optional compression settings object

VALIDATION_DICT = {'filename': [<class 'str'>, False], 'space_delimiter': [<class 'str'>, False], 'zip': [<class ''>, False]}
class HistoryList(device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = False, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = False)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for History List subscriptions


The mobile target project


Whether the subscription will use a existing cache


Whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list


Whether the subscription will re-run against warehouse

VALIDATION_DICT = {'device_id': [<class 'str'>, False], 'do_not_create_update_caches': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'overwrite_older_version': [<class 'bool'>, False], 're_run_hl': [<class 'bool'>, False]}
class Mobile(mobile_client_type: ClientType = 'PHONE', device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = False, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = False)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for Mobile subscriptions


The mobile client type


The mobile target project


Whether the subscription will use a existing cache


Whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list


Whether the subscription will re-run against warehouse

VALIDATION_DICT = {'device_id': [<class 'str'>, False], 'do_not_create_update_caches': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'mobile_client_type': [<class 'str'>, False], 'overwrite_older_version': [<class 'bool'>, False], 're_run_hl': [<class 'bool'>, False]}
class Printer(copies: int | None = None, range_start: int | None = None, range_end: int | None = None, collated: bool = False, orientation: Orientation = 'PORTRAIT', use_print_range: bool = False)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Delivery properties for Printer subscriptions


The number of copies that should be printed


The number indicating the first report page that should be printed


The number indicating the last report page that should be printed


Whether the printing should be collated or not


Whether orientation is portrait or landscape


Whether a print range should be used

VALIDATION_DICT = {'collated': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'copies': [<class 'int'>, False], 'orientation': [<class 'str'>, False], 'range_end': [<class 'int'>, False], 'range_start': [<class 'int'>, False], 'use_print_range': [<class 'bool'>, False]}
VALIDATION_DICT = {'cache': [<class ''>, False], 'contact_security': [<class 'bool'>, False], 'email': [<class ''>, False], 'expiration': [<class 'str'>, False], 'expiration_time_zone': [<class 'str'>, False], 'file': [<class ''>, False], 'ftp': [<class ''>, False], 'history_list': [<class ''>, False], 'mobile': [<class ''>, False], 'mode': [<class 'str'>, True], 'printer': [<class ''>, False]}
change_mode(mode_name: str, mode_value) bool

Change mode of the Delivery object. Return True on success, False if mode_name was invalid.

classmethod from_dict(source, **kwargs)

Initialize Delivery object from dictionary.


Bases: Dictable

classmethod from_dict(source, **kwargs)

Initialize Delivery object from dictionary.


Validate whether all obligatory properties of the Delivery object are present and whether all the properties present are of correct types.

class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

Available values when using environment with version 11.3.0100 or lower

class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ANDROID = 'android'
ANDROID_AND_IOS = 'android_and_ios'
IOS = 'ios'
WEB = 'web'
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

DATA = 'data'
DATA_AND_HISTORY_LIST = 'data_and_history_list'
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoUpperName

class str | None = None, password: str | None = None, password_protect: bool = False)

Bases: DeliveryDictable

Optional compression settings


Filename of the compressed content


Optional password for the compressed file


Whether to password protect file or not

VALIDATION_DICT = {'filename': [<class 'str'>, False], 'password': [<class 'str'>, False], 'password_protect': [<class 'bool'>, False]}

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: EntityBase, DeleteMixin

Python representation of MicroStrategy DynamicRecipientList object.


DynamicRecipientList’s ID


DynamicRecipientList’s name


DynamicRecipientList’s description


Id of the Report that is the source of the DynamicRecipientList


Physical Address for the DynamicRecipientList


Linked User for the DynamicRecipientList


Device for the DynamicRecipientList


Recipient Name for the DynamicRecipientList


Notification Address for the DynamicRecipientList


Notification Device for the DynamicRecipientList


Personalization for the DynamicRecipientList

class MappingField(attribute_id: str, attribute_form_id: str)

Bases: Dictable

Python representation of a Mapping Field.


ID of the mapped attribute




ID of the mapped attribute’s form



attribute_form_id: str
attribute_id: str
alter(name: str | None = None, source_report_id: str | None = None, physical_address: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, linked_user: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, device: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, description: str | None = None, recipient_name: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, notification_address: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, notification_device: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, personalization: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None) None

Alter a DynamicRecipientList’s specified properties


If one alters the source_report_id, all existing Mapping Fields also need to be updated to reflect the new source report.

  • name (string, optional) – DynamicRecipientList’s name

  • source_report_id (string, optional) – ID of the Report that is the source of the DynamicRecipientList

  • physical_address (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Physical Address for the DynamicRecipientList

  • linked_user (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Linked User for the DynamicRecipientList

  • device (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Device for the DynamicRecipientList

  • description (string, optional) – DynamicRecipientList’s description

  • recipient_name (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Recipient Name for the DynamicRecipientList

  • notification_address (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Notification Address for the DynamicRecipientList

  • notification_device (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Notification Device for the DynamicRecipientList

  • personalization (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Personalization for the DynamicRecipientList

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, source_report_id: str, physical_address: MappingField, linked_user: MappingField, device: MappingField, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, recipient_name: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, notification_address: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, notification_device: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None, personalization: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList.MappingField | None = None) DynamicRecipientList

Create a new DynamicRecipientList with specified properties.

  • name (string) – DynamicRecipientList’s name

  • source_report_id (string) – ID of the Report that is the source of the DynamicRecipientList

  • physical_address (MappingField) – Mapping Field representing the Physical Address for the DynamicRecipientList

  • linked_user (MappingField) – Mapping Field representing the Linked User for the DynamicRecipientList

  • device (MappingField) – Mapping Field representing the Device for the DynamicRecipientList

  • project_id (string, optional) – ID of the project in which the DynamicRecipientList is to be created, if not provided, ID will be taken from project_name, if neither is provided, project will be extracted from the connection

  • project_name (string, optional) – name of the project in which the DynamicRecipientList is to be created

  • description (string, optional) – DynamicRecipientList’s description

  • recipient_name (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Recipient Name for the DynamicRecipientList

  • notification_address (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Notification Address for the DynamicRecipientList

  • notification_device (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Notification Device for the DynamicRecipientList

  • personalization (MappingField, optional) – Mapping Field representing the Personalization for the DynamicRecipientList


DynamicRecipientList class object.

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.list_dynamic_recipient_lists(connection: Connection, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, **filters) list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.dynamic_recipient_list.DynamicRecipientList] | list[dict]

Get list of Dynamic Recipient List objects or dicts with them.


When project_id is specified, project_name is omitted. If neither is specified then project_id from connection object is taken.

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection()

  • project_id (str, optional) – ID of the project to list the metrics from

  • project_name (str, optional) – name of the project

  • to_dictionary (bool, optional) – If True returns list of dictionaries, by default (False) returns DynamicRecipientList objects

  • limit (integer, optional) – limit the number of elements returned. If None all object are returned

  • **filters – Available filter parameters: [‘name’, ‘id’, ‘description’, ‘source_report_id’, ‘physical_address’, ‘linked_user’, ‘device’]


list with DynamicRecipientList objects or list of dictionaries

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.email_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.email_subscription.EmailSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy Email Subscription object.

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool = True, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[str] | list[dict] = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, email_subject: str | None = None, email_message: str | None = None, email_send_content_as: str = 'data', overwrite_older_version: bool = False, filename: str | None = None, compress: bool = False, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None)

Creates a new email subscription.

  • connection (Connection) – a MicroStrategy connection object

  • name (str) – name of the subscription,

  • project_id (str, optional) – project ID,

  • project_name (str, optional) – project name,

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription,

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription,

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription,

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately,

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID,

  • schedules (str | list[str] | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects,

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings.

  • recipients (list[str] | list[dict], optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts,

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd,

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • filename (str, optional) – the filename that will be delivered when the subscription is executed,

  • compress (bool) – whether to compress the file

  • space_delimiter (str, optional) – space delimiter,

  • email_subject (str, optional) – email subject associated with the subscription,

  • email_message (str, optional) – email body of subscription,

  • email_send_content_as (str, enum) – [data, data_and_history_list, data_and_link_and_history_list, link_and_history_list],

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list,

  • zip_filename (str, optional) – filename of the compressed content,

  • zip_password_protect (bool, optional) – whether to password protect zip file,

  • zip_password (str, optional) – optional password for the compressed file

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.file_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.file_subscription.FileSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy File Subscription object.

alter(name: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None, file_burst_sub_folder: str | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Alter the subscription. :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str, optional :param filename: the filename that will be delivered when

the subscription is executed

  • multiple_contents (bool, optional) – whether multiple contents are allowed

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • zip_filename (str, optional) – filename of the compressed content

  • zip_password_protect (bool, optional) – whether to password protect zip file

  • zip_password (str, optional) – optional password for the compressed file

  • file_burst_sub_folder (str, optional) – burst sub folder

  • space_delimiter (str, optional) – space delimiter

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, filename: str, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = False, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None, file_burst_sub_folder: str | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None) FileSubscription

Creates a new file subscription. :param connection: a MicroStrategy connection object :type connection: Connection :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str :param filename: the filename that will be delivered when

the subscription is executed

  • project_id (str, optional) – project ID

  • project_name (str, optional) – project name

  • multiple_contents (bool, optional) – whether multiple contents are allowed

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (string, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • zip_filename (str, optional) – filename of the compressed content

  • zip_password_protect (bool, optional) – whether to password protect zip file

  • zip_password (str, optional) – optional password for the compressed file

  • file_burst_sub_folder (str, optional) – burst sub folder

  • space_delimiter (str, optional) – space delimiter

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.ftp_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.ftp_subscription.FTPSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy FTP Subscription object.

alter(name: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None, space_delimiter: str | None = None, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Alter the subscription. :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str, optional :param filename: the filename that will be delivered when

the subscription is executed

  • multiple_contents (bool, optional) – whether multiple contents are allowed

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • zip_filename (str, optional) – filename of the compressed content

  • zip_password_protect (bool, optional) – whether to password protect zip file

  • zip_password (str, optional) – optional password for the compressed file

  • space_delimiter (str, optional) – space delimiter

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, space_delimiter: str | None = ' ', filename: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = False, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, zip_filename: str | None = None, zip_password_protect: bool | None = None, zip_password: str | None = None, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None) FTPSubscription

Creates a new FTP subscription. :param connection: a MicroStrategy connection object :type connection: Connection :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str :param space_delimiter: space delimiter, :type space_delimiter: str :param filename: the filename that will be delivered when

the subscription is executed

  • project_id (str, optional) – project ID

  • project_name (str, optional) – project name

  • multiple_contents (bool, optional) – whether multiple contents are allowed

  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • zip_filename (str, optional) – filename of the compressed content

  • zip_password_protect (bool, optional) – whether to password protect zip file

  • zip_password (str, optional) – optional password for the compressed file

  • space_delimiter (str, optional) – space delimiter

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.history_list_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.history_list_subscription.HistoryListSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy History List Subscription object.

alter(name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = True, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = True, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None)

Alter the subscription. :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str, optional :param multiple_contents: whether multiple contents are


  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • do_not_create_update_caches (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document cache in the history list

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list

  • re_run_hl (bool) – whether subscription will re-run against warehouse

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = False, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = True, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = True, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None) HistoryListSubscription

Creates a new history list subscription. :param connection: a MicroStrategy connection object :type connection: Connection :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str :param project_id: project ID :type project_id: str, optional :param project_name: project name :type project_name: str, optional :param multiple_contents: whether multiple contents are


  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • do_not_create_update_caches (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document cache in the history list

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list

  • re_run_hl (bool) – whether subscription will re-run against warehouse

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – Whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – Notification details

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.mobile_subscription module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.mobile_subscription.MobileSubscription(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, subscription_id: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: Subscription

Class representation of MicroStrategy Mobile Subscription object.

alter(name: str | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = None, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, mobile_client_type: | None = None, device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = False, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = False, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None, custom_msg: str | None = None)

Alter subscription. :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str :param multiple_contents: whether multiple contents are


  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • mobile_client_type – The mobile client type

  • device_id – The mobile target project

  • do_not_create_update_caches (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document cache in the history list

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list

  • re_run_hl (bool) – whether subscription will re-run against warehouse

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – notification details

  • custom_msg (str, optional) – customized message displayed when Subscription has been successfully altered

classmethod create(connection: Connection, name: str, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, multiple_contents: bool | None = False, allow_delivery_changes: bool | None = None, allow_personalization_changes: bool | None = None, allow_unsubscribe: bool | None = None, send_now: bool | None = None, owner_id: str | None = None, schedules: str | list[str] | mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule | list[mstrio.distribution_services.schedule.schedule.Schedule] | None = None, contents: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, recipients: list[dict] | list[str] | None = None, delivery: | dict | None = None, delivery_expiration_date: str | None = None, delivery_expiration_timezone: str | None = None, contact_security: bool = True, mobile_client_type: ClientType = ClientType.PHONE, device_id: str | None = None, do_not_create_update_caches: bool = False, overwrite_older_version: bool = False, re_run_hl: bool = False, delivery_notification_enabled: bool = False, delivery_personal_notification_address_id: str | None = None) MobileSubscription

Creates a new mobile subscription. :param connection: a MicroStrategy connection object :type connection: Connection :param name: name of the subscription :type name: str :param project_id: project ID :type project_id: str, optional :param project_name: project name :type project_name: str, optional :param multiple_contents: whether multiple contents are


  • allow_delivery_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can change the delivery of the subscription

  • allow_personalization_changes (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can personalize the subscription

  • allow_unsubscribe (bool, optional) – whether the recipients can unsubscribe from the subscription

  • send_now (bool, optional) – indicates whether to execute the subscription immediately

  • owner_id (str, optional) – ID of the subscription owner, by default logged in user ID

  • schedules (list[str] | str | Schedule | list[Schedule], optional) – Schedules IDs or Schedule objects

  • contents (Content, optional) – The content settings

  • recipients (list[dict] | dict, optional) – list of recipients IDs or dicts

  • delivery (dict | Delivery, optional) – delivery object or dict

  • delivery_expiration_date (str, optional) – expiration date of the subscription, format should be yyyy - MM - dd

  • delivery_expiration_timezone (str, optional) – expiration timezone of the subscription, example value ‘Europe/London’

  • contact_security (bool) – whether to use contact security for each contact group member

  • mobile_client_type – The mobile client type

  • device_id – The mobile target project

  • do_not_create_update_caches (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document cache in the history list

  • overwrite_older_version (bool) – whether the current subscription will overwrite earlier versions of the same report or document in the history list

  • re_run_hl (bool) – whether subscription will re-run against warehouse

  • delivery_notification_enabled (bool) – whether notification is enabled, notification applies to cache

  • delivery_personal_notification_address_id (str, optional) – notification details

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_manager module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_manager.SubscriptionManager(connection: Connection, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None)

Bases: object

Manage subscriptions.

available_bursting_attributes(content: dict | mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content)

Get a list of available attributes for bursting feature, for a given content.


content – content dictionary or Content object (from subscription.content)

available_recipients(content_id: str | None = None, content_type: str | None = None, content: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.content.Content | None = None, delivery_type='EMAIL') list[dict]

List available recipients for a subscription contents. Specify either both content_id and content_type or just content object.

  • content_id – ID of the content

  • content_type – type of the content

  • content – Content object

  • delivery_type – The delivery of the subscription, available values are: [EMAIL, FILE, PRINTER, HISTORY_LIST, CACHE, MOBILE, FTP].

delete(subscriptions: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription.Subscription] | list[str], force=False) bool

Deletes all passed subscriptions. Returns True if successfully removed all subscriptions.

  • subscriptions (list[Subscription] | list[str]) – list of subscriptions to be deleted

  • force (bool, optional) – if True skips the prompt asking for confirmation before deleting subscriptions. False by default.

execute(subscriptions: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription.Subscription] | list[str])

Executes all passed subscriptions.


subscriptions – list of subscriptions to be executed

list_subscriptions(to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, last_run: bool = False, **filters)

Get all subscriptions as list of Subscription objects or dictionaries.

Optionally filter the subscriptions by specifying filters.

  • to_dictionary – If True returns a list of subscription dicts, otherwise returns a list of subscription objects

  • limit – limit the number of elements returned. If None (default), all objects are returned.

  • last_run – If True, adds the last time that the subscription ran.

  • **filters – Available filter parameters: [‘id’, ‘name’, ‘editable’, ‘allowDeliveryChanges’, ‘allowPersonalizationChanges’, ‘allowUnsubscribe’, ‘dateCreated’, ‘dateModified’, ‘owner’, ‘schedules’, ‘contents’, ‘recipients’, ‘delivery’]

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_manager.dispatch_from_dict(source: dict, connection: Connection, project_id: str)

Returns the subscription type object from the provided source

  • source – dictionary of an object to return from the specified subscription

  • connection – MicroStrategy connection object returned by connection.Connection()

  • project_id – Project ID

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_manager.get_subscription_type_from_delivery_mode(mode: DeliveryMode)

Returns the subscription type of the provided Delivery Mode.


mode – DeliveryMode object of which to get the subscription type

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_manager.list_subscriptions(connection: Connection, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None, to_dictionary: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, last_run: bool = False, **filters) list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.base_subscription.Subscription] | list[dict]

Get all subscriptions per project as list of Subscription objects or dictionaries.

Optionally filter the subscriptions by specifying filters. Specify either project_id or project_name. When project_id is provided (not None), project_name is omitted.

Note: When project_id is None and project_name is None, then its value is overwritten by project_id from connection object.

  • connection (object) – MicroStrategy connection object

  • project_id – Project ID

  • project_name – Project name

  • to_dictionary – If True returns a list of subscription dicts, otherwise (default) returns a list of subscription objects

  • limit – limit the number of elements returned. If None (default), all objects are returned.

  • last_run – If True, adds the last time that the subscription ran.

  • **filters – Available filter parameters: [‘id’, ‘multiple_contents’, ‘name’, ‘editable’, ‘allow_delivery_changes’ ‘allow_personalization_changes’, ‘allow_unsubscribe’, ‘date_created’, ‘date_modified’, ‘owner’, ‘delivery’]

mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status module

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent(name: str, node_name: str | None = None, error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription status content


Content name




Node name







error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None
name: str
node_name: str | None = None
class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDestination(address: str, destination: str, start: datetime, node_name: str, end: datetime.datetime | None = None, contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent] | None = None, error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription status destination










Start time




End time




Node name




Subscription contents







address: str
contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent] | None = None
destination: str
end: datetime.datetime | None = None
error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None
node_name: str
start: datetime
class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDetail(recipient: str, contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent], destinations: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDestination], error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription status detail






Subscription contents











contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent]
destinations: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDestination]
error: mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError | None = None
recipient: str
class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusError(code: int, message: str)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription status error


Error code.




Error message.



code: int
message: str
class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.SubscriptionStage(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Stage of the subscription

class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.SubscriptionState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

State of the subscription

FAIL = 2
SKIP = 5
class mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.SubscriptionStatus(id: str, stage: SubscriptionStage, state: SubscriptionState, total: int, estimate: int, start: datetime, contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent], statuses: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDetail], end: datetime.datetime | None = None, expiration: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Subscription status


Subscription ID




Stage of the subscription




State of the subscription




Total number of statuses




Estimated time remaining in seconds




Subscription start time




Subscription end time




Subscription contents




Subscription detailed statuses




Subscription expiration time



contents: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusContent]
end: datetime.datetime | None = None
estimate: int
expiration: str | None = None
id: str
stage: SubscriptionStage
start: datetime
state: SubscriptionState
statuses: list[mstrio.distribution_services.subscription.subscription_status.StatusDetail]
total: int

Module contents