MicroStrategy ONE

Obtaining a Count of Jobs, grouped first by User, then by Project

The sample code below illustrates how to obtain a count of jobs on an Intelligence Server. The count is grouped first by user, then by project. The count does not include the detailed information. A common use case for this type of API interaction is a dashboard-type application where summary data is being displayed.

 // create a WebObjectsFactory instance

 WebObjectsFactory factory = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();


 // Get the job source object

 JobSource source = (JobSource) factory.getMonitorSource(EnumWebMonitorType.WebMonitorTypeJob);


 // Set up the count settings to group the counts by user name, then by project name

 CountSettings settings = source.getCountSettings();




 // Set level flag to only obtain count information



 try {

 // Sends the request to Intelligence Server to retrieve job information

    JobResults results = source.getJobs();


    // Retrieve the count summary object and loop through it

    CountSummary summary = results.getCountSummary();

    System.out.println("Total Jobs: " + summary.getCount());

    for (int i=0; i < summary.size(); i++) {

         // Get the count info object and print out its information

         CountInfo outerInfo = summary.get(i);

         System.out.println("\tUser " + outerInfo.getValue() + ": " + outerInfo.getCount() + " job(s)");


         // Loop through its children count info objects

         for (int j=0; j < outerInfo.size(); j++) {

              CountInfo innerInfo = outerInfo.get(j);

              System.out.println("\t\tProject \"" + innerInfo.getValue() + "\":" + innerInfo.getCount() + " job(s)");



 } catch (WebObjectsAdminException woae) {



Sample output

The output would look something like the following:

Total Jobs: 12

   User Web Tester: 7 job(s)

      Project "MicroStrategy Tutorial": 4 job(s)

      Project "My First Project": 3 job(s)

   User Administrator: 5 jobs

      Project "MicroStrategy Tutorial": 1 job(s)

      Project "My First Project": 2 job(s)

      Project "Duplicated Feature Testing Vmall": 2 job(s)