MicroStrategy ONE

Deleting the 3 Longest-Running Jobs

The sample code below illustrates how to delete the three longest-running jobs, if the duration is longer than one minute. It is a good demonstration of how the various features of the API can be combined into single functionality as a part of any customization.

 // create a WebObjectsFactory instance

 WebObjectsFactory factory = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();


 // Get the job source object

 JobSource source = (JobSource) factory.getMonitorSource(EnumWebMonitorType.WebMonitorTypeJob);


 // Add a sort criterion that we will sort the duration of the job in descending order

 MonitorSort msort = source.getSortCriteria();

 msort.add(EnumDSSXMLJobInfo.DssXmlJobInfoDuration, EnumDSSXMLOrder.DssXmlDescending);


 // Add a filter condition that we only get jobs whose duration are greater than or equal to 60 seconds

 MonitorFilter mf = source.getFilter();

 mf.add(EnumDSSXMLJobInfo.DssXmlJobInfoDuration, EnumDSSXMLMonitorFilterOperator.DssXmlGreaterOrEqual, "60");


 // Set the maximum count to be 3



 // Set the flag to obtain browsing information



 try {

      // Sends the request to Intelligence Server to retrieve job information,

      // in this case, the top 3 loggest running jobs, each of which is over 60 seconds

      JobResults results = source.getJobs();


      // Check whether we have any result returned

      if (results.getCount() > 0) {

          // Obtain the job manipulator object

          JobManipulator jobManipulator = source.getManipulator();


          // Adds the job IDs to the deletion task for batch operation

          for (int i=0; i < results.getCount(); i++) {

               Job jobToDelete = results.get(i);

               // Add a batch deletion operation



          try {

               // Submit the request to delete jobs


          } catch (MonitorManipulationException mme) {

               // We have job deletion falure, so we display the error

               MonitorManipulationFailure[] mmf = mme.getFailures();




 } catch (WebObjectsAdminException woae) {

