Strategy ONE


The scheduling functionality in MicroStrategy Web involves setting a schedule for reports or documents to be delivered using MicroStrategy Narrowcast Server. Reports or documents can be delivered to e-mail addresses, printer locations or exported to files in various formats.

The following interfaces are available for scheduling functionality. These interfaces help you understand the code samples provided in the examples section. For detailed information on these interfaces, refer to the com.microstrategy.web.objects package in API Reference.

  • WebSubscriptionsSource— Top-level interface that allows the user to retrieve objects related to creation or manipulation of subscription and other subscription-related tasks. It provides methods for getting addresses, list of available devices for a specific content type and so on.  

  • WebSubscription— Represents a subscription to reports or documents for delivery.

  • WebSubscriptionLocation— Represents an abstraction of an address and a device. A location can represent either an underlying address or a device allowing clients to handle both in a uniform manner. This is especially useful for print and file locations.  

  • WebSubscriptionAddress— Represents a user's address that is used for MicroStrategy Narrowcast subscription.  

  • WebSubscriptionTrigger— Represents a trigger that is used for MicroStrategy Narrowcast subscription.  

  • WebSubscriptionContent— Represents  an object that encapsulates the report or document that the user subscribes to. It has methods to retrieve the addresses and triggers that are relevant to that particular report or document. This object can also be used to handle prompts.