MicroStrategy ONE

Best Practices for Integrity Testing

MicroStrategy recommends the following best practices when testing your upgrade with Integrity Manager:

  • Create all baselines using Integrity Manager ONE.

    For example, if you are going to upgrade from 10.4.x to ONE and you will not have a live 10.4.x and ONE both available at the same time to do a Project vs Project comparison, then upgrade a developer machine to ONE with Integrity Manager to capture the baseline for 10.4.x before upgrading it to ONE. Baselines that are created with older versions of Integrity Manager are not compatible and administrators can expect “does not contain tags” or “does not contain relations” errors. This is due to intentional architecture changes to support new functionality.

  • Create an integrity test comparing reports, documents, and dashboards from the upgraded test environment with the same objects in the current production environment, so that you can easily see where any differences are.
  • In a comparative integrity test, you must have the same OS version and the same font installed on your machine to use the Graph view to compare two PDF reports. Font rendering on a PDF is version and OS specific, so differences may result in formatting issues, which can affect comparison results.

  • Execute the tests against the production data warehouse. If this is not possible, test against a data warehouse that resembles the production data warehouse as closely as possible. Ensure that the tests for both the upgrade environment and the current production environment are executed against the same warehouse or unmatched results are returned, which is expected.
  • Execute the tests with production users, groups, and security roles, instead of specially-created integrity test users and groups, so that the tests match the production environment as closely as possible.
  • If possible, select content objects with at least default prompt answers to test. Otherwise create static copies of content objects that have prompts with no default prompt answers.
  • When executing a performance test, ensure no other usage or testing is being performed on the environments as it can result in misleading results.