MicroStrategy ONE

Verifying Reports and Documents

You can run automated tests to determine how specific changes in a project environment, such as the regular maintenance changes to metadata objects or hardware and software upgrades, affect the reports and documents in that project as part of a System Manager workflow. These types of test can ensure that reports and documents are working as intended, as well as determining the performance of any new or updated MicroStrategy deployments.

For background information on running automated tests of reports and documents using MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, see Verifying Reports and Documents with Integrity Manager.

To perform this configuration, in System Manager, from the Connectors and processes pane, add the Integrity Manager process to your workflow. The following information is required to run an automated test of reports and documents:

  • MTC Configuration File: The test file that defines how to perform the automated test of reports and documents. This file is created using Integrity Manager. For steps on how to create this test file, see Creating an Integrity Test.
  • Base Project Password: The password for the user specified in the test file to log in to the base project. This is not required for a baseline-versus-project or baseline-versus-baseline integrity test. You can use the button to the right of this password field to determine whether the password characters are shown or asterisks are displayed instead. Refer to Specifying Passwords for Multiple User Accounts and Special Characters below for information on providing multiple passwords or passwords that use special characters for an Integrity Manager test.
  • Target Project Password: The password for the user specified in the test file to log in to the destination project. This is not required for a single-project or baseline-versus-baseline integrity test. You can use the button to the right of this password field to determine whether the password characters are shown or asterisks are displayed instead. Refer to Specifying Passwords for Multiple User Accounts and Special Characters below for information on providing multiple passwords or passwords that use special characters for an Integrity Manager test.

You can use the following parameters to provide alternative test information and details when running an Integrity Manager test as part of a workflow. All parameters are optional, and if you clear the check box for a parameter listed below, any required information for that parameter is provided by the Integrity Manager test file instead:

  • Output Directory: The directory for any results. Click the folder icon to browse to and select an output directory.
  • Log File: Click the folder icon to browse to and select a log file directory.
  • Base Baseline File: Click the folder icon to browse to and select a baseline file for the base project.
  • Target Baseline File: Click the folder icon to browse to and select a baseline file for the target project.
  • Base Server Name: The name of the machine that is running the Intelligence Server that hosts the base project for the test.
  • Base Server Port: The port that Intelligence Server is using. The default port is 34952.
  • Target Server Name: The name of the machine that is running the Intelligence Server that hosts the target project for the test.
  • Target Server Port: The port that Intelligence Server is using. The default port is 34952.
  • Base Project Name: The name of the base project for the test.
  • Login(s) for Base Project: The login accounts required to run any reports or documents in the base project for the test. For multiple logins, enclose all logins in double quotes ("") and separate each login with a comma (,).
  • Target Project Name: The name of the target project for the test.
  • Login(s) for Target Project: The login accounts required to run any reports or documents in the base project for the test. For multiple logins, enclose all logins in double quotes ("") and separate each login with a comma (,).
  • Test Folder GUID: The GUID of the test folder. If this option is used, the reports and documents specified in the Integrity Manager test file are ignored. Instead, Integrity Manager executes all reports and documents in the specified folder.

    This option can only be used with a single-project integrity test or a project-versus-project integrity test.

  • Load Balancing for Base Server: Determines whether to use load balancing for the base server. If this option is used, it overrides the setting in the Integrity Manager test file.
  • Load Balancing for Target Server: Determines whether to use load balancing for the target server. If this option is used, it overrides the setting in the Integrity Manager test file.
  • Notes: Information to describe this process as part of the workflow.

Specifying Passwords for Multiple User Accounts and Special Characters

An Integrity Manager test can include multiple user accounts as part of the test, as well as user accounts that include special characters in their passwords.

To use multiple user accounts for testing, the passwords associated with each user account must also be provided. If your Integrity Manager test includes multiple user accounts, use the following rules to provide any required passwords for the base project and target project:

  • You must include a password for each user account defined in the Integrity Manager test configuration file. However, if all user accounts use a blank password, you can leave the base project and target project password fields blank to indicate that a blank password is used for each user account.
  • Enclose the full list of passwords in double quotes (").
  • Separate each password using a comma (,).
  • The passwords must be listed in the order that user accounts are defined in the Integrity Manager test. Use Integrity Manager to review the test file as required to determine the proper order.
  • If a subset of user accounts use blank passwords, use a space to indicate a blank password. For example, if the second user account included in an Integrity Manager test has a blank password, you can define the password list as:

    "password1, ,password3"

An Integrity Manager test can include user accounts that include special characters in their passwords. Use the following rules to denote special characters in passwords for the base project and target project:

  • If a password includes a single quote (') or comma (,), you must enclose the entire password in single quotes. For example, for the password sec,ret, you must type this password as 'sec,ret'.
  • To denote a single quote (') in a password, use two single quotes. For example, for the password sec'ret, you must type this password as 'sec''ret'.
  • To denote a double quote (") in a password, type ". For example, for the password sec"ret, you must type this password as sec"ret.
  • To denote an ampersand (&) in a password, type &. For example, for the password sec&ret, you must type this password as sec&ret.