MicroStrategy ONE

Completing a Separate System Manager Workflow

Rather than include all required processes in a single System Manager workflow, you can group processes into separate workflows. These separate workflows can then be combined in another workflow by including the separate workflows as processes.

By separating tasks into multiple workflows, you can then re-use these workflows as components of other larger workflows. For example, starting Intelligence Server and troubleshooting this service may be required for multiple workflows that you create. You can include the steps to start and troubleshoot Intelligence Server into a separate workflow, and then use this workflow in all the workflows that require these steps.

Once you have created a workflow, you can include it as a configuration in another workflow. In System Manager, from the Connectors and processes pane, add the Execute System Manager Workflow process to your workflow. The following information is required:

  • Workflow File: Click the folder icon to browse to and select a System Manager workflow file. This is the workflow that is included as a process in the current workflow.
  • Starting Process: Select this check box to specify the first process to attempt for the workflow. Type the name of the process, including the proper case, in the field below. Ensure that the process is enabled as an entry process for the workflow. For steps to enable a process as an entry process, see Using Entry Processes to Determine the First Step in a Workflow.
  • Use a Parameter File: Select this check box to specify a parameters file to provide values for the parameters of the workflow. Click the folder icon to browse to and select a parameters file for the workflow. For information on using parameters in a workflow, see Using Parameters for Processes. You can also specify parameter values using the Use Console Parameters option described below.
  • Use a Customized Log File: Select this check box to specify a log file to save all results of the workflow to. Click the folder icon to browse to and select a log file. This lets you separate the results of each workflow into individual log files. If you clear this check box, the results of the workflow are included in the log file for the main workflow.
  • Use Console Parameters: Select this check box to manually supply values for parameters of the process. Type the parameters and their values in the field below. If you also use the Use a Parameter File option described above, these values overwrite any values provided in the parameters file. For additional information on how the value of a parameter is determined, see Using Parameters for Processes.
  • Display Output on the Console: Select this check box to output all results to the System Manager console. If this check box is cleared, the results of any actions taken as part of this System Manager workflow are not displayed on the console and instead only provided in any specified log files.
  • Exit code options:
    • Personalize Success Exit Code(s): Select this check box to specify the exit codes that indicate successful execution of the underlying workflow. Type the exit codes in the text box, separating multiple codes with a comma. Valid exit codes must be an integer. The success exit codes you specify here map to a new exit code of 0, which is passed on to the larger workflow to indicate that this workflow executed successfully.
    • Personalize Failure Exit Code(s): Select this check box to specify the exit codes that indicate failed execution of the underlying workflow. Type the exit codes in the text box, separating multiple codes with a comma. Valid exit codes must be an integer. The failure exit codes you specify here map to a new exit code of -1, which is passed on to the larger workflow to indicate that this workflow failed.

    If you do not use the Personalize Exit Code(s) options, or if you configure them incorrectly, one of the following exit codes will be passed on to the larger workflow:

    • 1: Indicates an undefined execution result, which is treated as a successful execution. This success exit code is passed on to the larger workflow if you do not use the Personalize Exit Code(s) options and the workflow executes, regardless of whether the execution is successful or not.
    • -2: Indicates that the input format of the specified exit codes is incorrect, for example, if you use an exit code that is not an integer, or if you separate multiple codes with anything other than a comma.
    • -3: Indicates that there is at least one conflict in the personalized exit codes. For example, if you use exit code 4 in both the Success Exit Code(s) list and the Failure Exit Code(s) list.
    • -5555: Indicates that the underlying workflow failed to initialize. For example, if the workflow is incomplete, it will not start.
  • Notes: Information to describe this process as part of the workflow.