MicroStrategy ONE

Sample Workflows: Templates

System Manager includes sample, template workflows that you can use to learn how to create workflows in System Manager and use as building blocks for your own workflows.

From the System Manager home page, you can access the template workflows in the Templates section. To choose from the full list of template workflows, click the More Templates folder.

Once the workflow is open in System Manager, you can select each process in the workflow to review the task that it performs for the workflow. You can also modify the properties of each process so that the workflow can be used to configure and administer your environment. For information on the properties available for each type of process available using System Manager, see Defining Processes.

Template: Configuring Intelligence Server

The template 01ConfigureIntelligenceServer.smw can be used to configure Intelligence Server. The template includes the following tasks:

  • Creates a new DSN to store a metadata.
  • Configures Intelligence Server to connect to the new DSN.
  • Creates a new project source, which allows access to the metadata.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • A database location used to store a MicroStrategy metadata. By default, the template creates a DSN for a Microsoft SQL Server database. You can swap in a process that matches the database type that you use to store your metadata. For a list of processes that can be used to create DSNs, see Creating Data Source Names.
  • Separate response files used to connect Intelligence Server to the new DSN and to create a new project source. These response files can be created using MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard, as described in the Installation and Configuration Help.

Template: Configuring MicroStrategy Suite

The template 02ReportingSuiteSetup.smw can be used to configure MicroStrategy Suite. The MicroStrategy Suite is a MicroStrategy offering that lets you evaluate MicroStrategy as a departmental solution. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Creates a new metadata.
  • Configures Intelligence Server to connect to the new metadata.
  • Creates a new project source, which allows access to the new metadata.
  • Creates a new database instance for the MicroStrategy Suite.
  • Creates a new project for the MicroStrategy Suite and connects it to the new database instance.
  • Sends an email notification that describes the success of configuring the MicroStrategy Suite.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Access to the MicroStrategy Suite software.
  • Separate response files used to create a new metadata, connect Intelligence Server to the new DSN, and create a new project source. These response files can be created using MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard, as described in the Installation and Configuration Help.
  • Separate Command Manager scripts used to create a database instance, create a new project, and connect the new project to the new database instance. These scripts can be created using Command Manager, as described in Automating Administrative Tasks with Command Manager.

Template: Upgrading MicroStrategy Web, Including Customizations

The template 03UpgradeWebWithCustomizations.smw can be used to upgrade your MicroStrategy Web environment. This upgrade workflow also supports including any customizations that you made to your MicroStrategy Web environment. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Stops the web application server that hosts MicroStrategy Web.
  • Creates a backup copy of MicroStrategy Web customization files.
  • Creates a copy of the new web archive (.war) file to deploy the new version of MicroStrategy Web.
  • Restarts the web application server, which extracts the contents of the .war file.
  • Copies the MicroStrategy Web customization files into the newly deployed environment.
  • Stops and then restarts the web application server, which deploys the new MicroStrategy Web environment, including any customizations.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Access to any MicroStrategy Web customizations that are to be applied to the upgraded MicroStrategy Web environment. Review the MicroStrategy Software Development Library (MSDL) before upgrading MicroStrategy Web customizations for important upgrading best practices information.
  • Access to the .war file for the version of MicroStrategy Web to upgrade to.
  • A file used to start the web application server. By default, the template expects an Apache Tomcat web application server. You can swap in a file that starts your web application server.

Template: Upgrading a Metadata and Executing an Integrity Test

The template 04UpgradeMetadata.smw can be used to upgrade a metadata and execute an integrity test after the upgrade is complete. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Creates a backup copy of the metadata. An email is sent if a backup copy cannot be created.
  • Upgrades the metadata. An email is sent if the upgrade is not completed successfully. As part of a successful upgrade, the backup file is compressed into a zip file, and the original backup file is deleted.
  • Executes an Integrity Manager baseline test on the upgraded metadata.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Access to the metadata, and a SQL statement that can be used to create a copy of the metadata. By default, the template expects the metadata to be stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database. You can change the supplied SQL script to reflect the SQL syntax required for the database management system that you use to store your metadata.
  • A response file used to upgrade the metadata. This response file can be created using MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard, as described in the Installation and Configuration Help.
  • A test file that defines how to perform the automated test of reports and documents for the metadata. This file can be created using Integrity Manager, as described in Creating an Integrity Test.

Template: Retrieving the Status of Intelligence Server

The template 05IntelligenceServerAvailability.smw can be used to retrieve the status of Intelligence Server and start Intelligence Server if it is not operational. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Retrieves the status of Intelligence Server.
  • Attempts to start Intelligence Server if it is not running.
  • Sends an email notification that describes the success or failure of starting Intelligence Server.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisite is met:

Access to an Intelligence Server.

Template: Migrating Objects Between Two Projects and Executing an Integrity Test

The template 06ObjectMigration.smw can be used to migrate objects between two projects and execute an integrity test after the object migration is complete. This template can be used to migrate a project from a testing environment to a production environment. This template includes the following tasks:

This template is not provided if System Manager is installed on a UNIX or Linux environment.

  • Retrieves the status of Intelligence Server and attempts to start Intelligence Server if it is not operational. If Intelligence Server cannot be started, an email is sent and the workflow is ended.
  • Merges two projects into a single project.
  • Applies an update package to the merged project. An update package is a file containing a set of object definitions and conflict resolution rules.
  • Restarts Intelligence Server and executes an Integrity Manager test on the merged project.
  • Sends an email notification if any of the project migration steps fails.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • A file that defines how the duplicate projects are to be merged. This file is created using the Project Merge Wizard. For steps on how to create this configuration file, see Merge Projects with the Project Merge Wizard.
  • An update package file that defines how a project is to be duplicated. This file is created using MicroStrategy Object Manager. For steps on how to create this update package, see Copy Objects in a Batch: Update Packages.
  • A test file that defines how to perform the automated test of reports and documents for the project. This file can be created using Integrity Manager, as described in Creating an Integrity Test.

Template: Including a Cloud-Based Environment to Increase Intelligence Server Capacity

The template 07AddIntelligenceServerCapacity.smw can be used to include a cloud-based environment to increase Intelligence Server capacity. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Launches an Amazon EC2 cloud-based environment, which can be used to increase Intelligence Server capacity.
  • Ensures that MicroStrategy Listener is running, which is required to communicate with Intelligence Server.
  • Attempts to start Intelligence Server.
  • Searches through a response file used to create a project source. The Intelligence Server machine name is modified to match the machine name for the cloud-based environment.
  • Creates a new project source to connect to the cloud-based environment.
  • Searches through a Command Manager script file used to join the cloud-based environment to an Intelligence Server cluster. The Intelligence Server machine name is modified to match the machine name for the cloud-based environment.
  • Joins the cloud-based environment to an Intelligence Server cluster.
  • Sends an email notification that describes the success of adding the cloud-based environment to the Intelligence Server cluster.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Access to an Amazon EC2 cloud-based environment, including all relevant support files and information. Refer to your third-party Amazon EC2 documentation for information on the requirements to support a cloud-based environment.
  • A response file used to create a new project source. This response file can be created using MicroStrategy Configuration Wizard, as described in the Installation and Configuration Help.
  • A Command Manager script file used to join the cloud-based environment to an Intelligence Server cluster. This script can be created using Command Manager, as described in Creating and Executing Scripts.

Template: Restarting Intelligence Server

The template 08IntelligenceServerRe-Start.smw can be used to restart Intelligence Server and notify users of the scheduled restart. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Sends an email to users as a warning that Intelligence Server is about to be restarted.
  • Attempts to restart Intelligence Server and determines the success or failure of the restart.
  • Sends an email to either the administrator or the broader user community, depending on whether the restart was successful.

Template: Updating Projects with Multiple Update Packages

The template 09MigrateMultiplePacakgesUsingLoop.smw can be used to roll back a recent update package for multiple projects as well as apply a new update package. This template also serves as an example of successfully using loops in a System Manager workflow. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Downloads update package files from an SFTP server.
  • Creates a parameter that determines how many times the loop in the workflow has been completed. This parameter is used to choose the correct update packages and to exit the loop in the workflow at the proper time.
  • Checks for all required update package files and undo package files.
  • Sends an email to an administrator if some package files are not available.
  • Modifies a Command Manager script to select a different undo package and update package for each loop through the workflow.
  • Creates an undo package to roll back changes that were made to a project using an update package.
  • Completes the undo package to roll back changes for the project, and then completes a new update package to update the objects for the project.
  • Sends an email to an administrator verifying that the updates to the project were completed.
  • Continues to loop through the workflow to do the same type of updates for other projects, or ends the workflow after updating four projects with these changes.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Undo package files that define how to roll back the changes made by an update package for a project. This file is created using MicroStrategy Object Manager. For steps on how to create this undo package, see Copy Objects in a Batch: Update Packages.
  • Update package files that define how a project is to be updated. This file is created using MicroStrategy Object Manager. For steps on how to create this update package, see Copy Objects in a Batch: Update Packages.
  • Command Manager script files that are used to create and administer the undo package files. These script files can be created using Command Manager, as described in Creating and Executing Scripts.

Template: Publishing Intelligent Cubes and Workflow Troubleshooting

The template 10PublishCubesWithValidation.smw can be used to publish Intelligent Cubes, and as an example of a workflow that uses the Decision process to troubleshoot the System Manager workflow. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Employs an iterative retrieval process to retrieve information from a text file on the Intelligent Cubes to be published.
  • Uses Command Manager script files to publish Intelligent Cubes.
  • Uses multiple Decision processes to determine the success or failure of publishing the Intelligent Cubes.
  • Sends emails about the success or failure of publishing the Intelligent Cubes.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • A text file that includes the information required to publish the Intelligent Cubes. Each line of the file must include two columns. The first column provides the Intelligent Cube name, and the second column provides the full path to the Command Manager script files used to publish the Intelligent Cube.
  • Two Command Manager script files used to publish Intelligent Cubes. These script files can be created using Command Manager, as described in Creating and Executing Scripts.

Template: Launching Cloud-Based Environments in Parallel

The template 11ParallelExecutionOfWorkflows.smw can be used to launch multiple cloud-based environments. It also is an example of using parallel execution in System Manager. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Uses a split execution process to start two threads for the workflow to perform parallel processing.
  • Launches two Amazon EC2 cloud-based environments in parallel, which can be used to increase Intelligence Server capacity.
  • Checks to see if the cloud-based environments were launched successfully.
  • Sends emails about the success or failure of launching the cloud-based environments.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisite is met:

Access to an Amazon EC2 cloud-based environment, including all relevant support files and information. Refer to your third-party Amazon EC2 documentation for information on the requirements to support a cloud-based environment.

Template: Creating and Sharing Update Packages

The template 12CreateSharePackage.smw can be used to create a project update package and share that update package on an SFTP server. This template includes the following tasks:

  • Retrieves the status of Intelligence Server.
  • Attempts to start Intelligence Server if it is not running.
  • Uses an .xml file to create an update package.
  • Uploads the update package file to an SFTP server.
  • Sends an email notification about the availability of the update package.

Before using this template, be sure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Access to an Intelligence Server.
  • Access to an SFTP server to store the update package.
  • An .xml file that can be used to create an update package.
  • A text file that includes a list of people to notify about the availability of the newly created update package.