MicroStrategy ONE
Viewing a report in MDX view
An MDX view is usually of interest to a smaller population of your user community. When an MDX cube report is run, the MDX generated by MicroStrategy and executed in the MDX cube source is displayed in this view, along with a variety of execution statistics. This provides a good way to troubleshoot and fine-tune MDX cube reports.
If a report is switched to MDX view before the report is executed, the MDX might only detail a tentative execution plan (as opposed to the actual MDX that would be executed on the MDX cube source) and also lack the corresponding statistics. This is because, in many instances, MicroStrategy can choose different paths depending on the data retrieved from the MDX cube source. The Report details are also displayed in this view.
For any report, the MDX view shows:
MDX cubes that provide data for the MDX cube report
Types of aggregation performed on the data before it is displayed
Conditions applied to the data before it is displayed
Execution statistics
VLDB summary
MDX statements
To create an MDX cube report, MDX cubes must be integrated into your MicroStrategy project. For information on integrating MDX cube sources into MicroStrategy, see Integrating MDX Cubes into MicroStrategy in the In-memory Analytics Help.
To view a report in MDX view
Locate and open an MDX cube report that you want to display in MDX view. (For steps to run a report, see Running a report.)
If the MDX cube report is not already in MDX view, select View, then select MDXView to display the report in SQL view.