MicroStrategy ONE
Viewing a report in Design view
When you run a report in Design view, you can see the templates and filters that were used to create a given report. By selecting any existing report and then choosing this option, you can view and modify the basic components of a report. The design view can also be used to create Intelligent Cubes, which are part of MicroStrategy OLAP Services.
You must have Developer privileges to view a report in Design view. You must also have specific privileges to save any changes you make to the design of a report.
Design view also allows you to select or create both a template and a filter, the two basic components of a report. In other words, with this option you can design a report.
To view a report in Design view
Locate and open a report that you want to display in Design view. (For steps to run a report, see Running a report.)
If the report is not already in Design view, select View, then select Design View to display the report in Design view.