MicroStrategy ONE
Report Viewer menu bar options: Data menu
Options in this menu allow you to change the display of report data in a number of ways:
Advanced Sorting opens the Sorting dialog box, which you can use to customize the sorting criteria in the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Subtotals opens the Subtotals dialog box, which lists any subtotals being displayed on the report. You can use the check boxes to specify additional subtotals or clear existing subtotals for the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Grand Totals displays the grand totals for each column. The grand totals are visible in Grid view.
Thresholds opens the Thresholds dialog box, which allows you to create, enable, disable, and delete thresholds. Thresholds use conditional formatting to highlight certain data when it meets a defined condition, for example, bold all revenue over 1,000,000. You can also designate whether the thresholds can be quickly toggled on and off. (You toggle thresholds using the Show/Hide Threshold option, described below.) Thresholds cannot be created until at least one metric has been placed on the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Show/Hide Threshold shows or hides all thresholds on the report. The option is unavailable unless a threshold has been created and the threshold allows toggling on or off.
Drill opens the Drill dialog box, which allows you to drill on a report object (an attribute, for example) in a particular direction (down, up, or other directions). You can also override the default settings for keeping the parent object on the drilled-to report, and keeping thresholds on the drilled-to report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Edit Drill Map, available to users with Developer privileges, opens the Drill Map Editor, which allows you to create and edit a drill map for the report. You can associate a drill map with a specific object to enable a different set of drill paths than what you would see by default. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Attribute Display opens the Attribute Display dialog box, which allows you to select which attribute forms appear on the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Report Data Options opens the Report Data Options dialog box, which allows you to apply report limits, metric and attribute join types, evaluation order, aliases, object display, null values, and drilling options for the report. It is only available when a metric is on the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
VLDB Properties, available to users with Developer privileges, opens the VLDB Properties (Report) dialog box, which allows you to apply VLDB properties to the report's SQL. VLDB properties let you to customize the SQL that MicroStrategy generates when a report is executed, and determine how data is processed by the Analytical Engine. You can configure properties such as SQL join types, SQL inserts, table creation, and so on.
Configure Data Mart, available to users with Developer privileges, opens the Report Data Mart Setup dialog box, which allows you to identify the report as a data mart report. A data mart report creates a storage table to hold data in your relational database containing the results of the report. For an introduction to data marting and business scenarios, see the Data Marting chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.
Remove Data Mart Definition allows users with Developer privileges to delete an associated data mart report.
Export Options opens the Export Options dialog box that allows you to select an application to export to, and a destination location for exporting the report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on each option.
Export to exports the report to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Access, a text file, an HTML file, or a PDF file.
Report Caching Options, available to users with Developer privileges, opens the Report Caching Options dialog box that allows you to control caching at the report level. This overrides any project-level caching settings.
Report Options defines where users can browse to within a project to select objects for inclusion on a report. These preferences are only used when viewing the report in MicroStrategy Web.
ReexecuteReport re-executes a report, usually after one or more objects have been modified or report contents have been updated. For prompted reports, prompts are not displayed again so you cannot change your prompt answers.
Re-prompt is available for prompted reports. This option re-executes the report and allows you to answer the prompts again.