Strategy ONE
Prompt Hierarchy
Prompts are tracked as part of the Object hierarchy as well as separate attributes in order to analyze prompt answers, which are embedded in an object.
The lu_prompt table contains the distinct prompt objects stored in the metadata for a specific project.
Each prompt has a unique GUID and is defined at the Project level.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
prompt_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the prompt. This column is the source of the prompt attribute. |
bigint(20) |
prompt_guid |
The GUID of the prompt object in the metadata. |
varchar(32) |
prompt_name |
The name of the prompt stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
prompt_desc |
The detailed description of the prompt. |
varchar(512) |
prompt_location |
The navigation path to the prompt in the project. For example: Platform Analytics/Public Objects/Prompts/System Prompts |
longtext |
prompt_status |
The numeric ID of the current status of the prompt. The status can continue to update if the prompt is modified. The status can be: Visible Hidden Deleted |
varchar(25) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the prompt was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp for when the prompt was last modified. The timestamp will continue to update as the prompt is modified. |
datetime |
prompt_type_id |
The fixed numeric ID of the Prompt Type. Prompt Type includes: Attribute Element Prompt Embedded Prompt Level Prompt Object Prompt Prompt- includes, attribute hierarchy prompts, attribute qualification prompts, and metric qualification prompts Value Prompt This column is the source of the Prompt Type attribute. |
smallint(6) |
project_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding project. |
bigint(20) |
owner_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding prompt object owner. This column is not mapped to an attribute in the schema. |
bigint(20) |
prompt_version |
The version ID of the prompt. |
varchar(32) |
required |
The flag used to track if the prompt must be required. The value can be: Not Applicable N Y |
varchar(41) |
The Prompt Type for a specific Prompt stored in the metadata(s) being monitored. This attribute provides groupings of the prompts. The data in this table is static and predefined.
Attribute hierarchy prompts, attribute qualification prompts, and metric qualification prompts cannot be differentiated as different prompt types. They are grouped to a default Prompt Type.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
prompt_type_id |
The fixed numeric ID of the Prompt Type. This is the source column of the Prompt Type attribute. |
smallint(6) |
prompt_type_desc |
Prompt Type elements include: Attribute Element Prompt Embedded Prompt Level Prompt Object Prompt Prompt- includes, attribute hierarchy prompts, attribute qualification prompts, and metric qualification prompts Value Prompt |
varchar(255) |
This fact table stores the Prompt Answer for each prompt during an execution. During execution, each time a prompt is answered, a new record is added into this table. If the user does not answer a prompt selection, the prompt answer is recorded as null.
Example report:
- Attributes: Object, Prompt, Prompt Answer
- Metric: Count (action)
This report indicates the number of times a specific prompt linked to an object (report, document, or dashboard) has been answered with a particular response.
The fact_prompt_answers table is the source for two facts:
- Prompt Actions: Records the unique tran_id (actions) recorded in the fact_prompt_answers table.
- Prompt Answer Sequence: Records the order in which the Prompt Answers are applied.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
parent_tran_id |
Auto-generated numeric transaction ID. This is the source column for the Parent Action attribute. Action is the lowest level that is defined in the Platform Analytics project schema. Parent Action is used to group by multiple Actions sharing the same job. |
bigint(20) |
prompt_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the prompt. |
varchar(255) |
prompt_order_id |
The source for Prompt Order fact. Indicates in what order a user answered a series of prompts in a prompted object. |
smallint(6) |
prompt_answer |
The prompt answer chosen by the user. The prompt answer can include a metric value, an object, an attribute list, custom text, etc. This is the source column of the Prompt Answer attribute. |
varchar(2048) |