Strategy ONE
Platform Analytics Configuration Tables
This table can be used to track which version of Platform Analytics was installed and/or updated.
The historical files version are also tracked in this table. The latest version of the procedures and DDL files will indicate which Platform Analytics file versions are currently running.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
filename |
The name of the file that the installer executes in the warehouse. |
varchar(128) |
filetype |
The type of file being executed. For example: DDL Procedure Data Update |
varchar(32) |
insert_ts |
The UTC timestamp when the file was called by the installer. |
datetime |
This table controls which Networks will be processed into the Platform Analytics warehouse. By default, the table is empty, so data for all the networks is processed. If an ID of a Network is inserted in this table, Platform Analytics will only process this specific network and exclude all others.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
network_id |
The ID of the network to be processed. |
bigint(20) |
network_desc |
The description/name of the network. |
varchar(255) |