Strategy ONE

Client Telemetry

Client telemetry was introduced in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 8 (December 2022). Starting in MicroStrategy 2021 Update 9, this preview feature is out-of-the-box.

Client telemetry attributes describe the peripheral activity of the MicroStrategy platform, such as user interaction with the content (switching to pages, sorting, and so on) and devices used during the session.

Telemetry collected from modern clients is stored at the transactional level and is joined with server telemetry (users, objects, server jobs) to provide meaningful insights.

Client-associated attributes have relationships with time, account, device, and session hierarchies. The addition of the Custom Application attribute offers the ability to analyze how customized applications impact the interaction of the user base with the content.

Attribute/Metric Name


Table Mapping

Client Action Category Category for a client action (execution or manipulation) lu_client_action_category
A12. Clients
Client Action Date Date on which the client action was performed fact_client_executions

A12. Clients

Client Action Type Specific execution or manipulation type for a client action (sort, show total, drill, etc.) lu_client_action_type
A12. Clients
Client Action Unique ID for each client action fact_client_executions

A12. Clients

Client Application Version Numerical version of the MicroStrategy client application from which a client request was made lu_client_application_version
A12. Clients
Client Application Version Category Type of MicroStrategy client application from which a request was made (Library Web, Library Mobile iOS, MicroStrategy Application, and so on.) lu_client_application_version_category

A12. Clients

Client Cache Type For executions that hit a cache, indicates the type of cache hit lu_client_cache_type
A12. Clients
Client Session Session ID provided by client application. Does not correspond to the Intelligence server session. lu_client_session

A12. Clients

Execution Sequence Increments each time a user opens a dashboard/document in a given client session. Restarts at 1 for each new client session. fact_client_executions A12. Clients
Manipulation Is Cached Multimedia Flag that indicates whether a manipulation used multimedia cache fact_client_executions

A12. Clients

Manipulation Name Name of the object (standalone or embedded) on which a manipulation was performed fact_client_executions A12. Clients
Manipulation Result Flag that indicates whether a manipulation was successful fact_client_executions

A12. Clients

Manipulation Sequence Increments each time a user performs a manipulation on an object. Restarts at 1 each time for each new object manipulated. fact_client_executions A12. Clients
Manipulation Value Content of the manipulation performed
Example: For a switch page manipulation type, the name of the page. For a sorting manipulation type, ascending or descending.

A12. Clients

Network Type Network availability from which a client request was made lu_network_type
A12. Clients
Device The unique ID and name of the device with which a user performs an action. lu_device

A08. Client Devices

Device Category The category of device types (such as. iPhone, iPad, tablet, personal computer, and so on). lu_device_category
A08. Client Devices
Device Type The make and/or model of the phone, tablet, or computer used to perform an action. lu_device_type

A08. Client Devices

OS The name and version of the operating system. lu_os
A08. Client Devices
OS Category The operating system category (such as iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, Linux, and so on). lu_os_category

A08. Client Devices

Custom Application An attribute that provides a list of custom applications in the metadata. lu_custom_application
A02. Configuration Objects
Avg Client Render Time Average of Client Total Render Time (ms) at the report level fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Avg Client Total View Time Average of Client Total View Time (ms) at the report level fact_client_executions M09. Clients
Client Device State Change Time Timestamp of last update to the mobile device information (OS update, application version update, and so on1) fact_client_device_history

M09. Clients

Client Actions Total number of dashboard/document executions and manipulations performed by the client.2 fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Received Timestamp Timestamp of when the mobile device received a response from the Intelligence server fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Render Finish Timestamp Timestamp of when the client finished rendering fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Render Start Timestamp Timestamp of when the client started rendering, triggered by the object execution or manipulation (such as sorting) fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Request Receive Time(ms) Time elapsed between sending the dashboard/document request and the received data from the Intelligence server fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Request Timestamp Timestamp of when the dashboard/document request was sent from the mobile device to the Intelligence server fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Total Render Time (ms) Time elapsed between client rendering start and client rendering finish fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client Total View Time (ms) Time elapsed between rendering finish and closing the dashboard/document or sending the application to the background for mobile applications fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Client View Finish Timestamp Timestamp of when the end user closed the dashboard/document or sent the application to the background fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Number of Manipulations Total count of manipulations performed in the opened dashboard/document fact_client_executions

M09. Clients

Devices A metric that counts the total number of devices with actions. access_transactions M01. Telemetry > Badge