Strategy ONE
Configuration Objects Hierarchy
List of the metadata repositories that contain the configuration, schema, and application objects being monitored by Platform Analytics.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
metadata_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the metadata repository. |
int(11) |
metadata_guid |
The GUID of the metadata(s) being monitored by Platform Analytics. |
int(11) |
metadata_db_connection |
The metadata database connection URL. Used to differentiate metadata’s with the same GUID but different database servers. |
varchar(512) |
List of the projects in the metadata repositories that are being monitored by Platform Analytics. All applications, schema, and configuration objects are stored at the project level.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
project_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the project. |
bigint(20) |
project_guid |
The GUID of the project. |
varchar(32) |
project_name |
The name of the project stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
project_desc |
The long description of the project added in the Project Properties editor. |
varchar(512) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the project was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the Project was last modified. The modification timestamp will continue to update as the project is modified. |
datetime |
project_status |
The latest status of the project. The status can be: Visible Deleted – indicates the project has been removed |
varchar(25) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Projects are stored at the level of metadata. |
int(11) |
owner_id |
The numeric ID of the Project owner. This column is not available in the reporting schema. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
project_version | The version ID of the project. | varchar(32) |
The list of the database type in the metadata repositories.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_type_id |
The numeric ID of the database type for the database instance. |
int(11) |
db_type_desc |
The description of the database type for the database instance. |
varchar(225) |
The list of the database version in the metadata repositories.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_version_id |
The numeric ID of the database version for the database instance. |
int(11) |
db_version_desc |
The description of the database version for the database instance. |
varchar(225) |
List the database login created in the metadata. All configuration objects are stored at the metadata level. For more information about database instances, see Creating a database login.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_login_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the database login. |
bigint(20) |
db_login_name |
The Name of the database login. |
varchar(32) |
db_login_guid |
The GUID of the database login. |
varchar(255) |
db_instance_status |
The status of the database login. The status can be: Visible Deleted |
varchar(25) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Configuration objects are stored at the level of metadata. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
db_login_version | The version ID of the database login. | varchar(32) |
List the database instance created in the metadata. All configuration objects are stored at the metadata level. For more information about database instances, see Creating a database instance.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_instance_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the database instance. |
bigint(20) |
db_instance_guid |
The GUID of the database instance. |
varchar(32) |
db_instance_name |
The name of the database instance. |
varchar(255) |
db_instance_desc |
The long description of the database instance added in the Properties editor. |
varchar(255) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the database instance was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the database instance was last modified. The modification timestamp will continue to update with each saved modification. |
datetime |
db_instance_status |
The status of the database connection. The status can be: Visible Deleted |
varchar(25) |
owner_id |
The current owner_id of the database instance. The owner can be the person who created the object or was later changed to be the owner. This column is not mapped in the Platform Analytics schema. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Configuration objects are stored at the level of metadata. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
db_type_id | The numeric ID of the database type for the database instance. | int(11) |
db_version_id | The version ID of the database instance. | int(11) |
List the database connections created in the metadata. All configuration objects are stored at the metadata level. For more information about database connections, see Creating a Database Connection and How to Manage Database Connections.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_connection_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the database connection. |
bigint(20) |
db_connection_guid |
The GUID of the database connection. |
varchar(32) |
db_connection_name |
The name of the database connection. |
varchar(255) |
db_connection_status |
The status of the database connection. The status can be: Visible Deleted |
varchar(25) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp when the database connection was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp when the database connection was last modified. The modification timestamp will continue to update with each saved modification. |
datetime |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Configuration Objects are stored at the level of metadata. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
db_connection_version | The version ID of the database connection. | varchar(32) |
data_source_name |
The name of the configured DSN for the database connection. |
varchar(4096) |
The Database Connection Map is an attribute to link the unique combinations of Database Connection, Database Instance, and Database Login, which were used during an action (i.e. running a report). The ID value is auto-generated, but does not represent anything meaningful on its own. All configuration objects are stored at the metadata level.
A Connection Map allows an administrator to apply different levels access to RDBMS per User/User Group. For more information, see Connection Mappings. If a User/User Group for which the connection map is defined runs a report/document/dashboard, there will be a new entry in lu_db_connection_map. If the Connection Map has been created, but never applied to an action, it will not appear in this table.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
db_connection_map_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the Database Connection Map. The value acts as a links between the database instance, database connection, and database login, but does not have any meaning on its own. |
bigint(20) |
db_instance_id |
The numeric ID of the database instance. |
bigint(20) |
db_connection_id |
The numeric ID of the database connection. |
bigint(20) |
db_login_id |
The numeric ID of the database login. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The metadata ID for which the Database Connection Map was executed against. Configuration objects are stored at the metadata level. |
bigint(20) |