Strategy ONE
Distribution Services Hierarchy
The Recipient table is used to track the contact that received a distribution services message from a MicroStrategy account. The Recipient can be:
- A user object in the metadata: Name and Email are the same as in the values stored in the metadata
- An external email contact: When the user is an external contact, the email and name attribute forms will be the same values.
- The account can send a message directly to itself.
The recipient_id column is recorded along with job executions in MicroStrategy. When a new distribution services message is received with a recipient, a new entry is added into lu_recipient and fact_access_transaction table. Recipient_ids are shared with lu_entity.
Only executions related to subscriptions will have a valid recipient. All the ad-hoc object executions will have a default recipient assigned to them. For example, a user who is executing a report does not have a recipient. In these logs, a default (recipient_id = -1) is assigned. To analyze on subscription executions, exclude the recipient_id = -1.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
recipient_id |
The auto-generated ID for the recipient. |
bigint(20) |
recipient_guid |
The GUID of the recipient. |
varchar(32) |
recipient_name |
Name of the recipient who received the message. |
varchar(255) |
recipient_address |
The email address or file path of the recipient who received the message. |
varchar(512) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Recipients are stored at the level of metadata. |
int(11) |
In MicroStrategy, it is possible to trigger one subscription which is sent to multiple users at the same time. In this case, there will be a Parent Subscription, which is linked to child Subscriptions. The lu_subscription_base table is used to track both the Parent and child Subscriptions. If a Subscription does not have a parent, the same ID is repeated.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
subscription_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the Subscription object. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_guid |
The GUID of the subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(32) |
subscription_name |
The name of Subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
parent_subscription_id |
The numeric ID for the Parent Subscription. If a Subscriptions does have a Parent Subscriptions the ID will be the same as subscription_id. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_url_j2ee |
The HTML link for managing the subscription on a Java based web server. |
varchar(8192) |
subscription_url_dotnet |
The HTML link for managing the subscription on a .Net based web server. |
varchar(8192) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp when the subscription is first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp for when the Subscription was last modified. The timestamp will continue to update as the subscription is modified. |
datetime |
delivery_format_id |
This is the format in which a subscription is delivered to a user as. For example, PDF, Excel, CSV etc. See lu_delivery_format for more details. |
smallint(6) |
subscription_status |
The numeric ID of the latest status of the Subscription. The status can be,
varchar(25) |
schedule_id |
The ID of the corresponding schedule of the subscription. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_type_id |
The ID of the type for the subscription. |
int(11) |
object_id |
The ID of the object which was subscribed. |
bigint(20) |
owner_id |
The ID of the user who owns the Subscription. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The ID of the metadata where the subscription was created. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
In MicroStrategy, it is possible to trigger one subscription which is sent to multiple users at the same time. In this case, there will be a Parent Subscription, which is linked to child Subscriptions. The lu_subscription view table tracks Subscriptions created in the metadata(s) being monitored. For more details about creating subscriptions, see Scheduling reports and documents: Subscriptions. Note that parent subscriptions are not included in this view table. See the lu_parent_subscription for more details about parent subscriptions.
The value of subscription_status column could be “Invalid” in multiple scenarios:
- The object that the subscription is subscribed to is deleted
- The subscription expires
- The user who create the subscription is deleted
- The project which the subscriptions is deleted
View Table Column |
Warehouse Table Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
subscription_id |
subscription_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the Subscription object. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_guid |
subscription_guid |
The GUID of the subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(32) |
subscription_name |
subscription_name |
The name of Subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
parent_subscription_id |
parent_subscription_id |
The numeric ID for the Parent Subscription. If a Subscriptions does have a Parent Subscriptions, the ID will be the same as subscription_id. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_url_j2ee |
subscription_url_j2ee |
HTML link for managing the subscription on a Java based Web server. |
varchar(8192) |
delivery_format_id |
delivery_format_id |
The format in which a subscription is delivered to a user. For example, PDF, Excel, CSV etc. See lu_delivery_format for more details. |
smallint(6) |
subscription_url_dotnet |
subscription_url_dotnet |
HTML link for managing the subscription on a .Net based Web server. |
varchar(8192) |
creation_timestamp |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp when the subscription is first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp for when the Subscription was last modified. The timestamp will continue to update as the subscription is modified. |
datetime |
subscription_status |
subscription_status |
The numeric ID of the latest status of the Subscription. The status can be:
varchar(25) |
schedule_id |
schedule_id |
The ID of the corresponding schedule of the subscription. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_type_id |
subscription_type_id |
The ID of the type for the subscription. |
int(11) |
object_id |
object_id |
The ID of the object which was subscribed. |
bigint(20) |
owner_id |
owner_id |
The ID of the user who owns the Subscription. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
metadata_id |
The ID of the metadata where the subscription was created. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_owner_id |
subscription_owner_id |
The ID of the owner of the subscription. |
bigint(20) |
In MicroStrategy, it is possible to trigger one subscription which is sent to multiple users at the same time. In this case, there will be a Parent Subscription, which is linked to child Subscriptions. The lu_parent_subscription view table tracks Subscriptions created in the metadata(s) being monitored. For more details about creating subscriptions, see Scheduling reports and documents: Subscriptions.
View Table Column |
Warehouse Table Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
subscription_id |
subscription_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the Subscription object. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_guid |
subscription_guid |
The GUID of the subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(32) |
subscription_name |
subscription_name |
The name of Subscription stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
subscription_url_j2ee |
subscription_url_j2ee |
HTML link for managing the subscription on a Java based web server. |
varchar(8192) |
subscription_url_dotnet |
subscription_url_dotnet |
HTML link for managing the subscription on a .Net based web server. |
varchar(8192) |
delivery_format_id |
delivery_format_id |
The format in which a subscription is delivered to a user. For example, PDF, Excel, CSV etc. See lu_delivery_format for more details. |
smallint(6) |
creation_timestamp |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp when the subscription is first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp for when the Subscription was last modified. The timestamp will continue to update as the subscription is modified. |
datetime |
subscription_status |
subscription_status |
The numeric ID of the latest status of the Subscription. The status can be:
varchar(25) |
schedule_id |
schedule_id |
The ID of the corresponding schedule of the subscription. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_type_id |
subscription_type_id |
The ID of the type for the subscription. |
int(11) |
object_id |
object_id |
The ID of the object which was subscribed. |
bigint(20) |
owner_id |
owner_id |
The ID of the user who owns the Subscription. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
metadata_id |
The ID of the metadata where the subscription was created. |
bigint(20) |
The table is the predefined list of Subscription Types. Each Subscription has a corresponding Subscription Type, see Types of Subscriptions for more details.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
subscription_type_id |
The fixed numeric ID for the subscription type. |
smallint(6) |
subscription_type_desc |
The type of subscription that was sent to the recipient. The types can include: File Custom History List Client Cache Update Mobile Personal View FTP |
varchar(255) |
lu_subscription_owner is a view on the lu_mstr_user table in the warehouse. The lu_subscription_owner table is used to track the user who created the object or another user who currently owns the object. The owner usually defines the permissions for how the object can be used and by whom.
The lu_owner view table is mapped to two logical tables in the Platform Analytics project, Object Owner and Subscription Owner.
View Table Column |
Warehouse Table Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
subscription_owner_id |
mstr_user_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID for the current Subscription Owner in the MicroStrategy metadata. |
bigint(20) |
subscription_owner_guid |
mstr_user_guid |
The metadata GUID of the user who has ownership of the subscription. |
varchar(32) |
subscription_owner_name |
mstr_user_name |
The name of the User object in the metadata that has ownership of the Subscription. |
varchar(255) |
subscription_owner_login |
mstr_user_login |
The login of the User object in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
creation_timestamp |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp of when the user was first created in the metadata. If a script was used to import a list of users, the timestamp may be identical for users. This is expected. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the User object was modified. The value will continually update as the User is modified or changed. |
datetime |
subscription_owner_status |
mstr_user_status |
The latest status of the User object in the metadata. The status can be: Visible Hidden Deleted |
varchar(25) |
metadata_id |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID for the corresponding metadata for each User. All users are stored at the metadata level. |
int(11) |
subscription_owner_version | mstr_user_version | The version ID for the MicroStrategy user that owns the subscription. | varchar(32) |
The lu_schedule table contains the distinct Schedule objects stored in the metadata. Each schedule has a unique GUID and is defined at the metadata level. For more information about schedule objects, see Creating and managing schedules.
A report or document can also be emailed directly without a subscription. For these types of subscriptions, Platform Analytics assigns the schedule as Send Now, see Emailing a Report or Document for more details.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
schedule_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID of the schedule. |
bigint(20) |
schedule_guid |
The GUID of the Schedule object in metadata. |
varchar(32) |
schedule_name |
The name of the Schedule stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
schedule_desc |
The detailed description of the Schedule object. |
varchar(512) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the Schedule was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the Schedule was modification. The timestamp will continually update as the Schedule is modified. |
datetime |
schedule_status |
The current status of the Schedule. A Schedule can have a status of: Visible Deleted Hidden |
varchar(25) |
schedule_type_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding Schedule Type. |
tinyint(4) |
event_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding Event. |
bigint(20) |
owner_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding Schedule object owner. This column is not mapped to an attribute in the schema. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Schedules are stored at the metadata level. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
schedule_version | The version ID of the schedule. | varchar(32) |
Each Schedule has a corresponding Schedule Type. The Schedule Type can be Time-Based, Event-Based, or a Send Now subscription. For more details reference, see Time-triggered schedules and Event-triggered schedules.
A report or document can also be emailed directly without a subscription. For these types of subscriptions, Platform Analytics assigns the schedule type as Send Now. See Emailing a Report or Document for more details.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
schedule_type_id |
The fixed numeric ID for the schedule type. |
tinyint(4) |
schedule_type_desc |
The type of subscription that was sent to the recipient. The types can include: Unknown Time-Based Event-Based Send Now |
varchar(128) |
The full list of Event objects and the corresponding descriptive information from the MicroStrategy metadata(s) being monitored by Platform Analytics. For more details about event objects, see About events and event-triggered schedules.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
event_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID of the Event. |
bigint(20) |
event_guid |
The GUID of the Event object in the metadata. |
varchar(32) |
event_name |
The name of the Event stored in the metadata. |
varchar(255) |
event_desc |
The detailed description of the Event object. |
varchar(512) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the Event was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the Event was modification. The timestamp will continually update as the Event is modified. |
datetime |
event_status |
The current status of the Event. An Event can have a status of: Visible Deleted Hidden |
varchar(25) |
owner_id |
The numeric ID of the corresponding Event object owner. This column is not mapped to an attribute in the schema. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. Events are stored at the metadata level. |
bigint(20) |
transaction_timestamp |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
datetime |
event_version | The version ID of the event. | varchar(32) |
Not all subscription types have the same delivery formats. For more details about Subscription Types and Delivery Formats, see Types of subscriptions.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
delivery_format_id |
A fixed numeric ID of the Delivery Format. |
smallint(6) |
delivery_format_desc |
The Delivery Format that was selected for the subscription. The Delivery Formats include: CSV Dataset Editable XML Excel Flash Graph HTML HTML5 Interactive XML MSTR File Phone Plain Text Presentation Tablet XML |
varchar(255) |
Lists the devices used to receive a subscription.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
Subscription_device_id |
The auto-generated ID for the Subscription Device. This is the source column for the Subscription Device attribute. |
bigint(20) |
Subscription_device_name |
The name of the device. |
varchar(255) |
Subscription_device_guid | The GUID of the device. | varchar(32) |
Subscription_device_version |
The version ID of the device. |
varchar(32) |
Subscription_device_desc | The description of the device. | varchar(512) |
Creation_timestamp |
The timestamp the device was created. |
datetime |
Modification_timestamp | The timestamp the device was modified. | datetime |
Transaction_timestamp |
The timestamp a transaction was last received for the device. |
datetime |
Metadata_id | The auto-generated ID for the metadata. | bigint(20) |
List the report or document execution result that is stored in a user's personal History List Message folder. Each user has their own History List folder with messages that can either be stored in a database or file system.
A History List is a collection of pre-executed reports and documents that have been sent to a user’s personal History folder. These pre-executed reports and documents are called History List messages. This table stores the full list of History List Message that have been pre-executed. For more details about History Lists, see Understanding History Lists.
Column |
Description |
Data-Type |
history_list_message_id |
The auto-generated numeric ID of the History List Message. |
bigint(20) |
history_list_message_guid |
The GUID of the History List Message in metadata. |
varchar(32) |
history_list_message_title |
The most recent title of the History List Message. The title can be modified at any time. |
varchar(512) |
history_list_message_status |
The current status of the History List Message. The status of the history list messages can continually updated. A History List Message can have a status of: Create History List Message Change History List Message Status – indicates that the message changed either from read to unread or vice versa. Delete History List Message View History List Message – the user executed the history list message. |
varchar(100) |
is_deleted |
MicroStrategy internal use. |
int(11) |
creation_timestamp |
The UTC timestamp for when the History List Message was first created. |
datetime |
modification_timestamp |
The latest UTC timestamp from when the History List Message was modification. The timestamp will continually update as the History List Message is modified. |
datetime |
project_id |
The numeric ID of the project. History List Messages are stored at the project and metadata level. |
bigint(20) |
metadata_id |
The numeric ID of the metadata. History List Messages are stored at the project and metadata level. |
bigint(20) |