MicroStrategy ONE

About Importing an Additional Measure Structure

Measures in MDX cube sources are integrated into MicroStrategy as metrics by default. However, measures can include an additional structure that cannot be supported by MicroStrategy metrics. This additional structure can support the hierarchical display of measures in an MDX cube source, and the Measures attributes displays the measures for the MDX cube, including the hierarchical structure of the measure.

To support this additional structure when importing the data, you import the measures as a regular MDX dimension. This method integrates the measures into MicroStrategy as an attribute, which can support the additional structure for the measures. See Import Measures as Regular Dimensions for steps.

To support this additional structure in measures, be aware that:

  • The additional structure for measures can only be integrated into MicroStrategy for Oracle Essbase MDX cube sources. This option is not available for all other MDX cube sources.
  • Pass-through derived metrics are not supported. Instead, they return empty values.

  • If you enable support for the additional structure, a single metric called Amount is created for the MDX cube. When using this Amount metric, be aware of the following:

    • You must include the Amount metric, as well as the attributes created for the measures, on an MDX cube report to display the values for all the measure data. The attributes for the measures are created under a hierarchy by default. The example report displays an example of the Amount metric and Measures attributes on a report.

    • Since the measure data is displayed using a single Amount metric, only a single value format such as currency or percentage can be used for all the values. The example report uses a fixed value format that displays two decimal places.

    • To support multiple value formats, you must disable the support for this additional structure, which imports each measure as a separate metric in MicroStrategy.

  • If you enable support for the additional structure, the measure is imported as a hierarchical attribute. When using this Measure hierarchical attribute, be aware of the following:

    • When the measure is put into the Filter panel, all elements of measure are fetched to client together for the Filter panel, instead of fetching the elements on demand.

    • When the measure is put into the Filter panel with other hierarchical attributes and the measure chooses other attributes as a filtering target, the measure filter is ignored for the targeted attributes.