MicroStrategy ONE

Create an IAM Object with a Generic OAuth Type

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE Update 10 (August 2023), you can create an IAM object with generic OAuth.

  1. In the Navigation pane, click , next to Enterprise Security.

  2. Choose the Environment in which you want to create the object.

  3. Give the IAM object a Display Name.

  4. Select the Generic OAuth IdP type and register the MicroStrategy environment as an application with the provided Login Redirect URIs.

  5. Copy and paste the MicroStrategy application configuration fields, including:

    • Client ID

    • Client Secret

    • OAuth URL

    • Token URL

    • Scope

  6. If additional OAuth parameters are necessary, add them in Additional OAuth Parameters using the following format:



  7. Click Save.

Related Topics

Manage OAuth Enterprise Security with Identity and Access Management (IAM) Objects