MicroStrategy ONE

View Documents in Your Library

In Library, documents appear as interactive applications where users can choose on selectors to view their values. To view a document, go to the Library Home page and select a document tile.

Documents have a series of icons at the top of the page. These icons provide different ways for you to view, interact, and share your document. Depending on the document, the icons listed at the top may vary.

Return to the Library landing page.


Navigate between pages and chapters in your document with the table of contents.

After performing any document manipulations, click reset to return to your original document version.

After running a prompted document, click re-prompt to change your prompt answers.

View comments and discussions on the document.

Share the document with others.

View links to help or see a tutorial on using Library, or log out.

View your Library options, such as the share, comment, and home icons when viewing a document horizontally.


Return to the Library landing page.


After performing any dashboard manipulations, click reset to return to your original dashboard version.


After running a prompted document, click re-prompt to change your prompt answers.


Share the document with others.


View comments and discussions on the document.

View your Library options, such as the share, comment, and home icons when viewing a document horizontally.


The Layout drop-down appears in the top-left corner under the title of the document. Use the drop-down to switch between different layouts.


After performing any dashboard manipulations, click reset to return to your original dashboard version.


After running a prompted document, click re-prompt to change your prompt answers.


Share the document with others.


View comments and discussions on the document.