MicroStrategy ONE

Specify Minimum and Maximum Column Widths in Modern Grids

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024), column resizing in modern grids using fit to container mode is handled in percentages to total container width, rather than pixels. This ensures the grid remains legible when resizing windows, changing screens, or switching devices. It also helps maximize grid space utilization when certain columns (such as Year, customer ID) need to occupy a smaller portion of the grid, to allow other columns (such as address) to occupy the remaining space, while fitting all content in the container. To resize certain columns in fit to container mode, drag the column divider.

Additionally, you have the option to set a fixed minimum or maximum width for each column. This enhances readability by keeping columns with fixed-width data constrained, while allowing other columns to expand or contract to occupy available space.

  1. In a modern grid, right-click a column header and choose Column Width Limit.

  2. Enter the minimum and maximum column widths.