MicroStrategy ONE

Integrate with Auto Bots

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024), you can elevate your HyperIntelligence for Web experience with AI powered Auto Bots integration.

To get started, check out the following topics:


  • AI powered HyperIntelligence is available for cloud environments with an enabled AI Service only.

  • To use Auto Bots with HyperIntelligence, you must configure AI integration in Workstation when editing the card.

  • You must have the Run AI Bots privilege to interact with a Bot.

Identify Cards with Bots

There are two ways to identify HyperIntelligence cards with an integrated Bot:

  • Browser extension The Bot icon appears when the Bot is associated with a card.

  • On the Card The Ask me a question. prompt appears at the bottom of the screen.

Use a Bot in a Card

  1. At the bottom of a card, enter a question in Ask me a question. A suggestion list may appear to help you understand the available attributes and metrics. Click a suggestion to add it to the box.

  2. Once the Bot responds, you can download the message, see the Interpretation, or rate incorrect responses with the thumbs down button.

  3. To use a previous message with edits, click re-ask , edit the message, and send it.

  4. To switch between the Bot and a HyperIntelligence card, tap the card icon in the top right.

  5. To go back to the Bot from a HyperIntelligence card, hover over Ask me a question and click Open Bot.

Chat History

The Bot chat history is visible while the user interacts with the Bot in a HyperIntelligence card, but does not appear in other clients such as MicroStrategy Library Web.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Cards do not store chat history.

  • Once a card is closed and reopened, there is no question history.

Question Limit

A Bot author can define a question limit for each user. For more information, see General Settings.

Once you reach the question limit, you cannot ask any new questions until the 30-day rolling period ends.

Related Topics

Introduction to HyperIntelligence

Create and Edit a Bot