MicroStrategy ONE

Advanced Settings

Use the Advanced Settings dialog to customize the SQL that MicroStrategy generates and determine how data is processed by the Analytical Engine.

The table below summarizes the advanced settings for dashboards and documents.

Property Type



Possible Values Default Values


Join Across Datasets

Determines how values for metrics are calculated when unrelated attributes, from different datasets of a dashboard or document, are included with metrics.

Disallow joins based on unrelated common attributes

Allow joins based on unrelated common attributes:

Disallow joins based on unrelated common attributes

The table below summarizes the advanced settings for reports that are based on an OLAP cube.

Property Type



Possible Values Default Value

Analytical Engine

Display Null On Top Determines where NULL values appear when you sort data.

Display NULL value in bottom while sorting

Display NULL values on top while sorting

Display NULL values on top while sorting

Null Checking for Analytical Engine Determines whether or not null values are interpreted as zeros when the Analytical Engine calculates data.

Scalar calculations return NULL if any operand is NULL; aggregation calculations ignore NULLs.

Scalar and aggregation calculations treat NULLs as zero (Deprecated)

Scalar calculations treat NULLs as zero; aggregation calculations ignore NULLs (metadata ugrade required for this to take effect for versions 10.7 or later).

Scalar calculations treat NULLs as zero; aggregation calculations ignore NULLs (metadata ugrade required for this to take effect for versions 10.7 or later).



Intermediate Row Limit The maximum number of rows returned to the server for each intermediate pass. (0 = unlimited number of rows; -1 = use value from higher level.)


-1 (Use value from higher level)

Results Set Row Limit The maximum number of rows returned to the server for the final result set. (0 = unlimited number of rows; -1 = use value from higher level.)


-1 (Use value from higher level)

SQL Time Out (Per Pass) Single SQL pass time-out in seconds. (0 = time limit not enforced by this governing setting)


0 (Time limit not enforced by this governing setting)



Preserve All Final Pass Result Elements

Perform an outer join to the final result set in the final pass.

Preserve common elements of final pass result table and lookup/relationship table

Preserve all final result pass elements

Preserve all elements of final pass result table with respect to lookup table but not relationship table

Do not listen to per report level setting, preserve elements of final pass according to the setting at attribute level. If this choice is selected at attribute level, it will be treated as preserve common elements (that is, choice 1)

Preserve common elements of final pass result table and lookup/relationship table.

Preserve All Lookup Table Elements

Perform an outer join to the lookup table in the final pass.

Preserve common elements of lookup and final pass result table

Preserve lookup table elements joined to final pass result table based on fact table keys

Preserve lookup table elements joined to final pass result table based on template attributes without filter

Preserve lookup table elements joined to final pass result table based on template attributes with filter

Preserve common elements of lookup and final pass result table




Format for Date/Time Values Coming from Data Source

Defines the date format used in your MDX cube source. This ensures the date data is integrated into MicroStrategy correctly.



MDX Add Non Empty

Determines whether or not data is returned from rows that have null values.

Do not add the non-empty keyword in the MDX select clause

Add the non-empty keyword in the MDX select clause only if there are metrics on the report

Always add the non-empty keyword in the MDX select clause

Add the non-empty keyword in the MDX select clause only if there are metrics on the report

MDX Measure Values to Treat as Null

Allows you to specify what measure values are defined as NULL values, which can help to support how your SAP environment handles non-calculated measures.



MDX Non Empty Optimization

Determines how null values from an MDX cube source are ignored using the non-empty keyword when attributes from different hierarchies (dimensions) are included on the same MDX cube report.

No non-empty optimization

Non-empty optimization, use default measure

Non-empty optimization, use first measure on template

Non-empty optimization, use all measures on template

No non-empty optimization

MDX Treat Key Date Qualification as ID Date Qualification

Determines how date qualifications are processed for MDX cube sources.

Do not treat a date qualification on a key form as a date qualification on an ID form:

Treat a date qualification on a key form as a date qualification on an ID form

Treat a date qualification on a key form as a date qualification on an ID form


Null Check

Indicates how to handle arithmetic operations with NULL values.

Do nothing

Check for NULL in all queries

Check for NULL in temp table join only

Check for NULL in temp table join only

Zero Check

Indicates how to handle division by zero.

Do nothing

Check for zero in all queries

Check for zero in temp table join only

Check for zero in all queries



Date Format

Sets the format for date in engine-generated SQL.



Date Pattern

Lets you define the syntax pattern for Date data.



Decimal Separator

Use to change the decimal separator in SQL statements from a decimal point to a comma, for international database users.

Use "." as decimal separator (ANSI standard)

Use "," as decimal separator

Use "." as decimal separator (ANSI standard)

Related Topics

View and Edit Advanced Settings