MicroStrategy ONE

Subtotals Over Consolidations Compatibility

Consolidations allow users to group specific attribute elements together and place the group on a report template as if the group was an attribute. The elements of a consolidation can have arithmetic calculations performed on them. The Subtotals over Consolidations Compatibility property allows you to determine how the Analytical Engine calculates consolidations.

  • Evaluate subtotals over consolidation elements and their corresponding attribute elements (behavior for 7.2.x and earlier) (default): In MicroStrategy version 7.2.x and earlier, if a calculation includes a consolidation, the Analytical Engine calculates subtotals across the consolidation elements as well as across all attribute elements that comprise the consolidation element expressions.
  • Evaluate subtotals over consolidation elements only (behavior for 7.5 and later): In MicroStrategy version 7.5 and later, if a calculation includes a consolidation this setting allows the Analytical Engine to calculate only those elements that are part of the consolidation.

    When you enable this setting, be aware of the following requirements and options:

This VLDB property must be set at the project level for the calculation to be performed correctly.

The setting takes effect when the project is initialized, so after this setting is changed you must reload the project or restart Intelligence Server.

After you enable this setting, you must enable subtotals at either the consolidation level or the report level. If you enable subtotals at the consolidation level, subtotals are available for all reports in which the consolidation is used. (Consolidation Editor > Elements menu > Subtotals > Enabled.) If you enable subtotals at the report level, subtotals for consolidations can be enabled on a report-by-report basis. (Report Editor > Report Data Options > Subtotals > Yes. If Default is selected, the Analytical Engine reverts to the Enabled/Disabled property as set on the consolidation object itself.)

If the project is registered on an Intelligence Server version 7.5.x but is accessed by clients using Developer version 7.2.x or earlier, leave this property setting on "Evaluate subtotals over consolidation elements and their corresponding attribute elements." Otherwise, metric values may return as zeroes when Developer 7.2.x users execute reports with consolidations, or when they pivot in such reports.

Change this property from the default only when all Developer clients have upgraded to MicroStrategy version 7.5.x.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Project only

Three consolidations called Super Regions are created, defined as follows:

  • East (({Cust Region=Northeast} + {Cust Region=Mid-Atlantic}) + {Cust Region=Southeast})
  • Central ({Cust Region=Central} + {Cust Region=South})
  • West ({Cust Region=Northwest} + {Cust Region=Southwest})

With the first setting selected, "Evaluate subtotals over consolidation elements and their corresponding attribute elements," the report appears as follows:

The Total value is calculated for more elements than are displayed in the Super Regions column. The Analytical Engine is including the following elements in the calculation: East + (Northeast + Mid-Atlantic + Southeast) + Central + (Central + South) + West + (Northwest + Southwest).

With the second setting selected, "Evaluate subtotals over consolidation elements only," and with subtotals enabled, the report appears as follows:

The Total value is now calculated for only the Super Regions consolidation elements. The Analytical Engine is including only the following elements in the calculation: East + Central + West.