MicroStrategy ONE

Document Grids from Multiple Datasets

The Document Grids from Multiple Datasets property determines whether objects in Grid/Graphs in documents must come from a single dataset or can come from multiple datasets.

  • Objects in document grids must come from the grid's source dataset: If you select this option, objects in a Grid/Graph must come from a single dataset, the source dataset used by the Grid/Graph. For example, a document contains two datasets. Dataset 1 contains Region and Revenue; Dataset 2 contains Region and Profit. You cannot create a Grid/Graph with Region, Revenue, and Profit. You can use this option for backwards compatibility with existing documents.
  • Allow objects in document grids to come from multiple datasets: By default, a single Grid/Graph can contain objects from multiple datasets, providing additional levels of data analysis. A Grid/Graph can contain Region and Revenue from Dataset 1 as well as Profit from Dataset 2.

See the Document Creation Help for background information on creating grids or graphs in documents, including using multiple datasets on a single grid or graph.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Project only