MicroStrategy ONE

Intelligence Server Configuration Default Settings

The default Intelligence Server configuration settings, defined in the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor, are provided below.

To access the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor in Developer, right-click the Intelligence Server and select Configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

Server Definition - General



Default Value
Description Enter a description for the server definition. Empty
Client-Server Communications Number of network threads Enter the number of network threads. 5


Set Configuration object properties

Click Modify to open the Properties dialog box to enter a Server Definition.


Content Server Location Database Instance Select a database instance <None>

Server Definition - Security

Setting Description Default Value
Account Lock Policy Lock after (failed attempts) Specifies the number of failed login attempts allowed. Once a user has this many failed login attempts in a row, the user is locked out of the MicroStrategy account until an administrator unlocks the account. Setting this value to -1 indicates that users are never locked out of their accounts. -1
Password Policy Number of past password remembered The number of each user's previous passwords that Intelligence Server stores in memory. Intelligence Server prevents users from using a password that is identical to one they have previously used. This option must be greater than 0 to enable the other options. 0
Do not allow user login and full name in password When this option is selected, Intelligence Server ensures that new passwords do not contain the user's login or part of the user's name. Unchecked
Do not allow rotating characters from last password When this option is selected, Intelligence Server prevents users from using a password that is backwards from the old password. Unchecked
Enforce Password Complexity Minimum number of characters The minimum password length. This option must be greater than zero to enable the other options. 0
Minimum upper case characters The minimum number of upper case (A-Z) characters that mist be present in users' passwords. 0
Minimum lower case characters The minimum number of lower case (a-z) characters that mist be present in users' passwords. 0
Minimum numeric characters The minimum number of numeric (0-9) characters that mist be present in users' passwords. 0
Minimum special characters The minimum number of non-alphanumeric (symbol) characters that mist be present in users' passwords. 0
Minimum number of character changes The minimum number of character changes. 0
Authentication Policy


Update pass-through credentials when a successful login occurs Select this checkbox to update the user's database or LDAP credentials on a successful MicroStrategy login. Checked
Database Authentication Select to use database authentication Selected
LDAP Authentication Select to use LDAP authentication Unselected

Use Public/Private Key to Sign/Verify Token

Check this checkbox to use a public or private key to sign or verify a token. This requires the setup of a public or private key.


Token Lifetime (Minutes) The lifetime, in minutes, of the token. 1440
Encryption Level Hash Iterations Select the number of hashing iterations. 10,000

Server Definition - Change Journaling

Setting Description Default Value
Configure Change Journaling Enable Change Journaling Starting with Version 10.8, Change Journaling is permanently enabled. Administrators can manage file size purging as needed. Checked
Purge Change Journal Purge all data logged before In the Purge all data logged before fields, enter a date and time. All change journal data logged before this date and time is purged when you click Purge Now.

In the Date field, enter the date. You can also click the drop-down list and select a date from the calendar. To change the month in the calendar, click the < or > arrows.

In the Time field, enter the time.
Current Date and Time
Purge timeout (seconds) Enter the timeout setting. This is the length of time Intelligence Server waits for a response when it issues a purge command to the change journal. If there is no response by the time the timeout has elapsed, the purge command is cancelled. 600

Server Definition - Advanced

Setting Description Default Value
Settings Backup frequency (minutes) Backup frequency (minutes): controls the frequency (in minutes) at which cache, History List messages, and Intelligent Cubes are backed up to disk. A value of 0 means that cache, History List messages, and Intelligent Cubes are backed up immediately after they are created. 0
Balance MicroStrategy Server threads Balance MicroStrategy Server threads: controls whether threads within the Intelligence Server are allocated to processes such as object serving, element serving, SQL generation, and so forth that need them most, while less loaded ones can return threads to the available pool. Unchecked
Cache lookup cleanup frequency (seconds) Cache lookup cleanup frequency (sec): cleans up the cache lookup table at the specified frequency (in seconds). This reduces the amount of memory it consumes and the time it takes to back up the lookup table to disk. 0
Project failover latency (minutes) Project failover latency (min): in a clustered system, controls the delay between one server failing and its projects being loaded onto other servers. A high latency period allows more time for the server to come back online before projects are loaded onto other servers; a low latency period can provide less downtime in the event of a server failure, but higher load on the servers while the projects are loading. 30
Configuration recovery latency (minutes) Configuration recovery latency (min): in a clustered system, controls the amount of time before the system reverts to its original configuration when a server has failed and then come back online. A high latency period allows more time to be certain the server is permanently online; a low latency period reduces the strain on the other machines in the cluster faster. -1
Time to run license check (24 hr format) Time to run license check (24 hr format): sets the specific time at which Intelligence Server checks licenses daily. 23:59
Include LDAP Users Select this option to include LDAP users in the license check. Unchecked
User Affinity Cluster User Affinity Cluster: in a clustered system, causes Intelligence Server to connect all sessions for a given user to the same node of the cluster. This improves performance by reducing the resources necessary for the user's History List.

If the User Affinity Cluster checkbox is selected, Subscription load balancing causes Intelligence Server to load-balance subscriptions across all nodes of the cluster. One subscription job is created for each user or user group in the subscription. If User A and User Group G are subscribed to a dashboard, the subscription creates one job for User A, and a second job for User Group G.
Subscription Load Balancing Select to enable subscription load balancing. If Subscription Load Balancing is enabled in a two-node cluster, the subscription for User A would execute on one node, and the subscription for user Group G would execute on the other node. Unchecked
Scheduler Use MicroStrategy Scheduler Use MicroStrategy Scheduler enables the scheduling features in the MicroStrategy environment. If this checkbox is cleared, neither the reports nor administration tasks can be scheduled. Checked
Scheduler Session Timeout (sec) Scheduler session time out (sec) controls how long the Scheduler attempts to communicate with Intelligence Server before timing out. 300
Performance Monitoring Enable Performance Monitoring Enable performance monitoring enables Intelligence Server logging in to Microsoft Windows Performance Monitor. Select this checkbox to be able to add counters to the Performance Monitor specifically for MicroStrategy Server Jobs and MicroStrategy Server Users. If you clear the checkbox you cannot select these options within the Performance Monitor. Checked

Statistics - General

Setting Description Default Value
Server Level Session Statistics Complete Session Logging Different projects log statistics to different databases. This ensures complete data for all these projects. Selected
Single Instance Session Logging Statistics for all projects on this Intelligence Server are logged to a single database. From the drop-down list, select the project name whose database you want to log statistics to. Unselected

Statistics - Purge

Setting Description Default Value
Select dates From/To Select the date range within which you want the purge operation to be performed. Today minus one year/ Today
Purge timeout (sec) Purge timeout (sec.): Specify a timeout setting in seconds; the server uses this setting during the purge operation. The server issues a single SQL statement to purge each statistics table, and the timeout setting applies to each individual SQL statement issued during the purge operation. 10

Governing Rules - Default - General

Setting Description Default Value
Maximum number of jobs   Maximum number of jobs: Limits the number of concurrent jobs that may exist on this Intelligence Server. Concurrent jobs include report, element, and autoprompt requests that are executing or waiting to execute. Finished (open) jobs, cached jobs, or jobs that returned errors are not counted. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 10,000
Maximum number of interactive jobs Maximum number of interactive jobs: Limits the number of concurrent interactive (non-scheduled) jobs that may exist on this Intelligence Server. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Maximum number of scheduled jobs Maximum number of scheduled jobs: Limits the number of concurrent scheduled jobs that may exist on this Intelligence Server. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Maximum number of user sessions Maximum number of user sessions: Limits the number of user sessions (connections) for an Intelligence Server. A single user account may establish multiple sessions to an Intelligence Server. Each session connects once to the Intelligence Server and once for each project the user accesses. Project sessions are governed separately with a project level setting. When the maximum number of user sessions is reached, users cannot log in, except for the administrator, who may wish to disconnect current users or increase the governing setting. 320
User session idle time (sec) User session idle time (sec): Limits the time, in seconds, that Developer users can remain idle before their Developer session is ended. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 1800
Web user session idle time (sec) Web user session idle time (sec): Limits the time, in seconds, that Web users can remain idle before their Web session is ended. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 600
Mobile APNS and GCM session idle time (sec) Limits the time, in seconds, that mobile client connections remain open to download Newsstand subscriptions. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 1800
For Intelligence Server job and history list... If this option is selected, reports executed as part of a Report Services Document are not counted against the server-level job limits above and the project-level job limits set in the Project Configuration Editor. Unchecked
Background Execution Enable background execution of documents... Enable background execution of documents after their caches are hit: If this option is selected, when a document cache is hit, Intelligence Server displays the cached document and re-executes the document in the background. If this option is cleared, when a document cache is hit, Intelligence Server displays the cached document and does not re-execute the document until a manipulation is performed. Unchecked

Governing Rules - Default - File Generation

Setting Description Default Value
XML Generation Maximum number of XML cells Limits the size of reports (rows x columns) when they are executed from MicroStrategy Web. When this limit is met, incremental fetch is used. Note that this setting does not affect reports executed from Developer. The maximum value that you can specify is 9999999. 500,000
Maximum number of XML drill paths Limits the number of attributes to which users can drill in MicroStrategy Web. Attributes are displayed under the hierarchy to which they belong, and hierarchies are displayed in alphabetical order by the name of the hierarchy. If this setting is set to a low number, the available drill attributes may not all be displayed to the user. However, if it is set too high, performance may be affected because reports will consume more memory. The maximum value that you can specify is 3000. 100
Maximum memory consumption for XML (MB) Limits the memory consumption for XML files. Set the limit according to the size expected of the XML documents to be generated to avoid memory-related errors. The maximum value is 2047 MB. 512
PDF Generation Maximum memory consumption for PDF files (MB) Limits the memory consumption for PDF files. Set the limit according to the expected size of the PDF documents to be generated to avoid memory-related errors. The maximum value is 2047 MB. 512
Excel Generation Maximum memory consumption for Excel files (MB) Limits the memory consumption for Excel files generated from MicroStrategy Web. Set the limit according to the expected size of the Excel documents to be generated to avoid memory-related errors. The maximum value is 2047 MB. 512
HTML Generation Maximum memory consumption for HTML files (MB) Limits the memory consumption for HTML files. The maximum value is 2047 MB. 512

Governing Rules - Default - Memory Settings

Setting Description Default Value
Enable Web request job throttling   Job throttling affects MicroStrategy Web requests only. If either of the following conditions is met, all MicroStrategy Web requests of any nature (login, report execution, search, and folder browsing) are denied until the conditions are resolved. Checked
Maximum Intelligence Server use of total memory (%) Sets the maximum amount of total system memory (RAM + Page File) that the Intelligence Server process can use compared to the total amount of memory on the machine. 97
Minimum machine free physical memory (%) This sets the minimum amount of RAM that must be available compared to the total amount of physical memory on the machine. 0
Enable single memory allocation governing  

Select to specify how much memory can be reserved for a single Intelligence Server operation at a time.

Maximum single allocation size (MB)

Each memory request is compared to the value in this field. If the request exceeds this limit, the request is denied.

Example: If the allocation limit is set to 100 MB and a request is made for 120 MB, the request is denied, but a later request for 95 MB is allowed.

Each request is handled independently of other requests and is resolved in the order it is received. The maximum value allowed for the Maximum single allocation size (MBytes) setting is 2047 MB.

Enable memory contract management   Enable the use of the Memory Contract Manager, an Intelligence Server component that is controlled by the following settings. Checked
Minimum reserved memory (MB) Specify the amount of memory (in MB) that cannot be used by Intelligence Server. This may be useful if the machine is also used to run software from other parties and is not solely dedicated to Intelligence Server. The maximum value allowed for this setting is 10239 MB. 0
Minimum reserved memory (%) Specify the amount of memory (in MB) that cannot be used by Intelligence Server. This may be useful if the machine is also used to run software from other parties and is not solely dedicated to Intelligence Server. The maximum value allowed for this setting is 10239 MB. . 10
Maximum use of virtual address space (%) If the Intelligence Server machine uses a 32-bit operating system, specify the maximum amount of the virtual address space that Intelligence Server can use, as a percentage of the total virtual address space. Memory requests that would cause Intelligence Server to exceed this limit are denied. 90
Memory request idle time (sec) The amount of time Intelligence Server denies requests while operating in memory request idle mode. Memory request idle mode is enabled by the Memory Contract Manager when a memory request would cause Intelligence Server to exceed the Maximum use of virtual address space setting, based on current memory utilization and contracts. 300
Temporary Storage Settings Maximum RAM for Working Set cache (MB) Specifies the size of the pool of memory (in megabytes) allocated for creating and initially storing reports in the working set. This is also the size of the largest working set that can be created. For 32-bit operating systems, the maximum value is 2048 megabytes (2 gigabytes). 2048

Governing Rules - Default - Temporary Storage Settings

Setting Description Default Value
Temporary Storage Settings Working Set file directory Specifies the location where the user's active working sets are written to disk if they have been forced out of the pool of memory allocated for the Maximum RAM for working set cache. .\TmpPool
Session Recovery and Deferred Inbox Session Recovery and Deferred Inbox storage directory Specifies where the session information is written to disk. .\Inbox\SERVER_DEFINITION_NAME\
Enable Web User Session Recovery on Logout Select this checkbox to allow users to recover the report, document, or dashboard they were on when their session ended. Checked
Session Recovery backup expiration (hrs) How many hours a session backup can remain on disk before it is considered expired. After it is expired, the user cannot recover the session. 168

Governing Rules - Default - Import Data

Setting Description Default Value
Number of connections by priority High

If you have an OLAP Services license, you can import data from sources such as Excel spreadsheets into your MicroStrategy system. This data is made available in Intelligent Cubes and can be used in reports and documents. See the Project Design Help for more information about importing data from other file or database sources.

A connection thread is assigned to each import data job. These connection threads are assigned from a pool of threads of high, medium, and low priority. You can configure the number of threads of each priority that are available for importing data in the Import Data section of the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor. For more information about how Intelligence Server determines what jobs are high, medium, or low priority, see Creating job prioritizations.

In this category, you can specify the maximum number of high, medium, and low priority connection threads that are used to import data into the data warehouse.

Medium 1
Low 20

Governing Rules - Default - Catalog Cache

Setting Description Default Value
Enable catalog cache Maximum use of memory (MB)

The Catalog cache is a cache for the catalog for the data warehouse database. When the Catalog cache is enabled, the client can retrieve the data warehouse catalog directly from Intelligence Server memory, instead of executing catalog SQL. This can significantly speed up retrieval of the data warehouse catalog.

The Catalog cache is used during data import, and when using Query Builder in MicroStrategy Web.

The Catalog cache subcategory has the following settings:

Enable catalog cache: Select this checkbox to enable the catalog cache, or clear it to disable the catalog cache.

Maximum use of memory (MB): Limits the maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, used by the catalog cache.



Projects - General

Setting Description Default Value
Project Name A table of projects indicating whether your server and environment are selected. Checked
Show selected projects only When selected, this allows you to display only those projects that have been assigned to be loaded on a node. For display purposes it filters out projects that are not loaded on any server in the cluster. Unchecked
Apply startup configuration on save When selected, this immediately applies your changes across the cluster. If cleared, any changes you made are saved when you click OK, but are not put into effect until the Intelligence Server is restarted. Checked

Clustering - General

Setting Description Default Value
Server Name The Clustering category displays the names of all the servers that are available in a clustered environment. You can select multiple servers to form the cluster during a manual restart of the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. See Cluster Multiple MicroStrategy Servers topic for more information about clustering. Unchecked
Load Balance Factor 1

LDAP - Server

Setting Description Default Value
LDAP Server Settings Host (Server Name or IP Address) The host name or the IP address of the LDAP server. This is a required field. Empty
Port Port number of the LDAP server. Port 389 is the default for the clear text LDAP, and Port 636 is the default for SSL. However, your LDAP administrator may have set the LDAP port to a different number than the default; always confirm the accurate port number with your LDAP administrator. 389
Clear text (not encrypted) Clear text is not encrypted Selected
SSL (encrypted) Select to encrypt SSL. Unselected
Server certificate file If select SSL (encrypted), select the server certificate file. The certificate information required for the server certificate file field depends on the LDAP server vendor (product) being used, since the certificate comes from the LDAP server. Empty
Use connection pooling With connection pooling, you can reuse an open connection to the LDAP server for subsequent operations. The connection to the LDAP server remains open even when the connection is not processing any operations. This setting can improve performance by removing the processing time required to open and close a connection to the LDAP server for each operation. Unchecked
Binding MicroStrategy uses authentication binding to authenticate users on user name, password, and several other account restrictions. Account restrictions include whether the account is locked, expired, disabled, or identified as an intruder. Selected
Password comparison MicroStrategy authenticates users on user name and password only. Unselected
Authentication User Distinguished name (DN) The distinguished name for the trusted LDAP Authentication User who searches the LDAP repository. Empty
Password Password for the LDAP Authentication User. Empty

LDAP - Platform

Setting Description Default Value
Vendor LDAP server vendor name Select the vendor name of the LDAP server software that Intelligence Server is connecting to, from the drop-down list. Options include HP-UX, IBM, Microsoft Active Directory, Novell, Open LDAP, Other providers, and Sun ONE/iPlanet. When you select the vendor name, the default LDAP connectivity file names are populated in the interface. Novell
LDAP Connectivity Driver Select the vendor name of the LDAP server software that Intelligence Server is connecting to, from the drop-down list. Options include HP-UX, IBM, Microsoft Active Directory, Novell, Open LDAP, Other providers, and Sun ONE/iPlanet. When you select the vendor LDAP Connectivity Driver, the default LDAP connectivity file names are populated in the interface. Novell
Inteliigence Server platform Select the operating system Intelligence Server is installed on, from the drop-down list. This is the operating system on which the LDAP Connectivity Driver and connectivity files should be installed. Windows
LDAP connectivity file names Enter the LDAP connectivity file name(s) for the LDAP server. The correct DLLs are automatically populated when the LDAP Connectivity Driver and Intelligence Server platform are selected. It should not be necessary to change the default value. You must separate multiple DLL names with semicolons (;). See Identifying Users: Authentication for recommeded DLLs and information on LDAP Connectivity Drivers. Ldapsdk.dll;Ldapssl.dll;

LDAP - Filters

Setting Description Default Value
Search Settings Search root distinguished name (DN) Provide the root DN to establish the directory location from where in the LDAP tree to start any user and group searches. If a root DN is not provided, Intelligence Server searches the entire LDAP tree. You can think of the root DN as the highest level in the LDAP tree where the search can reach. The image below represents the section of the LDAP tree that the search accesses, represented as the distinguished name nodes with solid blue lines. The distinguished name nodes with dashed grey lines are not included in the search since they are not under the search root distinguished name. Empty
User search filter

Enter the user search filter to search for lists of users in the LDAP directory. Default information appears automatically based on the vendor name provided in the Platform Connectivity step of this wizard; this default is only an example, contact your LDAP administrator for the appropriate values to enter.

The user search filter is generally in the following form:



LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS indicates the object class of the LDAP users. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=person)(cn=#LDAP_LOGIN#)).

LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR indicates which LDAP attribute to use to store LDAP logins. For example, you can enter ($(objectclass=person)(cn=#LDAP_LOGIN#)).

#LDAP_LOGIN# can be used in this filter to represent the LDAP user login.

Note: Depending on your LDAP server vendor and your LDAP tree structure, you may need to try different attributes within the search filter syntax above. For example:


where uniqueID is the LDAP attribute name your company uses for authentication.

Group search filter

Enter the group search filter to search for lists of LDAP groups that LDAP users belong to. Default information automatically appears based on the vendor name provided in the Platform Connectivity step of this wizard; this default is only an example, contact your LDAP administrator for the appropriate values to enter.

The group search filter is generally in one of the following forms (or the following forms may be combined with a pipe | symbol):




The group search filter forms listed above have the following placeholders:

LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS indicates the object class of the LDAP groups. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member=#LDAP_DN#)).

LDAP_MEMBER_[LOGIN or DN]_ATTR indicates which LDAP attribute of an LDAP group is used to store LDAP logins/DNs of the LDAP users. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member=#LDAP_DN#)).

#LDAP_DN# can be used in this filter to represent the distinguished name of an LDAP user.

#LDAP_LOGIN# can be used in this filter to represent an LDAP user’s login (for Intelligence Server version 8.0.1 and later).

#LDAP_GIDNUMBER# can be used in this filter to represent the UNIX group ID number; this corresponds to the LDAP attribute gidNumber (for Intelligence Server version 8.0.1 and later).

Number of nested group levels above to import Click the up or down arrows to specify how many LDAP groups to import into MicroStrategy when the user or group is imported. 1


Test Connection

Click Test Connection to test the connection to the LDAP server. You will be prompted for a login and password to test the connection.


LDAP - Schedules

Setting Description Default Value
Run schedules on save Along with setting up synchronization schedules, you can synchronize your MicroStrategy users and groups with the latest LDAP users and groups immediately after clicking OK to accept your changes and exit the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor. Users and groups are synchronized using the user and group search filters you defined in Intelligence Server Configuration Editor: LDAP category, Filters. Unchecked

LDAP - Import - Import/Synchronize

Setting Description Default Value
Import/Synchronize at Login Import Users Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should import LDAP users into the MicroStrategy metadata as MicroStrategy users when users log in. Checked
Synchronize MicroStrategy User Login/User Name with LDAP Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should synchronize the users that are already in the metadata directory each time a new user logs in. Checked
Import Groups Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should import the LDAP groups to which each imported LDAP user belongs into the MicroStrategy metadata as MicroStrategy groups when users log in. Checked
Synchronize MicroStrategy Group Name with LDAP Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should synchronize the groups that are already in the metadata directory each time a user logs in. Checked
Import/Synchronize in Batch Import Users Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should import a list of LDAP users into the MicroStrategy metadata as MicroStrategy users in batch. Checked
Synchronize MicroStrategy User Login/User Name with LDAP Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should synchronize the users that are already in the metadata directory when users are imported in batch. Checked
Enter search filter for importing list of users

Enter a user search filter to return a list of users to import in batch. You should contact your LDAP administrator for the proper user search filter syntax. A user search filter is generally of the following form:


The user search filter form given above has the following placeholders:

LDAP_USER_OBJECT_CLASS indicates the object class of the LDAP users. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=person)(cn=h*)).

LDAP_LOGIN_ATTR indicates which LDAP attribute to use to store LDAP logins. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=person)(cn=h*)).

SEARCH_STRING indicates the search criteria for your user search filter. You must match the correct LDAP attribute for your search filter. For example, you can search for all users with an LDAP user login that begins with the letter h by entering (&(objectclass=person)(cn=h*)).

Note: Depending on your LDAP server vendor and your tree structure created within LDAP, you may need to try different attributes within the search filter syntax above. For example:


where uniqueID is the LDAP attribute your company uses for authentication.

Import Groups   Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should import groups into the MicroStrategy metadata. Checked
Synchronize MicroStrategy Group Name with LDAP Select this checkbox to indicate that Intelligence Server should synchronize the groups that are already in the metadata directory when groups are imported in batch. Checked
Enter search filter for importing list of groups

Enter a group search filter to return a list of groups to import in batch. You should contact your LDAP administrator for the proper group search filter syntax. A group search filter is generally of the following form:


The group search filter form given above has the following placeholders:

LDAP_GROUP_OBJECT_CLASS indicates the object class of the LDAP groups. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(cn=h*)).

LDAP_GROUP_ATTR indicates which LDAP attribute of an LDAP group is searched for to retrieve a list of groups. For example, you can enter (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(cn=h*)).

SEARCH_STRING indicates the search criteria for your group search filter. You must match the correct LDAP attribute for your search filter. For example, you can search for all groups with an LDAP group name that begins with the letter h by entering (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(cn=h*)).


LDAP - Import - User/Group

Setting Description Default Value
Import user login as User login Sets the MicroStrategy user login to be the same as the LDAP user login, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Selected
Distinguished name Sets the MicroStrategy user login to be the same as the user’s LDAP distinguished name, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Unselected
Other You can provide a different LDAP attribute than the two listed above to be imported and used as the MicroStrategy user login, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Your LDAP administrator should provide you with the appropriate LDAP attribute to be used as the user login. Unselected
Import user name as User name Sets the MicroStrategy user name to be the same as the LDAP user name, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Selected
Distinguished name Sets the MicroStrategy user name to be the same as the user’s LDAP distinguished name, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Unselected
Other You can provide a different LDAP attribute than the two listed above to be imported and used as the MicroStrategy user name, when the MicroStrategy user is created at import. Your LDAP administrator should provide you with the appropriate LDAP attribute to be used as the user name. Unselected
Import group name as Group name Sets the MicroStrategy group names to be the same as the group names in the LDAP server for the groups imported into MicroStrategy. Selected
Distinguished name Sets the MicroStrategy group names to be the same as the distinguished names in the LDAP server for the groups imported into MicroStrategy. Unselected
Other You can provide an LDAP attribute to be imported and used as the MicroStrategy group name, when MicroStrategy users are imported and created along with the users’ groups. Your LDAP administrator should provide you with the appropriate LDAP attribute to be used as the group name. Unselected

LDAP - Import - Options

Setting Description Default Value
Synchronize user/group information with LDAP during Windows authentication and import Windows link during Batch Import  

Select this checkbox to use LDAP with Windows authentication. By creating a link between a Windows system login, an LDAP user, and a MicroStrategy user, a single login into the machine authenticates the user for the machine as well as in MicroStrategy.

To support this option, the LDAP Server must be configured as the Microsoft Active Directory Server domain controller, which stores the Windows system login information.

See Identifying Users: Authentication for more information on Windows authentication.

Synchronize user/group information with LDAP during Trusted authentication   Select this checkbox to use an LDAP-based single sign-on system.

See Identifying Users: Authentication for more information on single sign-on.

Batch import Integrated Authentication/Trusted Authentication unique ID     Unchecked
Use default LDAP attribute ('userPrincipalName') If you are importing users in a batch using an LDAP-based single sign-on system, select this checkbox to specify the unique ID to use in identifying the users. If you select this checkbox, specify whether to use the default LDAP name attribute userPrincipalName (the default selection) or another LDAP attribute. Selected
Other (type in the value) If you are using another LDAP attribute, enter it here. Unselected
Import email address   If you are importing LDAP users, either in a batch or at login, select this option to import email addresses associated with those users as MicroStrategy Distribution Services contacts. Unchecked
Use default LDAP attribute ('mail') Specify whether to use the default LDAP email attribute mail (the default selection) or another LDAP attribute. Selected
Other (type in the value) If you are using another LDAP attribute, enter it here. Unselected
Address Properties - Device If you choose to import email addresses, the imported email address becomes the default email address. This overwrites the existing default email address, if one exists. Generic email

LDAP - Import - Attributes

Setting Description Default Value
User logon fails if LDAP attribute value is not read from the LDAP server

Select the User login fails if LDAP attribute value is not read from the LDAP server checkbox to prevent LDAP users from logging into the MicroStrategy system if they do not have all the attributes that have been imported into the system.

Warning: If your system uses multiple LDAP servers, make sure that all LDAP attributes used by Intelligence Server are defined on all LDAP servers. If a required attribute is defined on LDAP server A and not on LDAP server B, users from LDAP server B will not be able to log in to MicroStrategy if this setting is enabled.


Web Single Sign-On - Configuration

Setting Description Default Value
Allow user to log on if Web Single Sign-on - MicroStrategy user link not found  

The Intelligence Server Configuration Editor: Web Single Sign-On category, Configuration window shows details about applications that have established trust relationship with the Intelligence Server. A trust relationship is required to enable single sign-on authentication to MicroStrategy Web.

The Web Single Sign-On category, Configuration dialog box also allows administrators to define how users are handled when they log in to MicroStrategy Web with an account that is not linked to a MicroStrategy Web user.

See Identifying Users: Authentication for more information about implementing single sign-on authentication in MicroStrategy Web.

The Configuration subcategory contains the following areas:

Trusted Web Application Registration: Any applications that have trust relationships with the Intelligence Server are displayed in these fields.

If user not found: These options allow you to configure how users are handled if they log in to MicroStrategy Web but are not linked to MicroStrategy users.

Allow user to log on if Web Single Sign-On - MicroStrategy user link not found: Selecting this checkbox allows users that are not linked to a MicroStrategy user, to log in to MicroStrategy Web as a guest.

Import user at logon

Select this checkbox to import a single sign-on user into the MicroStrategy metadata when the user logs on to MicroStrategy Web for the first time.

Synch user at logon

Select this checkbox to synch users when they log in.


History Settings - General

Setting Description Default Value
History settings Maximum number of messages per user Controls how many messages can exist in a user's History List. 10,000
Message lifetime (days)

Controls how many days messages can exist in a user's History List. The default value of -1 means there is no limit. Messages stay in the system until the user deletes them.

The message lifetime can ensure that no History List messages reside in the system indefinitely. When the user logs out of the system, the messages are checked. If they are older than the lifetime configured here, the messages are deleted. This setting complements the other History setting of Maximum number of messages, which can be set concurrently.

Repository Type File Based Selecting this option stores History List messages in the location specified in the History Directory field. Unelected
History Directory The location where History List messages are saved. .\Inbox\SERVER_DEFINITION_NAME\
Database Based Selecting this option stores History List messages in the database that is associated with the Database Instance that is selected. To specify a database instance, in the Intelligence Server Configuration Editor, select the General subcategory of the Server Definition category, and, in the Database Instance drop-down list, select the database instance to use for the History List. Selected
Database Instance Select the database instance <None>
Backup report history caches to database If this checkbox is selected, History caches are stored in the database without needing to be preserved in the file system. If this checkbox is cleared, History caches are stored in the Intelligence Server file system. MicroStrategy recommends leaving this checkbox selected for performance and reliability reasons. Checked
External central storage directory for Database-based History LIst Specify where file-based History List messages are stored if you are using a hybrid History List repository. Empty

History Settings - Replacement Policy

Setting Description Default Value
Message Replacement Policy Number of messages deleted to reclaim History List space When the History List is full and another message is added, Intelligence Server automatically deletes the specified number of messages, beginning with the oldest messages. If this number is set to zero, new messages are not added to the History List until messages are manually removed. 0
Delete error messages first If this checkbox is selected, error messages are deleted (oldest first) before regular History List messages. Checked
Delete oldest messages by

This drop-down list controls what timestamp Intelligence Server uses to determine which History List messages are the oldest. You can select from:

Creation time: The time at which the message was created.

Finish time: The time at which the report finished executing.

Modification time: The time at which the message was last modified.

Start time: The time at which the report started executing.

Creation Time

SAP User Management - General

Setting Description Default Value
Import users If this option is selected, a user with the same SAP user name is created in MicroStrategy. This user is created as a member of the Warehouse Users group. Unchecked
Search for groups If this option is selected, the MicroStrategy groups assigned to a MicroStrategy user are synchronized with the SAP roles assigned to the SAP user. This means that if SAP roles have been added or removed for an SAP user, the associated MicroStrategy user is added or removed from the MicroStrategy groups that represent the SAP roles. Unchecked
Import groups If this option is selected, all SAP roles that the SAP user is a member of are imported as groups in MicroStrategy. These groups are created within the Warehouse Users group and only have the inherited privileges of the Warehouse Users group. Once these groups are created in MicroStrategy, you can assign privileges to these groups, which are applied to all users that are members of the groups. Unchecked

Web Quick Search - General

Setting Description Default Value
Enable Search Engine The Enable Search Engine check box must be selected for the rest of the options on this interface to become available. Checked
Projects Enable/disable Quick Search and manage index for projects To enable quick search for a project, from the Quick Search drop-down list next to the project name, select On. You are prompted whether to create the search index. On
Index directory The Index directory is the folder where the quick search index is stored. .\SearchData
Stop words ('Contains' search type only) Specify the list of words (separated by space) that should be excluded from the search. The list of Stop words are those words that are not included in the quick search index. Empty
Language Select the language that Stop words should apply to. Machine language settings