MicroStrategy ONE

Variables for titles and labels

You can type static text into any title and, for specific types of titles, use variables. The title types that allow variables include the following:

  • Title

  • Subtitle

  • Footnote

  • X Axis (for Scatter and Bubble charts only)

  • Y Axis (for Scatter and Bubble charts only)

Variables generate the titles automatically every time the report is run. You can use multiple variables in the same title, or combine static text and variables. Variables can be used to display the report name, current date and time, report description, name of the project, name of the user executing the report, and so on. The following variables are available:

  • {&REPORTNAME}: Report name

  • {&REPORTDESCRIPTION}: Report description as entered in the Properties dialog box

  • {&CREATIONDATE}: Date the report was created

  • {&CREATIONTIME}: Time the report was created

  • {&AXISINFO}: Innermost label from the grid that represents either the X or Y metric; applies to Scatter and Bubble charts only

  • {&PROJECT}: Project in which the report is stored

  • {&USER}: Full name, not MicroStrategy Developer login, of the user executing the report

  • {&PROMPTn&}: User's answers to the prompts in the report, where n is the number of the prompt in order; that is, {&PROMPT1&} returns the answer to the first prompt, {&PROMPT2&} returns the answer to the second prompt, and so on; applies to object prompts and attribute qualification prompts only

    If n is greater than the number of prompts in the report, the variable cannot be replaced with pertinent information. Therefore, the code itself is displayed in the report.

  • {&PROMPTDETAILS}: Prompt answers for the report; applies to metric qualification prompts, object prompts, and attribute qualification prompts only

    This variable is useful if you do not know the exact order or number of prompts in the report.

  • {&EXECUTIONTIME}: Date and time the report was executed

  • {&FILTERDETAILS}: Report filter and report limit used in the report; applies to attribute element list prompts, hierarchy qualification prompts, metric qualification prompts, and attribute qualification prompts only, as well as all filters and limits that do not contain prompts

    If the report does not have a filter, the text "Empty Filter" is printed. If the report does not have a limit, the text "Empty Limit" is printed.

  • {&PAGEBYDETAILS}: Current attribute elements selected in the page-by

All dates and times are displayed in the system format.

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