MicroStrategy ONE

Filtering metrics on rank and percentage ranges

In addition to restricting report results based on qualifications of metrics, you can also restrict report results based on the rank or percentage range of a metric value for a given report. This enables you to display reports with data such as products in the top 40% of profitability. You could also create a report to return the top 10 employees in terms of average performance score.

It is important to understand the operators that are available for these types of view filters. When creating view filter qualifications on the rank or percentage ranges of metric values, you can use the following mathematical and logical operators, which are described as they relate to rank and percent metric qualifications in the table below:

You can also create a new view filter qualification on a metric by right-clicking a metric and pointing to Filter On. For more information, see Filter on Metric dialog box.


Functionality and considerations


Identifies a specific value, as described below:

  • For rank ranges, this restricts a report to data for only one specific rank. For example, a rank range defined as Exactly 1 returns data for only the highest value of a given metric. This scenario produces the same results as using the Is Highest operator described below in this table.

  • For percent ranges, this operator has limited value. This is because it restricts a report to data for only data that is exactly a specific percentage. Percentages are not always integer values and therefore it is difficult to predict what percentage would return meaningful results.

Different from

Identifies values that are other than the specific value indicated:

  • For rank metric qualifications, this restricts a report to data for only ranks that are different from the given value. For example, a rank range defined as different from 1 returns data for all ranks except the highest value of a given metric.

  • For percent ranges, this operator has limited value. This is because it restricts a report to data that is different from a specific percentage. Percentages are not always integer values and therefore it is difficult to predict what percentage would return meaningful results. In most cases, using this operator with percent metric qualifications does not restrict any data.


Identifies values in a range that has both a lower and an upper limit:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a lower and upper rank limit. For example, you can display only ranks 20 through 40.

  • For percent ranges, you can provide a lower and upper percentage limit. For example, you can display only data with metric values between 20% and 40% of all values.

Not Between

Identifies values in a range that has both a lower and an upper limit. Data is restricted for any values outside of this range:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a lower and upper rank limit. For example, you can display only ranks not between 20 through 40. This displays ranks 1 through 19 and 41 and down.

  • For percent ranges, you can provide a lower and upper percentage limit. For example, you can display only data with metric values not between 20% and 40% of all values. This displays data with metric values between 1% and 19% and between 41% and 100%.

Is Null

Identifies values that are null. Using the rank or percent metric qualifications is not necessary with this operator. To return all data where metric values are Null, you can simply create a view filter metric qualification on the metric that uses the Is Null function.

Is Not Null

Identifies values that are not null. Using the rank or percent metric qualifications is not necessary with this operator. To return all data where metric values are not null, you can simply create a view filter metric qualification on the metric that uses the Is Not Null function.


Identifies the topmost value range in a given set:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a topmost rank range. For example, you can display only data within the top 20 rank range.

  • For percentage ranges, you can provide a topmost percentage range. For example, you can display only data within the top 20% range.


Identifies the lowest set of values in a given set:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a lowest rank range. For example, you can display only data within the bottom 20 rank range.

  • For percentage ranges, you can provide a lowest percentage range. For example, you can display only data within the bottom 20% range.

Exclude top

Identifies a value range that is not in the topmost value range in a given set:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a topmost rank range to exclude from the report results. For example, you can display only data that excludes the top 20 rank range.

  • For percentage ranges, you can provide a topmost percentage range to exclude from the report results. For example, you can display only data that excludes the top 20% range.

Exclude bottom

Identifies a value range that is not in the lowest set of values in a given set:

  • For rank ranges, you can provide a lowest rank range to exclude from the report results. For example, you can display only data that excludes the bottom 20 rank range.

  • For percentage ranges, you can provide a lowest percentage range to exclude from the report results. For example, you can display only data that excludes the bottom 20% range.

Is Highest

Identifies the highest value. This operator should only be used with rank ranges. For rank ranges, this restricts report results to display data for only the highest value of a given metric.

Is Lowest

Identifies the lowest value. This operator should only be used with rank ranges. For rank ranges, this restricts report results to display data for only the lowest value of a given metric.

The rank and percentage ranges view filters are discussed in the sections listed below: