MicroStrategy ONE

Exporting documents to PDF files

Export a document to a PDF, so that you can distribute the MicroStrategy data in PDF format. PDF format retains the data structure and formatting of the document, so that the document still looks professional. The clarity and ease of analysis is preserved as well. You can view the PDF on any device with a PDF reader, such as another computer, a Linux machine, a Nook, or a Kindle.

PDF files also allow you to send the data in the easiest possible way, by emailing it, while retaining the structure and formatting of the document. For example, you send out monthly updates about your company's financial data to a group of shareholders. Emailing the PDF of the document means that the shareholders receive a professionally formatted document with clean, clear information every time, without extra work from the document designer or administrator. If you set up subscriptions, the PDF is sent automatically on the correct day of the month.

  • If your document contains page-by fields, you can choose to export the entire document or only the page currently displayed. Page-by allows you to view the PDF by a selected group element.

  • If your document contains multiple layouts, you can choose to export the entire document or only the current layout. For more information on how layouts are exported to PDF, see Exporting multi-layout documents.

  • If your document will be displayed on a Kindle or Nook, export the entire document (all pages and all layouts), so that the Kindle or Nook user can view all the data. For more information about designing documents for these readers, see Best practices: Designing documents for the Kindle and Nook.

Before you export a document, you can specify the export options. These options include whether to create bookmarks, embed fonts, use bitmaps or vector graphs for the graph resolution, and prompt users to choose what to export. For details and instructions, see Selecting PDF export options for documents.

  • If the document contains multi-code page translations, such as English and Japanese, the fonts for labels, Grid/Graph objects, and so on should be set to a Unicode font such as Arial Unicode MS. This allows all characters to be shown by default when a user changes the metadata language. For instructions on formatting, see Formatting text fields and Editing Grid/Graphs in documents.

  • For information about transferring PDFs to the Nook or Kindle, and using them there, refer to the Nook or Kindle product documentation.

To export a document to a PDF file

  1. In MicroStrategy Developer, double-click the document name or icon. The document opens in PDF View, in Acrobat Reader.

  2. Click the Export to PDF icon in the toolbar. The Export to PDF dialog box opens.

    If the Export to PDF icon is unavailable, you must select PDF as an export format. For instructions, see Selecting available export formats.

    If the dialog box is not displayed, you do not need to choose what to export, and the PDF opens immediately. The data that is exported depends on the layout and page-by properties in Document Properties dialog box: Export. This occurs for any of the following reasons:

  3. If your document contains multiple layouts, you can choose to export the entire document or only the current layout.

    • To export the entire document, select All layouts.

    • To export the current layout only, select Current layout.

  4. If your document contains page-by fields, you can choose to export the entire document or only the page currently displayed. Page-by allows you to view the PDF by a selected group element.

    • To export the entire document, select the Expand page-by check box.

    • To export only the page displayed in PDF View, clear the Expand page-by check box.

  5.  Click OK. The PDF opens in another instance of the Acrobat Reader.

  6. From the Filemenu, selectSave. Name and save the document.

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