MicroStrategy ONE

How to Use the Export Options Dialog Box

The Export Options dialog box lets you set defaults for exporting reports in CSV file format, Excel, plain text, or HTML. For example, if most of your reports exported in plain text contain the same headers and footers, then you can designate default headers and footers to display each time that you export to plain text.

To export a report

  1. You can export a report directly from a folder, or you can export it while viewing it:

    • To export a report directly from a folder: Right-click the report and highlight Run as.

      If DHTML is disabled, click the Export icon Export icon or PDF icon PDF icon in the Actions column.

    • To export a report while viewing it: Click the name of a report to display it. From the Home menu, select Export.
  2. From the Home menu, select Export, and then select one of the following export formats:

    • PDF: Export the report to an Adobe PDF file.
    • Excel with plain text: Export the report to Microsoft Excel as plain text. The content of the report is displayed using the default settings in Microsoft Excel. The structure and format of the report, as it is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, is not retained. For large report results, this export option is recommended over Excel with formatting.
    • CSV file format: Export the report into a comma-separated values (CSV) format as plain text. This format is suitable for Microsoft Access and Lotus 1-2-3. The structure and format of the report, as it is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, is not retained.
    • Excel with formatting: Export the report to Microsoft Excel with the same formatting and structure that appears in MicroStrategy Web. Microsoft Excel does not support all colors that browsers do, so some colors may differ after export.
    • HTML: Export the report to an HTML page. The structure and format of the report, as it is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, is retained.
    • Plain text: Export the content of the report to a plain text page. The structure and format of the report, as it is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, is not retained. You can choose a comma, tab, semicolon, or space to separate the fields of text.

    In a document, if there are objects in the Grouping panel and you choose to export the document to PDF or Excel format, a message is displayed. Select the Expand Page-by checkbox to confirm that you want to expand the page-by fields to be displayed after exporting.

  3. If you are exporting directly from a folder, if the report contains prompts answer them and click Export.
  4. From the Export drop-down list, select either Whole report or Portion displayed only to choose to export either the entire report or only the portion of your report displayed in your browser.
  5. Depending on which export format you choose, you may have access to the following options:

    • Delimiter: Select one of the options from the drop-down list. The delimiter that you choose separates each cell of data in the exported report. The options are Comma, Tab, Semicolon, Space, and Tilde.
    • Export Report Title: Determine whether to display the report title in the exported report.
    • Export filter details: Determine whether to display the report's filter details in the exported report.
    • Remove extra column: Determine whether the word Metric will be displayed in the exported report. Select either Automatic, Yes, or No from the drop-down list. Automatic allows this export option to be determined by the report's designer.
    • Do not prompt me again: Determine whether you would like to be prompted with the Export Option dialog box the next time that you want to export. If you choose not to be prompted, future exports will use these same settings.
    • Export Header and Footer: Determine how you want your headers and footers to display in the exported report. In the Edit Custom Settings option, you can select which text to insert into the exported Header and Footer fields. You can type your own text in the fields or you can select an auto-text entry from the drop-down list. For detailed steps to edit the header and footer and more information about auto-text, see How to Specify the Header and Footer for a Report
    • Excel options:

      • Export metric values as text: Determine whether you want to display metric values as text in the exported report. This setting can only be enabled if exporting to Excel formatting or Excel with plain text.
      • Export headers as text: Determine whether you want to display headers as text in the exported report. This setting can only be enabled if exporting to Excel formatting or Excel with plain text.
    • Excel with formatting options:

      • Embed Images: Determine whether you can see images when you open the Excel file on another computer that does not have a network connection.
      • Allow MicroStrategy Office to refresh Report after exporting: Determine whether MicroStrategy Office will refresh the report results after you export the report.

        This information applies to the legacy MicroStrategy Office add-in, the add‑in for Microsoft Office applications which is no longer actively developed.

        It was substituted with a new add‑in, MicroStrategy for Office, which supports Office 365 applications. The initial version does not yet have all the functionalities of the previous add‑in.

        If you are using MicroStrategy 2021 Update 2 or a later version, the legacy MicroStrategy Office add-in cannot be installed from Web.;

        For more information, see the MicroStrategy for Office page in the Readme and the MicroStrategy for Office Help.

  6. Click Export.