MicroStrategy ONE
Export a Document
Exporting a document allows you view and interact with the document results outside of MicroStrategy Web. For example, you can view results in a PDF file within Adobe Reader, manipulate exported data in an Excel spreadsheet, or create an interactive dashboard-style document for off-line use.
You can export a document to the following formats:
- PDF file: Export the document to a PDF file in a reader, such as Adobe Reader. You can view the PDF on any device with a PDF reader, such as another computer, a Linux machine, a Nook, or a Kindle.
- Excel spreadsheet (.xls): Export the document to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for further manipulation and use. See the Document Creation Help for tips to create a document that will display correctly when it is exported to Excel.
- HTML file: Export the document to an html file in a separate window.
You can export a document from within the document or directly from a folder. You can also export a single grid or graph report to a PDF file or an Excel spreadsheet. For directions, see How to Export a Grid or Graph Report from a Document.
You are prompted for the following when you export a document, unless the document designer has specified the default exporting options for the document:
- If your document is grouped, you can choose to export the entire document or only the selected group element. Page-by allows you to view the document by a selected group element. For information on grouping and page-by, including examples, see the Document Creation Help.
- If your document contains multiple layouts, you can choose to export the entire document or only the layout currently being viewed by the user. For specific information on how multi-layout documents are exported to Excel and PDF, see Introduction to Exporting a Document with Multiple Layouts.
To export an open document
- Click the name of the document to execute it.
Click the menu icon
on the right, point to Export, then select the file format in which to export the document. The options are:
- Excel
If an export format is not available on the toolbar, that export format has not been made available for this document. For instructions, see the Document Creation Help.
If the Export dialog box opens, perform the following steps:
If the document contains multiple layouts, you can determine which layouts to export. Select one of the following:
- To export all layouts in the document, select All layouts. If you are exporting the document as an Excel file, each layout is exported to a separate worksheet in the file. If you are exporting the document as a PDF file, each layout starts on a new page.
- To export only the layout that is currently displayed, select Current layout.
If the document is grouped, data in the document is displayed on multiple pages based on the items in the Grouping panel. Do one of the following:
- To export all of the pages in the document, select the Expand page-by checkbox.
- To export only the currently displayed page, clear the Expand page-by checkbox.
Depending on the file type, you may be prompted to open or save the exported file. You can choose to either:
- Open the file, by clicking Open. A copy of the document opens in a browser.
- Save the file, by clicking Save. Name and save the file. Do not change the file type.
To export a document directly from a folder
Do one of the following:
- If DHTML is enabled, right-click the document, point to Run as, and select the format to export to.
is disabled, click the Export
or PDF icon
in the Actions column.
If an export format is not available on the toolbar, that export format has not been made available for this document. For instructions, see the Document Creation Help.
- If the document contains prompts, answer them and click Export.
Depending on the file type, you may be prompted to open or save the exported file. You can choose to either:
- Open the file, by clicking Open. A copy of the document opens in a browser.
- Save the file, by clicking Save. Name and save the file. Do not change the file type.