MicroStrategy ONE

ODBC Driver for Netezza for Linux

ODBC driver for Netezza is not a MicroStrategy-branded driver. The following steps show how to configure ODBC driver for Netezza.

You must modify odbcinst.ini file and odbc.ini file to create the DSN for Netezza.

To Configure ODBC Driver for Netezza

Begin by installing the ODBC Driver for Netezza for the correct operating system. For information on installation, refer to the product documentation provided directly by the database vendor.

The directory where Netezza is installed should always be accessible to MicroStrategy Intelligence Server.

The following set of instructions are divided into two sections: how to modify the odbcinst.ini file and how to modify the odbc.ini file.

To Modify the odbcinst.ini File

  1. In a Linux console window, browse to HOME_PATH, where HOME_PATH is the directory you specified as the home directory during installation.
  2. Edit the odbcinst.ini file and replace all instances of <NETEZZA_ODBC_DIR> with the location of the directory where the Netezza ODBC Driver is installed. An example of this is as follows:

    If the original path is:

    Driver = /<NETEZZA_ODBC_DIR>/lib64/libnzodbc.so 

    Then the modified path will be:

    Driver = /usr/odbc/netezzahome/lib64/libnzodbc.so
  3. Save the odbcinst.ini file.

To Modify the odbc.ini File

  1. Open the odbc.ini.example file and search for the section that starts with [IBM NETEZZA].
  2. Open the MicroStrategy odbc.ini file.
  3. Copy and paste the contents from the odbc.ini.example file for your Netezza ODBC driver. You should paste the contents of the DSN exactly as they appear in the example file.
  4. Make the following changes to the copied sample file:

    • Modify the driver location to match the location of the installed Netezza ODBC Driver.
    • Change the database, server name, user name, and password, and any other relevant parameters to match the information for your database. For information on the available parameters, refer to your third-party Netezza driver documentation. This can often be found along with the driver installation.
  5. Save the odbc.ini file.

For details on these DSN parameters, refer to the product documentation provided by the database vendor.