MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server for Windows and Linux

The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for the MicroStrategy-branded version of the Microsoft SQL Server driver:

  • Data Source Name: A name to identify the Microsoft SQL Server data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Personnel or SQLServer-1 can serve to identify the connection.
  • Host Name: Enter the name of a SQL Server on your network. For example, if your network supports named servers, you can specify an address such as SQLServer-1. You can also specify the IP address such as 123.45.678.998. Contact your system administrator for the server name or IP address.

    Additionally, if you use named instances to distinguish SQL Server databases, you can include the named instance along with either the server name or IP address using the format ServerName\NamedInstance or IPAddress\NamedInstance. The following are examples of providing the server name for your SQL Server database:

    • SQLServer-1\Instance1
    • 123.45.678.998\Instance1
  • Port Number: The port number for the connection. The default port number for SQL Server is usually 1433. Check with your database administrator for the correct number.
  • Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server does not support SSL, the connection fails.

    This option replaces the previous function, Enable Azure. If you want to use the Enable Azure option, please deselect Validate Server Certificate.

  • CryptoProtocolVersion: Specifies a cryptographic protocol or protocols that can be used when SSL is enabled.
  • ValidatedServerCertificate: Determines whether the driver validates the certificate that is sent by the database server when SSL encryption is enabled.
  • TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL is enabled.
  • Host Name in Certificate: Enter a host name for certificate validation when SSL encryption and validation are enabled.
  • Database Name: The name of the database to connect to by default. The database administrator assigns the database name.
  • Use Windows NT Authentication for login ID: This option is available if you are configuring your connection on Windows. Select this check box to use Windows NT authentication to pass a user's credentials on the Windows machine to execute against a SQL Server database.

    If you use Windows NT authentication with SQL Server, you must enter the Windows NT account user name and password in the Service Manager. For information on the Service Manager, see the System Administration Help.

    Inserting date data into SQL Server 2000 tables can cause errors if the system's Regional Settings are not set properly. Ensure that the date format is defined to be in an English format.