MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy ODBC Driver for Oracle Wire Protocol for Windows and Linux

The following information is required for setting up the driver connection for MicroStrategy ODBC driver for Oracle Wire Protocol:

  • Data Source Name: Enter a name to identify the Oracle data source configuration in MicroStrategy. For example, Finance or Oracle-1 can serve to identify the connection. A DSN is required for any Oracle Wire Protocol connection. Depending on whether you want to use a standard connection or a TNSNames connection, refer to one of the following lists of options below:
  • Standard Connection: A standard connection is configured through Oracle Wire Protocol with the following connection parameters:
    • Host Name: The name of the Oracle server to be accessed. For example, the server could be named Oracle-1 or an IP address such as 123.456.789.98.
    • Port Number: The Oracle listener port number provided by your database administrator. The default port number is usually 1521.
    • One of the following parameters; which one you choose is up to your personal preference:
      • SID: The Oracle System Identifier for the instance of Oracle running on the server. The default SID is usually ORCL.
      • Service Name: The global database name, which includes the database name and the domain name. For example, if your database name is finance and its domain is business.com the service name is finance.business.com.
    • Alternate Servers: A list of alternate database servers to enable connection failover for the driver. If the primary database server entered as the SID or service name is unavailable, a connection to the servers in this list is attempted until a connection can be established. You can list the servers in SID or service name format, as shown in the following examples:
      • Using an SID: (HostName=DB_server_name: PortNumber=1526:SID=ORCL)
      • Using a Service Name: (HostName=DB_server_name: PortNumber=1526:ServiceName=service.name.com)
  • Enable SSL: The data is encrypted using SSL. If the database server does not support SSL, the connection fails.

  • CryptoProtocolVersion: Specifies a cryptographic protocol or protocols that can be used when SSL is enabled.

  • ValidatedServerCertificate: Determines whether the driver validates the certificate that is sent by the database server when SSL encryption is enabled.

  • TrustStore: Enter the directory of the truststore file to be used when SSL is enabled.

  • Host Name in Certificate: Enter a host name for certificate validation when SSL encryption and validation are enabled.

  • TNSNames Connection: A TNSNames connection uses a TNSNAMES.ORA file to retrieve host, port number, and SID information from a server (alias or Oracle net service name) listed in the TNSNAMES.ORA file. A TNSNames connection requires the following parameters:
    • Server Name: A server name, which is included in a TNSNAMES.ORA file included in the TNSNames File text box below.
    • TNSNames File: The location of your TNSNAMES.ORA file. Make sure to enter the entire path to the TNSNAMES.ORA file, including the file name itself. You can specify multiple TNSNAMES.ORA files.

When connecting to an installation of Oracle as metadata, it is imperative that the ODBC driver is configured to use the character set parameters as the Oracle metadata installation. This is controlled through the IANAAppCodePage option in the odbc.ini file.

Follow these steps to determine the character set of your Oracle metadata installation and adjust the odbc.ini files:

  1. Open the MicroStrategy ODBC Test Tool and connect to your database.
  2. Run the following query select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS.
  3. Note the value returned for the NLS_CHARACTERSET parameter.
  4. Find the NLS_CHARACTERSET value in the IANA Registry found at http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets/character-sets.xhtml.
  5. Open the odbc.ini file and set the IANAAppCodePage value to the assigned MIBenum value from the IANA registry.