MicroStrategy ONE
Editing a Page
This topic provides step-by-step instructions on editing a MicroStrategy Web page by using the Edit/Create Page Wizard.
Launch the Edit/Create Page Wizard (Edit).
Select the radio button Edit the following Page.
Select the name of the MicroStrategy Web page to edit from the Edit the following Page drop-down menu.
Click Next.
In the Description text box, modify the description if needed.
To rename the page, first complete other modifications as described below, and then right-click the page in the Application Settings tab. From the context menu, select Rename.
Click Next.
Select the page statuses for which the page is to have distinct templates by selecting the check box next to each applicable status.
Click Next.
- If you need to modify templates, perform the following steps for each template that you need to modify.
- Select the template to modify from the drop-down menu.
- Click on each section that needs to be replaced, one at a time. After clicking each section, you will be prompted to select a web user control file to substitute for the default. This file contains the specifications for the template section.
Click Next.
Select the toolbars to be displayed as required on the page.
Click Next.
Select Yes or No to indicate display of menus on this page.
Click Next.
Click Finish. The page is modified and opens on the right displaying the Basic Properties tab. To define additional properties for this page, refer to Page Content and Layout Manipulations for instructions.
Save your changes.