mstrio.object_management.migration package


mstrio.object_management.migration.migration module

class mstrio.object_management.migration.migration.Migration(connection: Connection, id: str | None = None, name: str | None = None)

Bases: EntityBase, ProgressBarMixin, DeleteMixin

A class encapsulating migration process from env A to env B.

Raises VersionException if either of environments are running IServer version lower than 11.3.10


ID of the migration




Name of the migration




MSTR type of the migration object. Returns either NOT_SUPPORTED or None




A MicroStrategy connection object




Information about the import process




Information about the package configuration and status




Information about the validation process




Version of the migration API



alter_migration_info(name: str | None = None, target_env: mstrio.connection.Connection | mstrio.server.environment.Environment | str = None, target_project: mstrio.server.project.Project | str = None) None

Alter the migration object info.

  • name (str, optional) – The name of the migration object.

  • target_env (Connection | Environment | str, optional) –

    The target environment for the migration. It can be a Connection object, an Environment object, or a string representing the environment

    base url.

  • target_project (Project | str, optional) – The target project for the migration. It can be a Project object or a string representing the project ID.

static build_package_config(connection: Connection, content: list[mstrio.object_management.object.Object | dict], package_settings: PackageSettings, object_action_map: list[tuple] | None = None, object_dependents_map: list[tuple] | None = None, default_action: Action = Action.USE_EXISTING, default_dependents: bool = False) PackageConfig
Build administration or object migration package definition based on the

provided content.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object.

  • content (list[Object | dict]) – List of objects to migrate.

  • package_settings (PackageSettings) – Package settings.

  • object_action_map (list[tuple], optional) – List of tuples where the first element is the object type and the second element is the action to perform. If None, default_action will be used.

  • object_dependents_map (list[tuple], optional) – List of tuples where the first element is the object type and the second element is the include_dependents flag. If None, default_dependents will be used.

  • default_action (Action, optional) – Default action to perform when migrating objects. Defaults to Action.USE_EXISTING.

  • default_dependents (bool, optional) – Default value for include_dependents flag. Defaults to False.


A new PackageConfig object.

Return type:


certify(status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationStatus | str | None = None, creator: mstrio.users_and_groups.user.User | None = None, last_updated_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, auto_sync: bool | None = None) None

Update a migration’s package certification status or trigger a process to synchronize the status.


If argument ‘auto_sync’ is True, the migration’s package certification status is synchronized with shared environment via storage service. Otherwise, the package certification status is updated with the definition of ‘status’, ‘creator’ and ‘last_updated_date’.

  • status (PackageCertificationStatus, str, optional) – Package certification status

  • creator (User, optional) – Creator of this file.

  • last_updated_date (datetime, optional) – The last updated date of the certification operation

  • auto_sync (bool, optional) – If True, the migration’s package certification status is synchronized with shared environment via storage service.

classmethod create(connection: Connection, body: dict, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None) Migration

Create a totally new migration object.

  • connection – A MicroStrategy connection object

  • body – a json body with migration details

  • project_id – ID of the project

  • project_name – Name of the project


A new Migration object

classmethod create_admin_migration(connection: Connection, toc_view: dict | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageConfig, tree_view: str | None = None, name: str | None = None) Migration

Create a new migration for administration migration purpose.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object.

  • toc_view (dict, PackageConfig) – A dictionary representing the TOC view or a PackageConfig object.

  • tree_view (str) – A string representing the tree view.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the migration. Used for identification purposes for the convenience of the user. If None default name will be generated.


A new Migration object.

classmethod create_object_migration(connection: Connection, toc_view: dict | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageConfig, tree_view: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None) Migration

Create a new migration for object migration purpose.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object.

  • toc_view (dict, PackageConfig) – A dictionary representing the TOC view or a PackageConfig object.

  • tree_view (str, optional) – A string representing the tree view.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the migration. Used for identification purposes for the convenience of the user. If None default name will be generated.

  • project_id (str, optional) – ID of the project.

  • project_name (str, optional) – Name of the project.


A new Migration object.

classmethod create_project_merge_migration(connection: Connection, toc_view: dict | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageSettings | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageTocView, tree_view: str | None = None, name: str | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, project_name: str | None = None) Migration

Create a new migration for project merge migration purpose.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object.

  • toc_view (dict) – A dictionary representing the TOC view or a ProjectMergePackageSettings | ProjectMergePackageTocView object.

  • tree_view (str) – A string representing the tree view.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the migration. Used for identification purposes for the convenience of the user. If None default name will be generated.

  • project_id (str, optional) – ID of the project.

  • project_name (str, optional) – Name of the project.


A new Migration object.

delete(force: bool = False) bool

Deletes the Migration.


force – If True, no additional prompt will be shown before deleting Migration.


True for success. False otherwise.

download_package(save_path: str | None = None) dict

Download the package binary to the specified location.

  • save_path – a full path where the package binary will be saved.

  • None (if) –

  • directory. (the package will be saved in the current working) –


Dictionary with the filepath and file binary.

classmethod from_dict(source: dict, connection: mstrio.connection.Connection | None = None, to_snake_case: bool = True)

Initialize Migration object from dictionary.

get_migration_content() dict

Get full body of the migration object

migrate(target_env: mstrio.connection.Connection | mstrio.server.environment.Environment, target_project_id: str | None = None, target_project_name: str | None = None, generate_undo: bool = True)

Migrate the package to the target environment. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • target_env (Connection, Environment) – Destination environment to migrate the package.

  • target_project_id (str, optional) – ID of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • target_project_name (str, optional) – Name of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • generate_undo (bool, optional) – Specify weather to generate an undo package or not. True by default.

classmethod migrate_from_file(connection: Connection, file_path: str, package_type: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageType | str, name: str | None = None, target_project_id: str | None = None, target_project_name: str | None = None) Migration

Create a new migration object from an existing package file. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object.

  • file_path (str) – A full path to the package file.

  • package_type (PackageType | str) – Type of the package.

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the migration. Used for identification purposes for the convenience of the user. Defaults to None.

  • target_project_id (str, optional) – ID of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • target_project_name (str, optional) – Name of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.


A new Migration object.

Return type:


reuse(target_env: mstrio.connection.Connection | mstrio.server.environment.Environment, target_project_id: str | None = None, target_project_name: str | None = None) Migration

Reuse an already migrated package to create a new one with the same properties, and then migrate it to a different environment or the same one.

  • target_env (Connection, Environment) – Target environment to migrate reused package to.

  • target_project_id (str, optional) – ID of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • target_project_name (str, optional) – Name of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.


A new Migration object based on the reused package.

reverse(target_env: mstrio.server.environment.Environment | mstrio.connection.Connection, target_project_id: str | None = None) None

Reverse the migration process by importing the undo package.

  • target_env (Environment, Connection) – Destination environment to reverse the migration.

  • target_project_id (str, optional) – ID of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

trigger_validation(target_env: mstrio.connection.Connection | mstrio.server.environment.Environment, target_project_id: str | None = None, target_project_name: str | None = None) None

Trigger a validate process to migrate the package from the source environment to the destination environment according to the action defined, without committing any changes to the metadata. This API can only be called by administrator when package is created.

  • target_env (Connection, Environment) – Destination environment to validate the package.

  • target_project_id (str, optional) – ID of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

  • target_project_name (str, optional) – Name of the target project. Project information is required in case of object migration.

mstrio.object_management.migration.migration.list_migration_possible_content(connection: Connection, package_type: PackageType) list[mstrio.types.ObjectTypes | mstrio.types.ObjectSubTypes]

List possible content for migration process based on the package type and environment version.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object

  • package_type (PackageType) – Type of the package


Set of MigratedObjectTypes

mstrio.object_management.migration.migration.list_migrations(connection: Connection, name: str | None = None, migration_purpose: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.MigrationPurpose | str | None = None, package_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStatus | str | None = None, import_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ImportStatus | str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, to_dictionary: bool = False) list[mstrio.object_management.migration.migration.Migration] | list[dict]

Get list of Migration objects. Optionally use to_dictionary to choose output format.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy connection object

  • name (str, optional) – characters that the Migration name must contain

  • migration_purpose (MigrationPurpose, str, optional) – purpose of the migration can be either ‘object_migration’, ‘project_merge’ or ‘migration_from_shared_file_store’. If None returns migration of all purposes

  • package_status (PackageStatus, str, optional) – status of the migration package

  • import_status (ImportStatus, str, optional) – status of the Migration import process

  • limit (integer, optional) – limit the number of elements returned. If None all object are returned

  • to_dictionary (bool, optional) – If True returns dict, by default (False) returns Metric objects


List of Migration objects or list of dictionaries

mstrio.object_management.migration.package module

class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Action(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

The default action used for objects which don’t have actions explicitly, for example the dependents objects. USE_EXISTING: No change is made to the destination object. The source object is not copied. REPLACE: The destination object is replaced with the source object. Note the following:

  • If the conflict type is Exists identically except for path, or

Exists identically except for Distribution Services objects, the destination object is updated to reflect the path or Distribution Services addresses and contacts of the source object. • Replace moves the object into the same parent folder as source object. If the parent path is the same between source and destination but the grandparent path is different, Replace may appear to do nothing because Replace puts the object into the same parent path. • Non-empty folders in the destination location will never have the same version ID and modification time as the source, because the folder is copied first and the objects are added to it, thus changing version ID and modification times during the copy process.

KEEP_BOTH: No change is made to the destination object. The source object is duplicated if destination object doesn’t exist. But if the destination object exists with the same id and same version, this source object is ignored.If the destination object exists with the same id and different version, this source object is saved as new object. USE_NEWER: If the source object’s modification time is more recent than the destination object’s, the Replace action is used.Otherwise, the Use existing action is used. USE_OLDER: If the source object’s modification time is more recent than the destination object’s, the Use existing action is used. Otherwise, the Replace action is used. FORCE_REPLACE: Replace the object in the destination project with the version of the object in the update package, even if both versions of the object have the same Version ID. DELETE: Delete the object from the destination project. The version of the object in the update package is not imported into the destination project.Warning: If the object in the destination has any used-by dependencies when you import the update package, the import will fail.

DELETE = 'delete'
FORCE_REPLACE = 'force_replace'
KEEP_BOTH = 'keep_both'
REPLACE = 'replace'
USE_EXISTING = 'use_existing'
USE_NEWER = 'use_newer'
USE_OLDER = 'use_older'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ImportInfo(id: str, environment: mstrio.server.environment.Environment | dict, creator: mstrio.users_and_groups.user.User | None = None, creation_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, last_updated_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ImportStatus | None = None, import_request_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.RequestStatus | None = None, undo_request_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.RequestStatus | None = None, progress: float | None = None, message: str | None = None, undo_storage: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStorage | None = None, project: mstrio.server.project.Project | None = None, deleted: bool | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Python representation of a ImportInfo Migration field. .. attribute:: id

ID of the import




Creator data id name full_name (str, optional)


dict, optional


Date of creation, in the format “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ”


str, optional


Date of last update, in the format “yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSZ”


str, optional


Environment data id name




Status of the import.


ImportStatus, optional


Status of the import request.


RequestStatus, optional


Status of the undo request.


RequestStatus, optional


Progress of the import.


float, optional


Record information such as the reason of import failure


str, optional


Storage data for the undo package size path


dict, optional


Project data id name


dict, optional


Whether the import is deleted


bool, optional

creation_date: datetime.datetime | None = None
creator: mstrio.users_and_groups.user.User | None = None
deleted: bool | None = None
environment: mstrio.server.environment.Environment | dict
id: str
import_request_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.RequestStatus | None = None
last_updated_date: datetime.datetime | None = None
message: str | None = None
progress: float | None = None
project: mstrio.server.project.Project | None = None
status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ImportStatus | None = None
undo_request_status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.RequestStatus | None = None
undo_storage: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStorage | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ImportStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

Status of Migration Import. Allowed values are: - pending - importing - imported - import_failed - undoing - undo_success - undo_failed

IMPORTED = 'imported'
IMPORTING = 'importing'
IMPORT_FAILED = 'import_failed'
PENDING = 'pending'
UNDOING = 'undoing'
UNDO_FAILED = 'undo_failed'
UNDO_SUCCESS = 'undo_success'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.MigratedObjectTypes(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'
AUTO_STYLE = 'auto_style'
BASE_FORMULA = 'base_formula'
BOT = 'bot'
CALENDAR = 'calendar'
CARD = 'card'
COLUMN = 'column'
CONSOLIDATION = 'consolidation'
CONSOLIDATION_ELEMENT = 'consolidation_element'
CONTENT_BUNDLE = 'content_bundle'
CUSTOM_APPLICATION = 'custom_application'
CUSTOM_GROUP = 'custom_group'
DASHBOARD = 'dashboard'
DATASET = 'dataset'
DATA_SOURCE = 'data_source'
DEVICE = 'device'
DOCUMENT = 'document'
DRILL_MAP = 'drill_map'
EXTERNAL_SHORTCUT = 'external_shortcut'
FACT = 'fact'
FILTER = 'filter'
FUNCTION = 'function'
HIERARCHY = 'hierarchy'
LOCALE = 'locale'
METRIC = 'metric'
PALETTE = 'palette'
PROMPT = 'prompt'
REPORT = 'report'
SCHEDULE_EVENT = 'schedule_event'
SCHEDULE_TRIGGER = 'schedule_trigger'
SCRIPT = 'script'
SCRIPT_RUNTIME_ENV = 'script_runtime_env'
SEARCH = 'search'
SECURITY_FILTER = 'security_filter'
SECURITY_ROLE = 'security_role'
SHORTCUT = 'shortcut'
SMART_ATTRIBUTE = 'smart_attribute'
SUBTOTAL = 'subtotal'
TABLE = 'table'
TEMPLATE = 'template'
TIMEZONE = 'timezone'
TRANSFORMATION = 'transformation'
TRANSMITTER = 'transmitter'
USER = 'user'
USER_GROUP = 'user_group'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.MigrationPurpose(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

Migration purpose. Possible values are: - object_migration - project_merge - migration_from_shared_file_store

FROM_FILE = 'migration_from_shared_file_store'
OBJECT_MIGRATION = 'object_migration'
PROJECT_MERGE = 'project_merge'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ObjectMigrationPackageTocView(settings: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings, content: list[mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo] | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

content: list[mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo] | None = None
settings: PackageSettings
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationInfo(status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationStatus, operator: mstrio.users_and_groups.user.User, last_updated_date: datetime.datetime)

Bases: Dictable

last_updated_date: datetime
operator: User
status: PackageCertificationStatus
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

CERTIFIED = 'certified'
REJECTED = 'rejected'
REQUESTED = 'requested'
UNCERTIFIED = 'uncertified'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageConfig(settings: PackageSettings, content: list[mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo] | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo)

Bases: Dictable

Package Update Data Transfer Object


settings details of package




content details of package


PackageContentInfo, List[PackageContentInfo]

class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo(id: str, action: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Action | str = Action.USE_EXISTING, name: str | None = None, version: str | None = None, type: mstrio.types.ObjectTypes | None = None, owner: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo.Owner | None = None, date_created: str | None = None, date_modified: str | None = None, include_dependents: bool | None = None, explicit_included: bool | None = None, level: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageContentInfo.Level | str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Object representation of package content information


object ID




The action to resolve the conflict.




object name




object version




object type




owner of object




object creation date




object modification date




whether include the dependents for this object or not




whether explicitly included or not




level of object



class Level(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

CONFIGURATION_OBJECT = 'configuration_object'
PROJECT_OBJECT = 'project_object'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
class Owner(id: str, connection: Optional[Connection] = None)

Bases: User

This class overrides from_dict() and __init__() methods as PackageContentInfo inherits from Dictable and not EntityBase. Therefore, despite Owner being a User, connection param here is optional. If connection is specified, User constructor will be used

classmethod from_dict(source: dict[str, any], connection: Optional[Connection] = None)
Overrides Dictable.from_dict() to instantiate an object from

a dictionary without calling any additional getters.

  • cls (T) – Class (type) of an object that should be created.

  • source (dict[str, Any]) – a dictionary from which an object will be constructed.

  • connection (Connection) – A MicroStrategy Connection object.

  • to_snake_case (bool, optional) – Set to True if attribute names should be converted from camel case to snake case, default True.

  • with_missing_value – (bool, optional): If True, class attributes possible to fetch and missing in source will be set as MissingValue objects.


An object of type T.

Return type:


class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageInfo(name: str, creator: User, creation_date: datetime, last_updated_date: datetime, type: PackageType, environment: str | None = None, id: str | None = None, replicated: bool | None = None, storage: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStorage | None = None, project: mstrio.server.project.Project | None = None, status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStatus | None = None, message: str | None = None, warnings: list[mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageWarning] | None = None, progress: float | None = None, deleted: bool | None = None, existing: bool | None = None, toc_view: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageTocView | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ObjectMigrationPackageTocView | None = None, purpose: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.MigrationPurpose | None = None, tree_view: dict | None = None, certification: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationInfo | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

Python representation of a PackageInfo Migration field.


ID of the mapped attribute


ID of the mapped attribute’s form

certification: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageCertificationInfo | None = None
creation_date: datetime
creator: User
deleted: bool | None = None
environment: str | None = None
existing: bool | None = None
id: str | None = None
last_updated_date: datetime
message: str | None = None
name: str
progress: float | None = None
project: mstrio.server.project.Project | None = None
purpose: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.MigrationPurpose | None = None
replicated: bool | None = None
status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStatus | None = None
storage: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStorage | None = None
toc_view: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageTocView | mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ObjectMigrationPackageTocView | None = None
tree_view: dict | None = None
type: PackageType
warnings: list[mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageWarning] | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageObjectAction(id: str, action: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Action, object_type: mstrio.types.ObjectTypes | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

action: Action
id: str
object_type: mstrio.types.ObjectTypes | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageObjectTypeAction(type: mstrio.types.ObjectTypes, action: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Action, sub_type: mstrio.types.ObjectSubTypes | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

action: Action
sub_type: mstrio.types.ObjectSubTypes | None = None
type: ObjectTypes
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings(default_action: Action = Action.USE_EXISTING, update_schema: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings.UpdateSchema | None = None, acl_on_replacing_objects: AclOnReplacingObjects = AclOnReplacingObjects.USE_EXISTING, acl_on_new_objects: AclOnNewObjects = AclOnNewObjects.KEEP_ACL_AS_SOURCE_OBJECT)

Bases: Dictable

Object representation of package settings details.


default action for Package




update_schema for Package




ACL setting on replacing objects




ACL setting on new objects



class AclOnNewObjects(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

If you add a new object to the destination project with the “Create New” or “Keep Both action”, you can choose to have the object inherit its ACL from the destination folder instead of keeping its own ACL. This is helpful when copying an object into a user’s profile folder, so that the user can have full control over the object.

INHERIT_ACL_AS_DEST_FOLDER = 'inherit_acl_as_dest_folder'
KEEP_ACL_AS_SOURCE_OBJECT = 'keep_acl_as_source_object'
class AclOnReplacingObjects(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

If you resolve a conflict with the “Replace” action, and the access control lists (ACL) of the objects are different between the two projects, you can choose whether to keep the existing ACL in the destination project or replace it with the ACL from the source project. Note: This is not supported for project security packages.

KEEP_BOTH = 'keep_both'
REPLACE = 'replace'
USE_EXISTING = 'use_existing'
class UpdateSchema(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

They allow you to configure the package to automatically perform certain schema update functions. These options can be useful if you make any changes to schema objects. Use the recalculate table keys and fact entry levels if you changed the key structure of a table or if you changed the level at which a fact is stored.Use the recalculate table logical sizes to override any modifications that you have made to logical table sizes. (Logical table sizes affect how the MicroStrategy SQL Engine determines which tables to use in a query.)

RECAL_TABLE_KEYS_FACT_ENTRY_LEVEL = 'recal_table_keys_fact_entry_level'
RECAL_TABLE_LOGICAL_SIZE = 'recal_table_logical_size'
UPDATE_SCHEMA_LOGICAL_INFO = 'update_schema_logical_info'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

Status of Migration Package. Allowed values are: - locked - created - create_failed - creating - empty - unknown

CREATED = 'created'
CREATE_FAILED = 'create_failed'
CREATING = 'creating'
EMPTY = 'empty'
LOCKED = 'locked'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageStorage(size: int | None = None, path: str | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

path: str | None = None
size: int | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

Migration type.

ADMINISTRATION = 'configuration'
OBJECT = 'project'
PROJECT = 'project_security'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageWarning(message: str | None = None, iserver_error_code: int | None = None, banned_object_count: int | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

banned_object_count: int | None = None
iserver_error_code: int | None = None
message: str | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageSettings(acl_on_replacing_objects: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings.AclOnReplacingObjects, acl_on_new_objects: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings.AclOnNewObjects, default_action: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Action, validate_dependencies: bool, translation_action: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.TranslationAction, folder_actions: dict | None = None, object_actions: dict | None = None, object_type_actions: dict | None = None, update_schema: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings.UpdateSchema | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

acl_on_new_objects: AclOnNewObjects
acl_on_replacing_objects: AclOnReplacingObjects
default_action: Action
folder_actions: dict | None = None
object_actions: dict | None = None
object_type_actions: dict | None = None
translation_action: TranslationAction
update_schema: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.PackageSettings.UpdateSchema | None = None
validate_dependencies: bool
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageTocView(settings: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ProjectMergePackageSettings)

Bases: Dictable

settings: ProjectMergePackageSettings
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.RequestStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

Status of a request such as import or undo. Allowed values are: - unknown - pending - requested - rejected - approved

APPROVED = 'approved'
PENDING = 'pending'
REJECTED = 'rejected'
REQUESTED = 'requested'
UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.TranslationAction(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

Translation action for Project Merge Package Settings. Allowed values are: - not_merged - use_existing - replace - force_replace

FORCE_REPLACE = 'force_replace'
NOT_MERGED = 'not_merged'
REPLACE = 'replace'
USE_EXISTING = 'use_existing'
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.Validation(status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ValidationStatus | None = None, progress: float | None = None, message: str | None = None, creation_date: datetime.datetime | None = None, last_update_date: datetime.datetime | None = None)

Bases: Dictable

creation_date: datetime.datetime | None = None
last_update_date: datetime.datetime | None = None
message: str | None = None
progress: float | None = None
status: mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ValidationStatus | None = None
class mstrio.object_management.migration.package.ValidationStatus(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: AutoName

VALIDATED = 'validated'
VALIDATING = 'validating'
VALIDATION_FAILED = 'validation_failed'

Module contents